Midterm #1 - Anxiety Flashcards
- mood state
- physical tension and apprehension about the future
anxiety is often comorbid with … ?
- depression
fear vs anxiety
- fear is present moment
- anxiety is apprehension about what could happen in the future
anxiety sensitivity
- tendency to respond fearfully to anxious sensations or symptoms
- measured on a continuum
conditioning (in anxiety)
- associating a stressful or anxious response with a trigger in the environment
- 2 conditions at the same time
anxiety disorders are comorbid with … ?
- thyroid disorders
- gastrointestinal diseases
- arthritis
- migraines
- allergies
what percentage of patients with panic disorder attempt suicide?
- 20%
GAD criterion A
- excessive anxiety and worry
- more days than not
- at least 6 months
- many events
GAD criterion B
- individual finds it difficult to control the worry
GAD criterion C
- 3 of:
1. restlessness or feeling on edge
2. being easily fatigued
3. difficulty concentrating/mind going blank
4. irritability
5. muscle tension
6. sleep disturbance
4 cognitive characteristics of people
- intolerance of uncertainty
- positive beliefs about worry
- poor problem orientation
- cognitive avoidance
GAD treatment
- CBT: approach rather than avoid threats, encourages different behaviours
- mindfulness: present
- ACT: acceptance and commitment therapy
- benzos
panic attack
- disorder or stand-alone
- come on within second/minutes
- fear of dying or losing control
- fear occurring at inappropriate times
panic disorder criterion A
- recurrent unexpected panic attacks and 4 physical symptoms
panic disorder criterion B
- at least one of the attacks has been followed by one month of one or both of the following:
1. worried about additional attacks
2. significant change in behaviour to avoid attacks
agoraphobia criterion A
- marked fear/anxiety about 2+ of the following:
1. using public transportation
2. being in open spaces
3. being in enclosed places
4. standing in a line/crowd
5. being outside of home alone
agoraphobia criterion B
- avoids situations where escape is difficult or help isn’t available if panic symptoms occur
- always provokes fear or anxiety and persistent
interoceptive avoidance
- avoidance of internal physical sensations that may resemble a panic attack starting
treatment for interoceptive avoidance (agoraphobia)
- interoceptive exposure
- induce physical symptoms
panic and agoraphobia causes
- vulnerability to anxiety of recurring attacks
- normal body sensations interpreted catastrophically
panic control treatment (PCT)
- bring on physical symptoms
- stop avoiding and start approaching
- safe environment to show one can manage symptoms without having a panic attack
specific phobia criterion A
- anxiety about specific object or situation
specific phobia criterion B
- almost always provokes immediate anxiety
specific phobia criterion C
- actively avoided or endured with intense fear or anxiety
specific phobia criterion D
- out of proportion to actual danger posed
- something encountered in daily life
- 6+ months
4 major subtypes of specific phobia
- blood-injury-injection
- situational
- animal
- natural events
specific phobia contributing factors
- traumatic experiences
- vicarious experiences
- panic attack
- social and cultural factors
specific phobia treatment
- exposure based exercises
- virtual reality exposure
social anxiety disorder criterion A
- marked fear or anxiety about 1+ social situations where scrutiny by others is possible
social anxiety disorder criterion B
- fear showing anxiety symptoms or being negatively evaluated
- out of proportion to actual threat
social anxiety causes
- biological vulnerability
- biological tendency to social inhibition
- conditioned panic attack in a social situation
- experience of a difficult social experience
social anxiety treatment
- group therapy
- virtual reality therapy
- SSRI (maybe)
- therapist should model behaviours