Mixed Q’s 7 Flashcards
Organ least vulnerable to infarction
Stroke in young patient
Patent foramen ovale
2o failure of the atrial septum primum and secundum to fuse
Administration of IV fluids in hypovolumieic pt CVS changes
Increased Lt vent end diastolic volume
Increased preload
Increase end diastolic sarcomere length
Increased stroke volume
Increased C.O
Linkage disequilibrium
When a pair of alleles are inherited together due to close proximity
HBV replication cycle
Partial dsDNA is transcribed —> single strand mRNA template and then converted by viral reverse transcriptase into partial dsDNa of viral progeny which are released from cells
Motility disorder 2o reduced inhibitory ganglion cells in oesophageal wall
Decreased strength of peristalsis
Incomplete relaxation of LES
5 alpha reductase inhibitor
MoA:- blocks conversion of testosterone to DHT in prostate . Decrease prostate volume
SE: ED, decreased libido
Alpha adrenergic antagonist
MoA:- relax smooth muscle in bladder neck
Use: BPH
SE:- othostatic HTN, dizziness
Dubin Johnson syndrome
Defective hepatic excretion of bilirubin glucuronides
Presentation:- hyperbilirubinaemia
Trigger illness, ocp
Other labs normal
Histo: Liver appears black 2o impaired excretion of epinephrine metabolites / pigment in lysosomes
CVS/ Renal SLE manifestation
Libman-Sacks endocarditis :- sterile vegetations on both sides of valve
Accelerated atherosclerosis
Diffuse GN :- diffuse thickening of glomerular capillary wall with wire loop structures on light microscopy
Retroperitoneal haematoma likely due to damage to which organ
Drug target stops HIV viral fusion
Chemokine receptor CCR5 antagonist —>maraviroc
Alpha 1 and alpha 2 adrenergic antagonist
Non competitive inhibitor of norepinephrine
When given with epinephrine —> decreases maximal effect Vmax non change in affinity Km
Pathogenesis of type I and II DM MODY
I DM —> cell mediated immunity —> infiltration of islet by inflammatory cells
MODY :- impaired glucose sensing and insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells
II DM :- islet amyloid deposition
Increased osteoclast activity
2o decreased osteoprotegerin
Increased RANK/RANKL
Increasing bone resporption
Fluphenazine / first gen antipsychotics
MoA :- low potency 9 chlopromazine) —> histamine anticholinergic
high potency ( haloperidol, fluphenazine) —-> D2 receptor antagonist
Use: schizophrenia, psychosis
SE ;- low potency :— sedation, orthostatic hypotension, constipation
High potency:- extrapyramidal symptoms
Statin MoA
Causes hepatocytes to increase their LDL receptor density
Apoprotein in VLDL and LDL
If VLDL/LDL decrease —> decrease in AP0B-100
Familial Dilated cardiomyopathy
AD mutation in the TTN gene coding for Titin protein
Presentation: -decompensated HF
Sudden death 2o ventricular arrhythmia
Path of venous catheter to LA
Iliac vein —> IVC—> RA —> intraatrial septum at the site of the foramen ovale —> LA
Pulsus paradoxus
Drop in SBP during inspiration / drop in pulse amplitude during inspiration
Abdominal aortic aneurysm Pathogenesis
Chronic inflammation and extracellular matrix degreadation of wall of aorta
WPW ecg triad
Short PR
Slurred upstroke of QRS - delta wave
QRS widening
B adrenergic agonist
Weak alpha agonist
Stimulation of B1 reception —> increased production of cAMP and increased cytosolic Ca conc
Increased myocardial contractility
Cardiac haemochromatosis
Diastolic LT ventricular dysfunction
Progresses to dilated cardiomyopathy
Sinus node dysfunction ( syncope, malignancy arrhythmias)
Sudden death 2o ventricular
Brown granular deposits on myocyte as
Transposition of the great arteries
Cyanosis congenital heart disease
2o failed spiraling of the aorticopulmopnary septum
The aorta lies anterior and to the Rt of the pulmonary artery carrying deoxygenated bld
AS complications
Decreased Lt vent compliance —-> diastolic dysfucntion —> heart failure
Increased in LT ventricular wall stress —> due to high chamber pressures —> increased in O2 demand —> angina
Local Complication of norepinephrine IV
Venous balancing, induration and pallor 2o norepinephrine leak —> alpha 1 mediated vasoconstriction —> eventual tissue necrosis
Treatment:- phenytolamine —> alpha 1 blocker
Complication of fermoral arter catheterisation above inguinal ligament
Retroperitoneal haemorrhage
Down syndrome complications
Early onset Alzheimers
Duodenal atresia 2o failure of duodenal recanalisation
Hirschsprung disease
