Milk Fever!! Flashcards
hypocalcemia signalment
older dairy cows with dystocia
hypocalcemia physiology
- recumbency: calcium required for muscles to work
- immune- suppression: leukocytes need calcium as important enzyme co-factor
- decreased smooth muscle activity: at a Ca of 7, reduced uterine and abomasal activity by 30%, at a Ca of 5 reduced by 70%
- Reduced DMI: hard to eat if weak or sick
hypocalcemia presentation and dx
clinical presentation is a cow in recumbency with muscle paresis within 48 hours of calving or parturition. Dz is based on clinical signs
hypocalcemia tx and prevention
Tx with calcium IV and PO, the IV will help for 6 hours but oral will help long term
prevent with dietary cation anionic difference diet
hypocalcemia causes __ in bovine while it causes tetany in muscles in canines
flaccid paralysis with a low to normal temperature
what can hypocalcemia cause in horses?
synchronous diaphragmatic flutter thumps horse hiccups for every heartbeat
what can hypocalcemia cause in small ruminants?
parturient paresis - last few weeks of gestation, often concurrent with pregnancy toxemia (ketosis)
hypercalcemia is __ in large animals
tx of hypophosphatemia
oral supplementation of phosphate, reformulate the diet
causes of hypophosphatemia in all LA
starving/chronic wasting dz
causes of hypophosphatemia in ruminants
periparturient transient hypophosphatemia
- high yield diary cows -> increased loss in colostrum at calving -> decreased feed intake around calving -> decreased GI motility due to hypocalcemia
- tx with PO monosodium diphosphate
post parturient hemoglobinuria
post-renal azotemia due to urolithiasis
causes of hypophosphatemia in equine
chronic renal failure (increases calcium from decreased renal excretion, decreased phosphate)
hyperphosphatemia in ruminants v equine
ruminants: dehydration
equine: nutritional secondary to hyperparathyroidism “Big head/Big brain disease”
magnesium is not controlled by __
any hormone
hypomagnesium signalment
beef on lush, immature grass pasture or those in the winter only eating grass hay
hypomagnesium physiology
- magnesium is absorbed from the rumen/reticulum and large intestine
- increases with decreased blood pH and ionophores in the diet
- decreases with increased K+, decreased Na+, increased pH
milk, bile, gastric juices and saliva all req mg in ruminants
hypomagnesium presentation and dx
- muscle fasiculations
- ataxia
- recumbency
- tetany
- seizures and other neuro signs
- death
- tachycardia
- tachypnea
- fever
hypomagnesium treatment
- IV Mg or Mg enema if paddling/aggressive
- oral supplementation of the whole herd
must do both to prevent recurrence, IV Mg only fixes the problem for about 6 hours
hypomagnesium prevention
- High magnesium mineral to cows when in lush pasture
- good energy supplementation at all times
- regular mineral supplementation at all times
synchronous diaphragmatic flutter in horses
caused by electrolyte/mineral imbalances (hypocalcemia and hypomagnesmia) which made the phrenic nerve depolarize with the adjacent myocardial contraction (hiccup every heartbeat)
phosphate metabolism and regulation in ruminants
- lots of phosphate is excreted into saliva, which is then reswallowed and reabsorbed
- phosphate is lost/excreted into milk, urine and feces