iron bearing protein contained
within the erythrocytes .
one gram of hemoglobin can carry
____ of oxygen
1.34 ml
The concentration of hemoglobin within RBCs is approximately ____ and its molecular weight is
approximately ____.
34 g/dL; 64,000 Daltons
what are the main function of hemoglobin
transport oxygen from lungs to tissue, carbon dioxide from tissue to lungs.
contributes to acid-base balance by binding and releasing hydrogen ions and
transport nitric oxide (a regulator of vascular tone)
a regulator of vascular tone
nitric oxide
Hemoglobin is the first protein whose structure was described
using _____.
x-ray crystallography
carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen
the ring of heme composed of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen is called as
protoporphyrin IX
what is the central atom found in the heme of the hemoglobin
ferrous iron
When the ferrous irons are oxidized
to the ferric state (Fe3+), they no longer can bind oxygen.
true or false
Oxidized hemoglobin is also called ___
describe the globin strcture
The four globin chains comprising each hemoglobin molecule
consist of two identical pairs of unlike polypeptide chains, 141 to
146 amino acids each.
in globin structure, each globin chain is divided into how many helices and non helices
divided into eight helices separated by
seven nonhelical segments
Hemoglobin is a tetramer of four globin chains with a heme attached
to each globin chain.
true or false
globin chain alpha and its number of amino acids
globin chain beta and its number of amino acids
aside from globin chain alpha, what is the globin chain that has 141 amino acids as well?
globin chain zeta
how many amino acids do theta has?
the hemoglobin molecule can be describe as its
quaternary structures
the structure of hemoglobin that refers to the amino acid sequence of the POLYPEPTIDE CHAINS
primary structure
the structure of hemoglobin that refers to chain arrangements in HELICES and NON HELICES
secondary structure
the structure of hemoglobin that refers to the
arrangement of the helices into a PRETZEL LIKE CONFIGURATION
tertiary hemoglobin
The quaternary structure of hemoglobin, also called a _____, describes the complete hemoglobin molecule
The complete hemoglobin molecule is SPHERICAL, has four heme groups
attached to four polypeptide chains, and may carry up to
four molecules of oxygen
true or false
A small percentage of Hb A is ____.
is a posttranslational modification formed by the nonenzymatic
binding of various sugars to globin chain amino groups over
the life span of the RBC
Heme biosynthesis occurs in the ____of bone marrow erythroid precursors,
mitochondria and cytoplasm
can mature rbc make hemoglobin?
nope, they will lose the capability to make as they lose mitochondria and ribosomes along the maturation process
how many enzymes do we have for heme synthesis
how many enzymes involve in hemem synthesis in both mitochondria and cytoplasm
each have 4 enzymes involve
the heme synthesis starts with the condensation of what substances
succinyl-coA and glycine
glycine and succinyl coenzyme A (CoA) is catalyzed by ___ to produced aminolevulinic acid (ALA)
aminolevulinate synthase
aminolevulinic acid (ALA)
–> in the cytoplasm, aminolevulinic acid dehydratase converts ALA to ___
porphobilinogen (PBG)
porphobilinogen (PBG)
–> it will then be converted into ______ through the enzyme ____
hydroxymethylbilane; hydroxymethylbilane synthase (PBG deaminase)
uroporphyrinogen III
–>will be converted into ____ through what enzyme
coproporphyrinogen III ; uroporphyrinogen III decarboxylase
–> it will be converted into ___ through enzyme ____
uroporphyrinogen III; uroporphyrinogen III synthase
what are the products made along the heme synthesis under cytosol or cytoplasm?
uroporphyrinogen III
coproporphyrinogen III
From coproporphyrinogen III, it will go back to mitochondria to continue and be converted into
protoporphyrinogen III
coproporphyrinogen III will be converted into protoporphyrinogen III through what enzyme
coproporphyrinogen III oxidase
protoporphyrinogen III will be converted into ___ by the enzyme ____
protoporphyrin IX ; protoporphyrin III oxidase
protoporphyrin IX will form a heme through what enzyme
where does the heme synthesis starts and ended?
in globin synthesis, which chromosome do alpha and zeta globin are coded?
short arm chromosome 16
in globin synthesis, which chromosome do epsilon, gamma, delta and beta globin gene cluster are coded?
short arm of chromosome 11
expect for which globin chain we do have a single genome per chromatid. In this 2 globin chain, they both have 2 copies per chromatid
alpha and gamma globins
Production of globin chains takes place in erythroid precursors from the PRONORMOBLAST through the circulating POLYCHROMATIC ERYTHROCYTES, but not in ____.
mature erythrocytes
Transcription of the globin genes to messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) occurs in the ___,
Transcription of the globin genes to messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) occurs in the nucleus,
and translation of mRNA to the globin polypeptide chain occurs on ___
Ribosomes in the cytoplasm.
which globin chain produces more mRNA upon transcription? is it the alpha globin or the beta globin
alpha globin, but less efficient in translation
alpha globin makes more MRNA but the globin gene chain is much more efficient in translating,
Therefore, a and b chains are produced in
approximately _____ amounts. After translation is complete,
chains are released from the ribosomes in the cytoplasm.
the alpha chain has what charge?
positive charge
b chain has what charge?
arrange the highest affinity of a chain starting alpha
alpha chain
gamma chain
delta chain
in order to form a complete hemoglobin mob\lecule
Two heterodimers then combine
to form a ____.
