Midterm- Week 1- PPT 2 Part 2 Flashcards
What is shaping?
Successively or gradually reinforce behaviors that will approximate the targeted behavior
Identify the target behavior
Why do OTs use shaping?
Increase or refine performance through the process
Break down components and refine each component of the behavior individually and systemically into child’s play
What are the components of shaping?
1) defines behavior as a series of incremental steps
2) prompts and cues the child to demonstrate the steps
3) rewards each successive approximation of the skill
4) implemented during a child’s play and natural interactions
What are social cognitive theories?
People determine their own learning by seeking certain experiences and focusing on their own goals
Expectations of future consequences and responses based on current situations
Expectations about future consequences affect how we cognitively process new info
Vicarious experiences of others consequences
Expectations affect decisions about not to behave
No occurrence of expected consequences have effects
What did Bandura believe about social cognition?
Human beings have specific abilities and only reciprocal determinism can explain their operation and interaction
- model and imitate
- self reflect
- regulate own behavior
Children learn by observing how their peers behaviors are rewarded or punished
What is the 4 step pattern bandura hypothesized that combined a cognitive and operant view of learning?
1) attention- notices something in the environment
2) retention- remembers what was noticed
3) reproduction- produce an action that is a copy of what was noticed
4) motivation- consequence changes the probability the behavior will be emitted again
What is self efficacy?
Self constructed judgement about the ability to execute behaviors/ reach goals
What is the principle of self cognition learning?
People tend to engage in activities based on their sense of competence and/ or past success
Increased probability of choosing specific future behaviors
What are the 4 ways socks cognitive learning affects behavior in condition?
1) activity choice
2) goal setting
3) effort and persistence
4) learning and achievement
What are the 5 features of self regulation and behavior?
1) self determined goals and standards- before response
2) self instruction- during response
3) self monitoring- during response
4) self evaluation- after response
5) self imposed contingencies- after response
What is cognitive rehabilitation?
Client centered, performance based, problem solving approach that enables skill acquisition through a process of strategy use and guided discovery
Assist in exploration of new strategies
What is the 3 phase that revolve around the mnemonic device “goal-plan-do-check”
Goal- preparation
Plan/ do- acquisition phase
Check- verification phase
What is a cognitive model?
Focuses on occupation the child wished to perform
Use a general problem solving framework that guides the child to discover, select, apply and evaluate the use of cognitive strategies
Use process questions to increase the child’s awareness of the use of strategies during performance of a task
Plan for transfer or generalization of strategies learned
What is a coping model?
Consistent with PEO model
Utilization of resources that enables success
Human supports are provided to facilitate performance
Environmental support that provide access, inclusion, equity and safety
What is the early start Denver model (ESDM)?
Based on principles of pivotal response, training and development, relationship based intervention
Draws on science of learning principles that cue the child’s attention to our faces, voices and actions
Studies demonstrate improvements in symbolic play and social communication
How does the early start Denver model help OTs?
1) helps the child modulate arousal, affect, and attention
2) uses positive affect
3) models and encourages turn taking and didactic engagement
4) responds sensitively and immediately to the child’s communication gestures
5) creates multiple and varied communication opportunities
6) scaffolds the child’s skill practice and elaboration of new skills
7) uses developmentally appropriate language and communication
8) supports child’s transitions
What are peer mediated approaches?
Peer training. For modeling appropriate behaviors
Encourages peer to peer interactions
Creates a peer medicated program for children with add who have difficulty developing relationships and getting along with peers because of hyperactivity
What are the 6 peer mediated approaches?
1) teach for success- positive feedback and teach mastery
2) promote pro activity- promotes self talk
3) recognize sensory needs
4) teach self management
5) model target behaviors and attributes
6) focus on motivation
What is sensorimotor performance?
Dynamic system theory
Behaviors emerge from the interaction of many systems
Behavior is emergent and self organizing
During unstable periods, new types of behaviors may emerge either gradually or abruptly (phase shifts)
What are unstable periods?
Characterized by a high variability of performance
What are phase shifts in sensorimotor performance?
Developmental changes from one preferred patterns of coordinated behavior to another
A gradual phase occurs when an infant decreases automatic stepping 2-4 months
Abrupt phase change- walking to running
Periods of change are?
What are dynamic systems?
Stability is superimposed on mobility
Variability in motor performance produces different movement patterns
Exploration facilitated adaptation
Interventions mush be contextual- functional, task oriented, activity focused and top down
What is the dynamic system theory and practice?
Assessment and intervention must recognize the complexity of the task
Interaction of PEO
intervention focuses on identification and change of child, task or environment
Environments must support performance, practice, variability
Motivate and engage
Accomplishment of complete occupations
What is motor learning?
Occupation based
Motor solution that emerges out of experience with the person, task and environment
What is acquisition of skills involved in?
Movement and balance
What are the characteristics of a task?
Simple- decision followed by a sequenced response
Complex- integration of info from a variety of resources and the application of the underline rules
What is open and closed loop?
Open loop- motor program is put into place before the action begins and is not modified during the performance of a task
Closed loop- child continues to monitor and respond to feedback that here intrinsically receives from the body and extrinsically receives environment
What is the environment changing and environment stationary?
Changeable and variable- child learns to monitor and adapt
Stationary- no change
What is a task characteristics?
Ease of learning is dependent on the presentation of the task and the preferred learning style
Intrinsic feedback is?
Extrinsic feedback is?
Knowledge of realists and performance
Constant feedback is?
Reduce or intermittent
What is the biomechanical approach?
Joint actions and segment motions
Muscular engagement and form
Anatomic principles related to effective and safe performance
Nature of forced causing or impeding motion
Prescriptions for improvement of performance shows the performance should be changed so principles aren’t violated
What are the 6 elements of movement?
1) Quality- rhythm, timing, smoothness
2) balance- regain stability or attain mobility
3) locomotion- prescribed distance and pattern
4) projection- max height, distance, accuracy
5) manipulation- objects, reproduced pattern, resistance
6) maximum effort- force, velocity, power
What is the neurodevelopmental theory?
Impaired pattens of postural control and movement coordination lead to functional limitations
Impairments are changeable and overall function improves when the neuromuscular and postural control abnormalities are addressed
Sensorimotor impairments affect the whole individual
What is the impact if sensory integration theory?
SI is one is the most utilized frames of reference in pediatric OT
relevant for PT, speed and language therapy
Applications common in other educational and health related fields
Parents experience profound benefits from understanding SI concepts
What are some guidelines of SI?
Essential, humans depend upon sensation to experience the world, achieve comfort and learn skills
Early in life, touch, movement and gravity provide info about ones body and it’s relationship to the environment
Early experienced lay the groundwork for complex sensory perceptions
Fun and success motivates children to join others
Children show greatest gains are intrinsically motivated
What are coaching and consultation models?
Coaching is voluntary based on collaborative relationship
Involves small steps toward positive changes
OT creates opportunities for ten learner to master new competencies, provide support and encouragement
OT and parents analyze situations na a problem solve together and reflect on the outcome strategy