Bactéries entéropathogènes Flashcards
Escherichia coli entérotoxinogène (ETEC)
Some key things
Usually comes from traveling to other countries like Cuba
Need to hydrate patients no other treatment
Escherichia coli producteur de Shiga toxine (STEC)
Some key things
associé à l’ingestion de bœuf haché
no fever
blood in poop -> Rectorragie
treatment is hydration
This type of bacteria is associated with kidney insufficiency
Escherichia coli producteur de Shiga toxine (STEC)
In what cases will we search for shigatoxin
All poop that comes from kids under five years old
When Shiga toxin is prescribed by the doctor
When there is blood in the bowel movement
True or false
Once salmonella is treated it is unlikely To have healthy carriers after the infection
What is the difference between Salmonella Typhi et Paratyphi and non Typhi et Paratyphi
Salmonella Typhi et Paratyphi
Come only from humans
Associated with fever
Non Typhi et Paratyphi:
come from animals
no fever usually
What is the recommendation to do for someone presenting with fever after a return from holiday
Search for Salmonella Typhi et Paratyphi
Shigella what are the people that are most at risk
Men that have sexual relationships with other men
how do you differentiate shigotoxin E coli from Shigella
Both of them Cause une diarrhée inflammatoire et sanglante
But Shigella:
Fièvre présente.
N’atteint pas la circulation sanguine (pas de bactériémie)
Campylobacter What is the most common way to get it
L’humain s’infecte soit en mangeant du poulet insuffisamment cuit
Transmission de personne à personne inhabituelle
pourquoi les infections à Shigella et les fièvres entériques sont les seules que nous devons traiter avec des antibiotiques?
Shigella car maladie sévère et très contagieuse de personne à personne
True or false
The most common way of getting travelers diarrhea from E coli enterooxinogen is through human to human transition
False usually when eating something or water there’s no transmission in human to human
True or false
All bacteria that are E coli can cause diarrhea
False E coli that cause diarrhea has acquired a plasmid that causes the diarrhea otherwise it is impossible for it to do so
True or false
There will be blood in E coli interro toxinogen diarrhea
False there is no blood
True or false the way that we treat E coli entero toxinogen is through a antibiotic
False it is only through hydration
A true or false
E coli interotoxin gene is associated with blood in stool
False it is E coli shigatoxin that does that
What is the best treatment for diarrhea caused by E coli
This bacteria can use its toxin to cause kidney insufficiency
E coli producer shigatoxin
What is a condition for which all stools submitted for enteropathogens must be sent to St Justine for checking
This is for kids under five years old infected by Shigatoxin
The reason for this is because it can cause hemolytic urimic syndrome associated with insuffisance rénale
What is the difference between salmonella cause diarrhea and E coli shigatoxin cost diarrhea
Salmonella will have fever e coli will not have fever
Clinically how would you differentiate a patient having diarrhea from salmonella and a patient having diarrhea from Shigella
A patient coming in with salmonella will likely have bacteremia but not the patient with shigella
True or false
E coli and Shigella can both be transmitted from person to person
E coli cannot be transmitted from person
Which bacteria infection can cause this Syndrome de Guillain-Barré
Campylobacter jejuni
Which enterobacteria has a mandatory treatment with antibiotics
Shigella because it takes very little in order to give symptoms and it is very severe