Microbiome and Cellular Functions Flashcards
What is bacterial cell wall made of?
Emergent Properties
New levels of organization provide new functions.
IM Protective Functions
Commensal bacteria fight against the pathogenic bacteria
Anti-Qorum Sensing Drugs
Block bacterial receptors, and prevent action by bacteria
1 Way Archaea are similar to Eukaryotes
Similar gene expression e.g: eukaryotic ribosomes
Golgi Apparatus (3 functions)(1 major)
Further modification (Glycosylation/Trimming), carbohydrate synthesis, and SORTING STATION.
Both Mitochondria and Chloroplast have certain characteristics that indicate it was at one time an older organism… (5)
Small circular DNA, Double membrane,Prokaryotic ribosomes, approximately the size of bacteria, can perform binary reproduction
Serial Endosymbiotic Theory (SET)
Theory that the mitochondria used to be a bacteria that the Eukaryotic cell absorbed.
What allows a bacteria to move?
Flagellum: movement whips
Human Microbiome
all of the micro-organisms that live in and on us
Bacteria to Human Cell ratio
Bacteria to Human Gene ratio
Commensal Microbes
live together, one benefits, and the other is not harmed NON-pathogenic
What are 2 reasons why it is hard to complete the Human Microbiome Project?
Abundance of organisms, and anaerobic intestinal microbes
Intestinal Gut Microbiome Functions (3)
Metabolic, Structural, Protection
IM Metabolic Functions:
Vitamin synthesis, fermentation, absorption of nutrients
IM Structural Functions:
Commensal Microbes
live together, one benefits, and the other is not harmed NON-pathogenic
What are 2 reasons why it is hard to complete the Human Microbiome Project?
Abundance of organisms, and anaerobic intestinal microbes
Intestinal Gut Microbiome Functions (3)
Metabolic, Structural, Protection
Human Microbiome
all of the micro-organisms living in and on us
Bacteria to Human Cell Ratio
Bacteria to Human Gene Ratio
Commensal Microbes
live together, one benefits, and other is neither helped nor harmed
What are 2 reasons why it will be hard to complete the Human Microbiome Project?
Abundance of organisms, and anaerobic intestinal microbes
Intestinal Gut Microbiome Functions (3)
Metabolic, Structural, Protection
IM Metabolic Functions:
Vitamin synthesis, fermentation(digestion), absorption of nutrients
IM Structural Function
IM Protective Functions
Commensal bacteria fight against the pathogenic bacteria
Nasty bacteria, 100,000 deaths per year
Quorum Sensing
Bacteria have sensors and receptors that let them know how many other bacteria are around. Once the bacteria have multiplied sufficiently, they can simultaneously attack
Anti-Qorum Sensing Drugs
Block bacterial receptors, and prevent action by bacteria
Types of Archaea Extremophiles
Halophiles, Thermophiles, Methanogens
3 Ways Archaea are different than Eukaryotes
No nucleus or organelles, circular chromosomes, cell wall (not peptidoglycan)
1 Way Archaea are similar to Eukaryotes
Similar gene expression e.g: eukaryotic ribosomes
Nuclear Envelope (3 facts)
Double membrane, contains nuclear pores, held in shape by nuclear lamina
What is the function of the nucleolus?
Ribosomes are made here
Nuclear Lamina (function, made of?)
Holds nucleus structure, made from Lamin Proteins
Lamin Proteins & Mutation
String shaped, mutation causes irregular shaped nucleus and consequently defects in chromosome organization. This is a cause of progeria.
Protein sorting/Targeting
Polypeptides in protein created in ribosome will have markers for destination
Elements of the Endomembrane System
Nuclear Envelope, SER & RER, Transport Vesicles, Lysosomes
Soft Endoplasmic Reticulum 1 Function
Lipid production
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (General)
Makes proteins
Inside of organelles
help with protein folding
What Happens in RER? (3 things)
folding of proteins with help of chaperones, Glycosylation: attachment of oligosaccharide gylcoproteins, Cleavage: ex. insulin
Golgi Apparatus (3 functions)(1 major)
Further modification (Glycosylation/Trimming), carbohydrate synthesis, and SORTING STATION.
Digestive compartments/recycling centers
How does the Lysosome digest material?
hydrolytic enzymes
How does the lysosome maintain an acidic interior?
Proton pumps in lysosomal membrane
To what, do lysosomes attach?
Food vacuoles or old organelles
What happens if you have non-functioning lysosomes?
buildup of glycogen, organs destroyed
What is the path of molecule with an ER retention signal?
Still goes to Golgi Apparatus, but return to ER.
Cytoskeleton is made up of (3 things)
Microfilaments, Microtubules, Intermediate Filaments
Function of cytoskeleton (4)
Cell division via cell pinching, chromosome organization and movement, vesicle transport, provides structure via nuclear lamina
Microfilaments (dynamic or static, made from)
Dynamic, made from actin subunits
Dynamic, made from tubulin,
Describe the highways for vesicles
Highways created by microtubules, vesicles carried by motor proteins from ER to Golgi
Breaks down fatty acids and toxins via oxidation. Byproduct is hydrogen peroxide.
Mitochondria and the…
Function of Both Mitochondria and Chloroplast (General)
Both Mitochondria and Chloroplast have certain characteristics that indicate it was at one time an older organism… (4)
Small circular DNA, Double membrane,Prokaryotic ribosomes, approximately the size of bacteria
Serial Endosymbiotic Theory (SET)
Theory that the mitochondria used to be a bacteria that the Eukaryotic cell absorbed.