Pronator teres syndrome
Forceful pronation - playing tennis
Median nerve compression between 2 heads of the pronator teres
Presentation: sensory loss lateral plam, thenar, 3 1/2 digits
GLUT 4 is only one responsive to insulin found in skeletal and adipocytes facilitating glucose uptake
GLUT 1,2,3,5 are insulin independent found in brain, kidney, liver, RBC, intestine
Pt with CF confused, lethargy vomiting likely electrolyte distrutabce
Aging changes in lung capacity
Decreased chest wall compliance
Lung compliance increases
Increase in RV
TLC unchanged
Decreased FVC
Decreased FEV1
Polio antibody level between IM and ORal
Oral - Sabin has more oropharygeal and duodenal luminal IgA
Thyroglossal duct cyst
Failed atrophy of thyroglossal duct in utero
Located between base of tongue to thryroid isthmus
Ant midline mass moves with swallowing of sticking out tongue
Stem cell transplantation 2o congenital genomic disease. Suitable donors
Matched unrelated donor
Self/ identical sibling donor will have the congenital disease
Unmatched siblings wont have the same HLA alleles
Thiamine deficiency
Wet beriberi :- cardiomyopathy, HF
Dry beriberi:- symmetric preipheral neuropathy
Maternal thiamine deficiency can lead to deficiency in exclusively breast fed baby
Decreased erythrocytes transketolase ( thiamine dependent enz)
Will also affecte alpha ketogluterate and pyruvate dehydrogenase ( producing + lactate)
Chronic lung transplant rejection
Presentation:- months/ years after transplantation
slowly worsening dypnoea, dry cough
End resp squeaks or pops
FEV1 reduced ( obstructive)
Pathology:- submucosal lymphocytic inflammation small airways
Ehrlichia chaffeensis
Transmission:- tick bite white tailed deer in the south
Histo:- replicates in monocytes, forms mulberry shaped intraleukocytic inclusions ( morulae)
Presentation:- fever, myalgia, macuolpapular rash, lymphopenia
Conversion disorder
Deficits os voluntary motor +/- sensory function incompatible with any neuro condition
Somatic symptoms disorder
1 or more unexplained symptoms, excessive thoughts health anxiety and preoccupation worth the symptoms
When does bld flow into the vascular beds of the left ventricle
During diastole
Mutation of RET
Medullary thyroid cancer > 95%
Phaeochromocytoma >50%
Parathyroid hyperplasia
Malaria in Brazil
P vivax
Has hyponozoite phase —> can reappear after weeks or ,months
Trophozoite phase:- rings in RBCs
Giardiasis Mgx
Diarrhoea in hikers/campers malabsorption, flatulence
Ciprofloxacin is used to treat what kind of diarrhoeal illness
Inflammatory traveler’s diarrhoea ( blood and mucus in stool)
Diphtheria primary treatment
G+ve rod non spore forming
Diphtheria antitoxin to inactivate circulating toxins
Vibrio vulnificus
Curved G-ve bacteria
Lives in marine environment
Transmission:- raw seafood , wound contamination
Usually mild symptoms
Increased risk of severe disease with liver disease or iron overload
2o Haemophilius ducreyi
Curved G-ve rods in a clumping pattern
Causes:- painful deep ulcer with ragged borders, gray exudate and inguinal lymphadenopathy
G+ve filamentous bacteria, aerobic, partially acid fast
(2o Mycolic acid in cell wall )
Transmission:- soil spore inhalation /inoculation
Presentation:- pneumonia, brain abscess, cutaneous involvement
Chagas disease
2o trypanosoma Cruzi a C or U shaped flagellated parasite
Transmission:- kissing
Endemic:- S. America
Presentation :- dilated oesphagus +/- 2o achalasia
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Common causes of intraabdominal infection
Bacterioides fragilis
E. Coli
Both part of the Normal colonic flora
Herpes Simplex encephalitis
Presentation :- altered mental state
Focal neuro deficits
MRI:- abnormal signal in bitemporal lobes
LP:- haemorrhagic lymphocytosis, increased protein, Normal glucose
Mgx:- acyclovir : - nucleoside analog when active competes with viral DNA polymerase
Babesia microti
Transmission:- deer tick
Presentation:- fever, myalgia, flu like symptom
Anaemia, thrombocytopenia, spleenomegaly
Bld smear:- intraeythrocytic inclusion
How can Ethanol cause hypoglycaemia
Inhibiting gluconeogenesis
Before alanine can be converted to glucose it transfers its amino group to
Alpha ketoglutarate —-> glutamate which then enters the urea cycle in the liver to dispose of nitrogen in catabolism
Benign neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia
Peak in first few days of life and self resolve