The two alpha and two beta chain will form ____ the major hemoglobin present from 6 months of age through adult hood
chains comprising the HB A2
Two alpha and two delta
Hb A2 comprises less
than ___ of total hemoglobin in adults.
Hb F contains ___ chains.
two alpha and two gamma
These RBCs with Hb F are
called F or ___
A/F cells.
A third function of
hemoglobin involves the
___, ___- and ____ of nitric oxide.
binding, inactivation, and
Nitric oxide is secreted by
vascular endothelial cells
Nitric oxide is secreted by
vascular endothelial cells
and causes ___
relaxation of
vascular wall smooth
muscle and vasodilation
The function of hemoglobin
is to readily bind oxygen
molecules in the lung,
which requires ____ oxygen
affinity; to transport
hemoglobin transport and efficiently
unload oxygen to the
tissues, which requires ___oxygen affinity
is the ability of hemoglobin to bind or
release oxygen
oxygen affinity
The relationship between OXYGEN tension and HEMOGLOBIN SATURATION with oxygen is described as
Oxygen dissociation curve
it states the relationship of oxygen affinity with hemoglobin to PH
bohr effect
In Bohr effect, if the pH increase or the blood is alkaline (alkalosis) the affinity of hemoglobin to oxygen will
(increase. decrease)
increase affinity
In Bohr effect, if the pH decrease or the blood is acidic (acidosis) the affinity of hemoglobin to oxygen will
(increase. decrease)
decrease affinity
increase temperature
shift to the right
decrease temperature
shift to the left
increase organic phosphate (2,3 DPG)
shift to the right
decrease organic phosphate (2,3 DPG)
shift to the left
increase p(CO2)
shift to the right
decrease p(CO2)
shift to the left
increase p(CO)
shift to the left
decrease p(CO)
shift to the right
increase pH
shift to the left
decrease pH
shift to the right
The normal position of curve depends on
§ Concentration of 2,3-DPG
§ H+ ion concentration (pH)
§ CO2 in red blood cells
§ Structure of Hb
HbS will shft to ??
shift to the right
HbF will shift to the
shift to the left
what are the physiological forms of hemoglobin
hemoglobin in combination WITH
oxygen gives pinkness to the skin and mucous membrane.
seen in arterial circulation
hgb with iron but no O2, seen in
venous circulation. Unassociated with oxygen
a hemoglobin that is Found in normal human embryos
and fetuses with a gestational age
of less than three months
Embryonic Hemoglobin
this hemoglobin is absent at birth
Embryonic Hemoglobin
what are the hemoglobin under embryonic hemoglobin
gower I, gower II, and portland
in hemoglobin Gower I, what are the globin chains involved
2 zeta 2 epsilon
what are the globin chains involved in Gower II
2 alpha and 2 epsilon
what are the globin chains involved in portland
2 zeta and 2 gamma
the major hemoglobin of the fetus
and newborns
fetal hemoglobin
fetal hemoglobin is composed of what globin chains
2 alpha and 2 gamma
when was the fetal hemoglobin produced?
4 months after conception
normal ADULT hemoglobin
hemoglobin A or A1
how many percent of hemoglobin in a normal adult does HbA produced after one year onwards
95 - 97%
Hemoglobin A or A1 is composed of what globin chains?
2 alpha 2 beta (141, 146)
How many percent do Hemoglobin A2 constitute in the total hemoglobin?
less than 3%
Hemoglobin A has the globin chains of
2 alpha 2 delta
a normal hemoglobin that is a product of a degradation of HbA2
Hemoglobin 3
Hemoglobin 3 has what globin chains?
2 alpha 2 delta - same with HbA2 as it’s own degradation
This is the primary hemoglobin
in people with sickle cell disease
Hemoglobin S
what is wrong in terms of the globin chains of blood with sickle cell disease?
2 normal alpha
2 abnormal beta
causes the red blood cell to deform and
assume a sickle shape when exposed to
decreased amounts of oxygen.
Hemoglobin S
In hemoglobin S, the Glutamic acid in the 6th position of beta chain place was been replaced by ____
In an abnormal hemoglobin, ____ patient with this kind of hemoglobin only has one copy of Beta chain
Hemoglobin C
In hemoglobin C, instead of glutamic acid , ___ is in B6
It usually causes a minor amount of hemolytic
anemia and a mild to moderate
enlargement of the spleen
hemoglobin C
is one of the most common beta
chain hemoglobin variants in the world.
