Microbiota Flashcards
Describe the beginging of baby life in relation to microbiota
In the beginning the baby is sterile because it lived in a sterile environment but after birth it will be in touch with the mother’s microbiota and so its skin and so it’s they just if track will get a normal microbiota shared by the mother and then in the years that come the baby will be in touch with a third people animals and objects an enrich its own microbiota
Microbiome central vs secondarie
What is the difference?
The central microbiome is one that is shared among. most people. It’s not really very varied. On the other hand, second. microbiome is a biome that is very specific from one individual to another and varies a lot between species and individuals.
Facteurs externes qui influencent le microbiote (4)
- Hygiène personnel (savon, déodorant, rince-bouche, douche vaginale)
- Diète (riche en fibre, en graisse, en sucre) + diversifiée ou non
- H2O (avec chlore vs eau de puits)
- Prise d’antibiotique
Where do we find these bacteria?
Where do we find these bacteria?
Staphylococcus viridans
Where do we find these bacteria?
Escherichia coli
What bacteria in Vagin?
Find the odd one out:
Escherichia coli
Corynebacterium because it is on skin vs the rest is in colon
Find the odd one out:
Bacteroides because it is in colon vs the rest is in mouth
Find the odd one out:
Propionibacterium because it is in skin vs the rest is in colon
What areas of skin would you excpect to have the most bacteria?
Sweaty parts:
Il est influencé par la présence ou non de glandes sébacées et l’humidité
In which of these ares do we ave the least of bacteria and why?
Stomach :
Acid protects against bacteria. What happens when we take an anti-acid -> more bacteria
In the colon
Bactéries _________ strictes plus nombreuses que les bactéries ____________
True or False
L’analyse du microbiote ne permet pas de prédire le développement éventuel d’une maladie
At the current age, nothing shows a correlation between microbiota and illness
List the general principales fonctions du microbiote intestinal (3)
1) Fonctions métaboliques
2) Stimule l’immunité innée
3) Prévient la colonisation par des bactéries pathogènes
Explain the Fonctions métaboliques of the microbiote?
Helps metabolize certain nutrients. making it easier to absorb for the host
Examples include large carbon molecules like cellulose.
Explain how the microbiota in the intestinal tract protects us. protects us against pathogens?
By covering the mucus layer. It first protects against the infiltration of the pathogens.
They consume nutrients that otherwise the pathogens would use to grow
Stimulating the immune system
Incerasing résistance cell épithéliales + recrutement de cellules inflammatoires
Provide three examples of how the alteration of the normal microbiota can lead to disease
- Diarrhea caused by taking antibiotics that alters the normal microbiotic environment of the colon leading to the proliferation of C difficile
- Obesity caused in people that lack bacteria that are efficient in helping with digestion
- Proliferation of a bacteria that degrades the mucin layer causing inflammation and ulcers (Akkermansia muciniphila)
Give an example of how we can use the microbiotic flora to help a disease (experiement)?
A great example is seen in obese and non-obese mice where the transfer of the microbiota from one mice to the other led to the non obese mice becoming obese and the other way around. This means that the same could potentially be used in humans that suffer from obesity
Give an example of how we can use transplantation of microbiota in humans
Traitement de la diarrhée à C. difficile réfractaire au traitement
standard. (Efficacité de 40-96% après une seule transplantation
What are probiotics?
Probiotics are a mix of bacteria put together in two colonize the intestinal flora.
The majority of probiotics have gram positive bacteria.
Efficiency depends on the bacteria that are chosen, the dough’s, the survival rate of the microorganisms after passing the stomach.
True or false; in contrast to medication probiotics are a recommended
False medications have good control on the composition and bioavailability of microorganisms after the passage on the stomach whereas probiotics don’t. As such it’s not easy to predict the outcome of taking probiotics as a matter of fact it is not recommended to prescribe them To the general population
If you have to give one advice to a patient that would like to have a more diverse microbiota what would it be?
To eat a diversified diet
What are the patients that should not at all cost take probiotics and why ?
Need to be very careful for immunosuppressed patients as there is a risk for bacteria to easily enter the blood circulation and cause a pathological effects
Give two scenarios where it is recommended to give probiotics
In a colectomie (colon removal) total to prevent Pouchite = inflammation du réservoir
Prévention de l’entérocolite nécrosante chez le prématuré (né avant la 37e semaine de gestation)