Midterm 1 - Notes 3 (Part 3) Flashcards
What transcription factor was almost identical in both the 3 and the 9 spine stickleback?
- no difference between pelvis and non-pelvis individuals in both species
What can cause a lack of Pitx1 expression?
Mutated cis-element
What did they find when the isolated the genomic region that contained the Pitx1 gene in the 9 and 3 stickleback?
They found in both that there were 2 transcriptase variances that were being transcribed from the same Pitx1 gene
What were the intron and exon patterns like in the 3 and 9 spine stickleback?
Very similar
- both DNA binding pf the transcription factors and trans activation are both present and are almost identical (meaning there are very few differences = few amino acid changes)
What kind of approach did they use when looking at the Pitx1 expression in pungitius?
In situ hybridization
- with basically the same results as before
What did the results suggest when comparing 3 and 9 spine sticklebacks?
Suggested same genes and mechanism that caused the convergent evolution in distance related fish
What side (right or left) is the hind limb reduction and severity more pronounced?
What do manatees retain small amounts of?
- its pelvic fins
A trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists
What did they find when they compared the manatee results to the sticklebacks?
That both species had similar results
- reduced right fin compared to the left