Miscellaneous Antin=microbial Agents and Disinfectants, Antiseptics and Sterilants Flashcards
Infections caused by gram negative bacilli have occured when this cationic surfactant has been used as skin antiseptic
Benzalkonium chloride
Patient has been diagnosed with abdominal sepsis. Management should be?
Administer a drug that is active against anaerobes
Fungal superinfections have been documebted in oatients being treated with __________
What is the safest drug to use topically to treat scabies and pediculosis?
Methenamine salts are used as urinary antiseptics. THe reason they lack systemic antibacterial action is that they are
COnverted to formaldehyde only at low pH (5.5)
- Ascorbic acid is sometimes given with methenamine salts to ensure low urinary pH
T/F Metronidazole has acitivty against C. diffice
T/F neonatal gonoccal ophthalmia can be prevented by silver nitrate
T/F polymyxins act as a cationic dtergents to disrup bacterial cell membranes
T/F resistance to nitrofurans emerges rapidly and there is cross-resistance with sulfonamide
T/F Salicylic acid has usedul antidermatophytic activity when applied locally
What antiseptic promotes wound healing?
An AIDS patient’s blood was accidentally spilled on a porous surface. How will you disinfect the surface
Clean the floor with a 10% solution of household bleach
Neuropathies are more likely to occur with this agent when it is used with renal dysfunction. The drug may cause acute hemolysis in patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrigenase (G6PD) deficiency
Metronidazole, Tinidazole
Disrupts electron transport
Bacteridal vs Anaerobic bacteria and ceratin protozoa
Anerobic bacterial infections and clostridum difficile colitis. Oral/IV, hepatic clearance. Tinidazole: longer half life
SE: GI upsets, metallic taste, neuropathy, seizure. disulfiram like interaction with alcohol
Inhibits bacterial RNA polymerase
Zero absorption used PO for C. difficile infection in adults
SE: low due to lack of absorption
Inhibits DNA-dependent RNA polymerase
Zero absorpion use PO for heaptic encephalopathy, IBD with diarrhea and as an adjunct in cases of refractory C. difficile infection in adults
SE: low due to lack absorption
Urinary antiseptics
(Nitrofurantoin, methenamine slats)
Not identified (nitrofurantoin). forms formaldehyde in urine (methanamine)
Bactericidal or bacteriostatic
Oral, low blood levels, high urine levels. simple UTI and prophylaxis. MEthanamine is used for suppresion in UT infections
SE: GI upset; neuropathy (nitrofurantoin)
used in surgical dressings and has activity against gram negative bacteria including Pseudomonas
Uses as urianry irrigant
Acetic acid (1%)
effective bactericidal agent but has the disadvantage of causing persistent brown stains on skin and clothing
Potassium permanganate
weak antiseptic and stains tissues bright red color