MGMT Exam 3 Flashcards - Chapter 11
What is a team that makes goods or offers services?
Work team
What is a team composed of members from various jobs who consult on various organizational issues?
Parallel team
What is a team formed to solve a one-time problem or design a product or service?
Project team
What is a team that executes complex tasks in situations that are difficult or viewable by others?
Action team
What is a team that oversees the functioning of an organization?
Management team
Instead of having assembly lines in which workers repeatedly perform single, specialized tasks, such as sewing zippers or attaching buttons, a clothing manufacturer forms teams of 8 to 10 workers who are responsible for producing entire garments. This is an example of a(n) ______ team.
Members of the budget committee at XYCAT Co. review and approve departmental budgets that are submitted by various department heads. This is an example of ______ team.
The hospital’s Grievance Committee is made up of members from various departments and is responsible for reviewing patient grievances and making recommendations to promptly resolve those complaints. This committee is an example of a(n) ______ team.
The Humane Society formed a committee to organize and coordinate a fund-raising auction to be held for the benefit of the animals. This is an example of a(n) ______ team.
Which of the following are characteristics that help distinguish the five general types of teams?
the life span of the team
the extent to which team members are participating
the objectives of the team
the number of team members
the life span of the team
the extent to which team members are participating
the objectives of the team
In order to improve quality at a manufacturing firm, managers put together a team composed of members of various departments to meet on a part-time basis to analyze and discuss issues of product quality and make recommendations for change. This is an example of a(n) ______ team.
A team whose members are geographically dispersed but are linked through information technologies to work interdependently toward common goals is known as a(n)
_____ team.
Teams whose tasks are quite complex and take place in contexts that are either highly visible to an audience or of a highly challenging nature are known as
______ teams.
When the silent-auction committee was formed, the members quickly worked out task goals and how they planned to proceed. However, after a couple of months, it became apparent that their original plan was inadequate, so they revised their plans and set off in a new direction. The auction committee experienced
punctuated equilibrium.
Anton is a project manager at a large, multinational insurance company in the U.S. His team members are located in Ireland, Bangladesh, and Australia, and they work remotely via the use of electronic communication. This is an example of a(n) ______ team.
Each branch of a large regional credit union operates largely autonomously but is part of the same organization. This is an example of ______ interdependence?
The Humane Society formed a committee to organize and coordinate a fund-raising auction to be held for the benefit of the animals. This is an example of a(n) ______ team?
Lloyd’s new product development team is finally “hitting on all cylinders.” Its members are working together smoothly, trust each other, and are mutually committed to the objectives of the team. Lloyd’s team appears to be in the ______ stage of team development.
With ______ interdependence, one task cannot be started before the completion of one or more other tasks?
The model of group development that asserts that teams establish patterns of behavior for task completion, experience a period of inertia midway through the project, and then fundamentally change their behavior in order to complete the project in a timely manner is referred to as
Punctuated equilibrium.
A type of task Interdependence in which team members have specialized tasks but there is not a strict sequence of events is _____
Reciprocal interdependence.
______ interdependence demands the highest level of interaction and coordination among team members.
At Lamb’s Peace Church, the music director, youth group director, and director of religious education work on their tasks with little collaboration, even though they share an administrative staff. This is an example of ______ interdependence.
To inspire team spirit, the new product development team had T-shirts printed that say, “When we dream alone, it is only a dream” on the back and “When we dream together, it’s the beginning of reality” on the front. This motto suggests that the group has a high level of
goal interdependence.
Professor Johnson has assigned a group project in her organizational behavior course, and students in each team will receive the same grade for the project, regardless of how much—or how little—they contribute to the overall project. This is an example of
high outcome interdependence.
At Abels Enterprises, a manufacturer of outdoor furniture, one worker assembles the frames for the chairs and then passes them on to a second worker. This worker fastens the cushions before passing the chairs on to a third worker, who wraps the chairs for shipment to customers. This is an example of ______ interdependence.
Behaviors that are directly related to the accomplishment of team tasks are referred to as ______ roles.
Team task
What is the best description of a mission statement?
A written declaration of an organization’s core purpose and focus
The saying “Birds of a feather flock together” would best describe what?
the similarity-attraction approach
Which type of diversity encompasses differences in attitudes, values, and psychological characteristics of people?
deep-level diversity
The value in diversity problem-solving approach suggests that _____
diverse teams have larger sets of information and points of view that the team can use.
Research has demonstrated that team members are most pleased with a team in which there are ______ team members?
between four and five
According to research, task interdependence exerts a ______ impact on team performance?
moderate positive
What is the difference between a group and a team?
A group is a collection of individuals who coordinate their efforts, while a team is a group of two or more people who share a common goal.
What is the purpose of a work team?
Permenant team that produces goods or provides services
What is the lifespan of a work team?
How is member involvement in a work team?
What are examples of a work team?
Self managed work team, production team, maintenance team, sales team
What is the purpose of a management team?
Integrate activities of subunits across business functions
What is the lifespan of a management team?
How is member involvement in a management team?