Hemoglobin E
People who are homozygous for Hb E (have two
copies of βE) generally have a ____
mild hemolytic
anemia, microcytic red blood cells, and a mild
enlargement of the spleen.
an abnormal hemoglobin that occurs in some cases of
alpha thalassemia .
hemoglobin H
hemoglobin has what globin chains
4 beta and is response to a sever shortage of alpha chains
this kind of hemoglobin gene does not
cause symptoms unless it is combined with another
mutation, such as the one for beta thalassemia
Are acquired hemoglobin variants whose structure has
been modified by drugs or environmental chemicals.
inability to transport oxygen to the tissue well resulting in
3 types of chemically modified hemoglobins
- Is a form hgb in its ferric state
Has a brownish to bluish color and does not revert to
red on exposure to oxygen
methemoglobin is Peak in the range of ___ nm at pH ____ under
spectral absorption test.
620 – 640; 7.1
what are the causes of methemoglobin
- Presence of oxidants-
-Genetic deficiency
– decrease activity of MethHB
Formed by the irreversible oxidation of Hb of certain drugs and
a. sulfonomides
b. phenacetin
c. acetanilide
In sulfhemoglobin, what is added on the hemoglobin and the resulting color?
hydrogen sulfide; greenish color
If sulfhemoglobin reaches the critical level in the blood it
imparts the color
how sulfhemoglobin is reported?
- Px under prolonged treatment with sulfonamides or aromatic compounds (phenacitin, acetanilide )
* 2. Px with severe constipation
* 3. In cases of bacteremia caused by Clostridium perfringens
* 4. In condition known as enterogenous cyanosis
Results from the binding of carbon monoxide to heme iron
Hb can combine with carbon monoxide with affinity ____times greater than that of Oxygen.
___ is termed as silent killer for its colorless gas , odor and patient becomes easily hypoxic.
Carbon monoxide
methods to detect or determine hemoglobin
visual methods
gasometric method
spectronic method
other method such as alkaline, specific gravity, comparator
qualitative screening test based on
specific gravity. The density of the
drop of blood is directly proportional to
the amount of hemoglobin it contains.
copper sulfate specific gravty
what are the visual metjod to determine hgb
A. Sahli Method
B .Dares Method
c. Hadens Method
The principle of the test is that when
the drop of donor’s blood dropped into
copper sulfate solution becomes
encased in a sac of
copper proteinate, which prevents any
change in the specific gravity for
about 15 seconds.
copper sulfate specific gravity
Hb will combine and liberate a fixed quantity of O₂.
Gasometric Method (Oxygen Capacity
In Gasometric Method (Oxygen Capacity
Method), the blood will be hemolyzed using ___ and the gas is collected and measured in a van slyke apparatus
a colorimetric methods under visiual
direct matching
acid hematin
alkaline hematin
a colorimetric methods under photoelectric
1.Oxyhemoglobin Method-
2. Cyanmethemoglobin or HiCN
a colorimetric - photoeelectric method that measures plasma hemoglobin
oxyhemoglobin method
a colorimetric - photoeelectric method that is a -standard and reference method use
to measure hemoglobin
cyanmethemoglobin or HiCN method
what are the factors that can affect hemoglobin results
altitude of the locality
reagents used in cyanmet
Modified drabkin’s reagent
modified drabkin’s reagent color and pH
- pale and yellow with a pH of 7.2 +
composition of modified drabkin’s reagent
Sodium bicarbonate
1 gram
Potassium cyanide
52 mg
Potassium ferricyanide
198 mg
Distilled water
1000 mL
(HYPERCHROMIA)increased hemoglobin level
found in:
a. polycythemia
b. dehydration
c. changing from high to low altitudes
(oligochromia) decreased hemoglobin
found in:
Drabkin’s reagent is sensitive to
to correct it
Store in a brown bottle or in a
dark place
- WBC Count (>20 x 10 ⁹/L)
Platelet Count (>700 x 10⁹/L)- can cause turbidity and
a falsely high
to correct it
Centrifuge the solution and
measure the supernatant
Lipemic sample can interfere
and can give a false result
to correct it
Add 0.01 mL of the patient’s
plasma to 5 mL of drabkin’s
reagent and used the solution as
reagent blank
Hb S and Hb C maybe resistant
to hemolysis causing turbidity
to correct it
Dilution with distilled water (1:2)
. Abnormal globulins found in
multiple myeloma or
Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia
may precipitate
to correct it
Add 0.1 g of potassium
carbonate to drabkin’s reagent
The hemoglobin determination test is used to
- Screen for disease associated with anemia
- Determine the severity of anemia
- Follow the response to treatment for anemia
- Evaluate polycythemia