Midterm- Week 1- PPT 2 Part 2 Flashcards
What is shaping?
Successively or gradually reinforce behaviors that will approximate the targeted behavior
Identify the target behavior
Why do OTs use shaping?
Increase or refine performance through the process
Break down components and refine each component of the behavior individually and systemically into child’s play
What are the components of shaping?
1) defines behavior as a series of incremental steps
2) prompts and cues the child to demonstrate the steps
3) rewards each successive approximation of the skill
4) implemented during a child’s play and natural interactions
What are social cognitive theories?
People determine their own learning by seeking certain experiences and focusing on their own goals
Expectations of future consequences and responses based on current situations
Expectations about future consequences affect how we cognitively process new info
Vicarious experiences of others consequences
Expectations affect decisions about not to behave
No occurrence of expected consequences have effects
What did Bandura believe about social cognition?
Human beings have specific abilities and only reciprocal determinism can explain their operation and interaction
- model and imitate
- self reflect
- regulate own behavior
Children learn by observing how their peers behaviors are rewarded or punished
What is the 4 step pattern bandura hypothesized that combined a cognitive and operant view of learning?
1) attention- notices something in the environment
2) retention- remembers what was noticed
3) reproduction- produce an action that is a copy of what was noticed
4) motivation- consequence changes the probability the behavior will be emitted again
What is self efficacy?
Self constructed judgement about the ability to execute behaviors/ reach goals
What is the principle of self cognition learning?
People tend to engage in activities based on their sense of competence and/ or past success
Increased probability of choosing specific future behaviors
What are the 4 ways socks cognitive learning affects behavior in condition?
1) activity choice
2) goal setting
3) effort and persistence
4) learning and achievement
What are the 5 features of self regulation and behavior?
1) self determined goals and standards- before response
2) self instruction- during response
3) self monitoring- during response
4) self evaluation- after response
5) self imposed contingencies- after response
What is cognitive rehabilitation?
Client centered, performance based, problem solving approach that enables skill acquisition through a process of strategy use and guided discovery
Assist in exploration of new strategies
What is the 3 phase that revolve around the mnemonic device “goal-plan-do-check”
Goal- preparation
Plan/ do- acquisition phase
Check- verification phase
What is a cognitive model?
Focuses on occupation the child wished to perform
Use a general problem solving framework that guides the child to discover, select, apply and evaluate the use of cognitive strategies
Use process questions to increase the child’s awareness of the use of strategies during performance of a task
Plan for transfer or generalization of strategies learned
What is a coping model?
Consistent with PEO model
Utilization of resources that enables success
Human supports are provided to facilitate performance
Environmental support that provide access, inclusion, equity and safety
What is the early start Denver model (ESDM)?
Based on principles of pivotal response, training and development, relationship based intervention
Draws on science of learning principles that cue the child’s attention to our faces, voices and actions
Studies demonstrate improvements in symbolic play and social communication