What is the purpose of a parallel team?
Provide Recommendations and resolve the issue
What is the lifespan of a parallel team?
How is member involvement in a parallel team?
What is the purpose of a project team?
Produce a one-time output ( product, service, plan, design, etc..)
What is the lifespan of a project team?
Lifespan varies
How is member involvement in a project team?
Member involvement varies
What is the purpose of an action team?
Perform complex tasks that vary in duration and take place in highly visible or challenging circumstances
What is the lifespan of an action team?
Lifespan varies
How is member involvement in an action team?
Member involvement Varies
What are virtual teams?
A team in which the members are geographically dispersed, and interdependent activity occurs through e-mail, web conferencing, and instant messaging
What is the first step of team development?
Forming. Members try to get a feel for what is expected of them, what types of behaviors are out of bounds, and who’s in charge
What is the second step of team development?
Storming. Conflict occurs due to members’ ongoing commitment to ideas they bring with them to the team
What is the third step of team development?
Norming. Members realize that they need to work together to accomplish team goals and consequently begin to cooperate.
What is the fourth step of team development?
Performing. Members are comfortable working within their roles, and the team makes progress toward goals.
What is the fifth step of team development?
Adorning. Members experience anxiety and other emotions as they disengage and ultimately separate from the team
What is punctuated equilibrium?
A sequence of team development during which not much gets done until the halfway point of a project, after which teams make necessary changes to complete the project on time.
What is a form of task independence in which group members complete their work assignments independently, and then their work is simply added together to represent the group’s output?
Pooled interdependence
What is a form of task interdependence in which group members perform different tasks in a prescribed sequence, and members depend on only the member who comes before them in the sequence?
Sequential interdependence
What is a form of task interdependence in which group members interact with only a limited subset of other members to complete the team’s work?
Reciprocal interdependence
What is a form of task interdependence in which team members have a great deal of discretion in terms of what they do and with whom they interact in the course of the collaboration involved in accomplishing the team’s work?
Comprehensive interdependence
What is task interdependence?
The extent to which the work performed by one member of a group affects what other members do.
What is goal interdependence?
The degree to which team members have a shared goal and align their individual goals with that vision
What is outcome interdependence?
The degree to which team members share equally in the feedback and rewards that result from the team achieving its goals
What are the various team task roles?
Initiator, coordinator, orienter, devil’s advocate, energizer, procedural technician
What is an initiator?
Contributor- purposes new ideas
Who tries to coordinate activities among team members?
Who determines the direction of the team’s discussion?
Who offers challenges to the teams status quo?
Devil’s advocate
Who motivates the team to strive to do better?
Who performs routine tasks needed to keep progress moving?
Procedural technician
What are the various team building roles?
Encourager, harmonizer, compromiser, getekeeper/expediter, standard setter, follower
Who praises the contributions of other team members?
Who mediates differences between group members?
Who attempts to find the halfway point tot end conflict?
Who encourages participation from teammates?
Who expresses goals for the team to achieve?
Standard setter
What are the various individualistic roles?
Aggressor, blocker, recognition seeker, self confessor, slacker, dominator
Who brags and calls attention to himself or herself?
Recognition seeker
Who discloses personal opinions inappropriately?
Self confessor
Who acts cynically or nonchalantly or goofs off?
Who manipulates team members for personal control?
Who acts stubbornly resistant and disagrees beyond reason?
Who deflates teammates, expresses disapproval with hostility?
What are the three ways to distribute outcomes in a group situation?
Roles, ability, personality
What are three personality characteristics that may be particularly important in a team?
• Ageeableness: Agreeable people tend to be more cooperative and trusting, tendencies that promote positive attitudes about the team and smooth interpersonal interactions.
• Conscientiousness: Conscientious people tend to be dependable and work hard to achieve goals.
• Extraversion: Extraverted people tend to perform more effectively in interpersonal contexts and are more positive and optimistic in general.
What are the three ways to distribute outcomes in a group situation?
• Equal Outcome
• Individual performance
• Based on % of salary
What are the three types of tasks related to how important individual member ability levels are to the success of the group?
- Disjunctive tasks: with a verifiable best solution the effectiveness of the group will rely on the person with the highest level of relevant ability.
- Conjunctive tasks: team needs everyone to have relevant abilities because the success of the group is dependent on the group’s weakest link.
- Additive tasks: success of the group is dependent on each member contributing their share of the output. Better performing members can make up for low contributors.
What are the two perspectives on diversity as it relates to team success?
Value in diversity problem solving approach and similarity-attraction approach
What is the value in diversity problem solving approach?
A theory that supports team diversity because it provides a larger pool of knowledge and perspectives
What is the similarity-attraction approach?
A theory explaining that team diversity can be counterproductive because people tend to avoid interacting with others who are unlike them
How do surface level and deep level diversity relate to these two approaches?
deep level bases off of your own memories and experience with the people, while surface level, is based off what you see for the person
How does team size impact team success?
Having a greater number of members is beneficial for management and project teams but not for teams engaged in
production tasks. (best size is 4 and 5)