Raised bilirubin
Decreased bilirubin conjugation
Raised enterohepatic bilirubin circulation
What enzyme takes over in fructokinase deficiency
Fructose ——> fructose -6-phosphate
Transcription factors that contain zinc fingers
Interact with intracellular receptors bind lipid soluble hormones and bid directly to target DNS via zinc fingers to regulate gene expression
Thryoid hormone
Steroids ( oestrogen, aldosterone, cortisol)
Fat soluble vitamins
Causes of 2o lactose intolerance
Inflammation —> coeliac
Infection —> giardiasis
Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency are due to which impairment
Impairment of collagen hydroxylation which occurs in the rough endoplasmic reticulum
Fluid loss in diabetes insidious
Hyperosmotic volume contraction
Osmolarity increased
Volume decreased in ECF and ICF
Fructokinase deficiency
Benign condition AR
Copper reduction test +Ve ( detects reducing sugar)
Urine dip / testing for glucose oxidase -ve ( wont test for fructose or galactose )
Maneuvers that increase/decrease HCM murmur
Increase:- standing, nitroglycerin administration, valsalva strain phase ( all decrease preload)
Decrease:- hand grip, passive leg raising, squatting
Carcinoid syndrome
Presentation:- episodic flushing, secretory diarrhoea and wheezing
Pathognomic —> plaque like deposits of fibrous tissue in RT side of heart —> TR and Rt HF
Raised levels urinary 5 hydrooxyindoleacetic acid
Presence of S3
Sign of systolic HF
Indicate severe MR
Carotid sinus hypersensitivity
Common in older pts
Assoc with tactile stimulation of the carotid sinus e.g while shaving
Increase BP —> baroreceptor—> increase fatal stimulation —> PSNS —> decreased HR increased SNS vasodilation decreased systemic vascular resistance
Lead to vasovagal attack
complication of lrge PE a
Increase RV pressure
RV cavity enlargement —> RV dysfunction — > decreased CO —> Rt HF / corpulmonale
Major contributor to AF
Atrial remodelling
Other risk factors :- age , HF, mitral valve diseae
Bicuspid aortic valve complication
Significant aortic stenosis age 50 ( >10 years sooner than normal aging)
Normally asymptomatic in childhood
Peripartum. Cardiomyopathy
Form of dilated cardiomyopathy
Eccentric hypertrophy
Increase vent compliance
CO maintained ( temporarily)
Low EF and Lt vent HF
S3 sound in dilated cardiomyopathy
Acute MR ventricular haemodynamics
Increase LT Vent EDV —> i.e increase preload
Decreased afterload
Increased Ejection fraction
Decrease SV
Failure of obliteration of ompahlomesentric duct
Meckels diverticulum
Intestinal malrotation
Presentation:- neonatal bilious vomiting
Pathology:- intestinal malrotation —> duodenal compression by Ladd bands
Midgut volvulus
Matching in case control studies is used to eliminate what type of bias
Confounding ( external unmeasured factors confounding the results)
Involvement of lactiferous ducts would lead to what symptom
Nipple discharge
Skin puckering in breast is due to involvement of which structure
Suspensory ligament
MoA of monoclonal antibodies in cancer immunotherapy
The Fc portion of antibody identified by NK cells which released perforins and granzymes to induce apoptosis
Why is HbS prone to sickling
Substitution of valine to glutamic acid at the 6th amino acid promotes hydrophobic interaction between HBV molecules leading to sickling
Persistent depressive disorder
Depressive disorder >= 2 years of
Adjustment disorder
Symptoms of sadness, distress, or functional impairment occur 3/12 or less from psychosocial stressor
Major Depressive disorder
> =5 5 symptoms lasting more than 2/52
Depressed mood
Loss of appetite
Low energy
Poor concentration
Feelings of worthlessness
Thoughts of death/ suicide
Hypovoluemic shock
Reduced baroreceptor firing
Reduced stretch
Reduced ANP/ reduced PCWP
Increased Contractility
Increased SNS
Increase vasoconstriction
Increase HR
Stop codons
Signal termination of protein synthesis
Releasing factors MoA
Recognise stop codons and terminate protein synthesis
Lactose intolerance findings
Decreased stool pH
Increased breath hydrogen content
Increased stool osmolality
Korotkoff sounds in pulsus paradoxus
The difference in SBP at which korotokoff is first heard in expiration and pressure when is heard through all phases of respiration
If >10mmg = pulsus paradoxus
salbutamol/albuterol MoA
B adrenergic receptor agonists
Relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle
Via Gs protein receptor —> increase cAMP