Cocci Gram négatif et coccobacilles Gram négatif 1 Flashcards
True or false
Gram negative cocci bacteria have flagelles on their surface
It is Pilli
They are immobile and do not have flagell
What is a Neisseria type that isoften pathogenic but not always always pathogenic and one that is
Neisseria gonorrhoeae is always pathogenic
Neisseria meningitidis is often pathogenic
Thjey are both cocci gram negative bacteria
xpliquer la différence entre un porteur sain (ex. : Neisseria meningitidis dans la gorge) et une infection asymptomatique par un pathogène obligatoire (ex. : Neisseria gonorrhoeae)
- Someone that carries Neisseria meningitis is not problematic and shouldn’t be treated
- However someone that has Neisseria gonorrhea even if there are no symptoms they must be treated
Neisseria gonorrhoeae transmission type
Transmission par contact direct : le plus souvent par contact sexuel
True or false
A good treatment for neisseria gonorrhea would be penicillin
They have beta lactamase which makes them resistant to penicillin
Name type of transmission reservoir as well as people in risk for Neisseria meningitis
- Transmission : contact direct (baiser), gouttelettes
- Réservoir : humains
- Personnes à risque :
Enfants < 18 mois
Asplénie anatomique ou fonctionnelle
Déficit en complément
Voyageurs dans la «ceinture africaine»
Neisseria meningitidis What is the main virulence factor
You have a patient presenting with a bacteria infection and he has a hard time moving and bending his head what could this be
Neisseria meningitidis
Which bacteria causes this?
▪ Méningococcémie (fièvre, lésions cutanées)
Neisseria meningitidis
What bacteria needs this diagnosis?
* Ponction lombaire pour prélèvement de liquide céphalo-rachidien
* Hemoculture
* Radiographie pulmonaire
Neisseria meningitidis
What bacteria?
Otite (otalgie avec ou sans fièvre)
▪ Sinusite (congestion nasale, sécrétions nasales, douleur, avec ou sans fièvre)
▪ Bronchite (toux, expectorations, avec ou sans fièvre)
▪ Pneumonie
Moraxella catarrhalis
Is it a good idea to Treat Moraxella catarrhalis with penicillin
No they are betaalactamase generators and so they are penicillin resistant
2 types of Coccobacilles
Haemophilus influenzae
Bordetella pertussis
True or false
Hemophilus influenza of serotype B is common in Quebec
It is super rare because everyone morning Quebec is vaccinated and so the only time you would see it is in immigrants or people coming in
Which type of hemophilia influenza is the most pathogenic and why
Serotip B
Because of capsule
What bacteria could be causing this Méningite
Arthitie septique
Haemophilus influenzae Serotype B
What is something to keep in mind for a young patient with épiglottite
Ne jamais faire de culture de gorge
à un enfant soupçonné d’avoir une épiglottite
In terms of Bordetella pertussis, what should be considered before birth?
La vaccination de la femme enceinte prévient 90% des hospitalisations et 95% des décès reliés à la coqueluche chez les
enfants < 3 mois. Il faut administrer le vaccin à chaque grossesse
True or False
azithromycine is a great antibiotic against Bordetella pertussis for symptopms control
It does not help the child that has the infection but only protect the people around!!!!