Management 363 Exam 1 - FLASHCARDS - Exam 1 review
What is organizational behavior?
Field of study devoted to understanding, explaining, and ultimately improving the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations.
What is human resource management?
Field of study that focuses on the applications of organizational behavior theories and principles in organizations.
How are organizational behavior and human resource management different?
For example, an organizational behavior study might explore the relationship between learning and job performance, while human resource management might look at the best ways to structure training programs to promote employee learning
- What are the two primary individual outcomes with which OB is concerned?
Job performance and organizational commitment
What are employee behaviors that have some expected value to organizations (positive or negative)?
Job performance
Organizational behavior seeks to understand, explain, and improve employees’ attitudes and _____
An employee’s desire to remain a member of an organization that she or he respects is referred to as his or her
Organizational commitment
What are the five individual mechanisms that influence job performance and organizational commitment?
Job Satisfaction
Trust, Justice, & Ethics
Learning & Decision Making
What are the two individual characteristics that improve the five individual mechanisms?
Personality & Cultural Values
What are the four group mechanisms that have an impact on job performance and organizational commitment?
Leadership styles & behaviors
Leadership power & negotiation
Team processes & communication
Teams characteristics & diversity
What are the two organizational mechanisms that have an impact on job performance and organizational commitment?
Organizational culture and organizational structure
The energetic forces that drive employees’ work effort is best described as
The group mechanism that details how individuals gain power over others within the organization is referred to as
Leadership power and negotiations
According to the integrative model of organizational behavior, what would be categorized as organizational mechanisms that contribute to individual mechanisms?
Organizational structure and organizational culture
The organizational mechanism that captures the shared knowledge about the values and beliefs of the organization is called
Organizational culture
What organizational mechanism is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in order to achieve the goals of an organization?
Organizational structure
The individual mechanism that deals with workers’ psychological reactions to overtaxing job demands is referred to as
What is the belief that at best one-eighth, or 12 percent, of organizations will actually do what is required to build profits by putting people first?
The rule of one eigth
What are the four methods of knowing?
Method of experience, method of intuition, method of authority, and method of science
What method is it when people accept some belief because scientific studies have tended to replicate that result using a series of samples, settings, and methods?
Scientific method
What method is it when people hold firmly to some belief because it is consistent with their own experience and observations?
Method of experience
What method is it when people hold firmly to some belief because it “just stands to reason”—it seems obvious or self-evident?
Method of intuition
What method is it when people hold firmly to some belief because some respected official, agency, or source has said it is so?
Method of authority
In order to test market acceptance of the company’s new product, Marketing Manager Francesca has conducted a number of focus group interviews and has also had an independent firm conduct several market surveys. Which basis for knowledge is Francesca relying upon?
Scientific method
Which of the following is required in order to establish a causal inference between two variables?
That the variables be correlated
According to the integrative model of organizational behavior, ______ would include such elements as motivation, stress, and job satisfaction.
Individual mechanisms
A correlation of -1 between two variables suggests what?
Perfect negative relationship
A correlation of 1 between two variables suggests what?
Perfect positive relationship
A correlation of 0 between two variables suggests what?
No correlation
The statement, “A change in X produces a change in Y” is an example of
Casual inference
According to the integrative model of organizational behavior, ______ would include such elements as motivation, stress, and job satisfaction.
Individual mechanisms
How to we measure relationships between variables?
*more compact = strong (.50)
*less compact = weak (.10)
How can we prove causality?
Make sure the variables are correlated, that the cause precedes the effect in time, and that no alternative explanation exists for the correlation
What is meta-analysis?
A method that combines the results of multiple scientific studies by essentially calculating a weighted average correlation across studies (with larger studies receiving more weight).
How do meta-analyses reinforce what we know about correlation?
It can form the foundation for evidence-based management, which is a perspective that argues that scientific findings should form the foundation for management education.
Which is more important regarding performance? Behaviors or outcomes?
What are the three types of job performance?
Task performance, citizenship behavior, and counterproductive behavior
What is job performance?
the value of the set of employee behaviors that contribute, either positively or negetively, to organizational goal accomplishment. Not the consequences or results of behavior, the behavior itself
What is task performance?
the behaviors directly involved in transforming organizational resources into the goods or services an organization produces (that is, the behaviors included in one’s job description). Typically a mix of routine task performance, adaptive task performance, and creative task performance
What is routine task performance?
Well-known or habitual responses by employees to predictable task demands.
What is adaptive task performance?
Employee responses to unusual or unplanned task demands. Don’t happen all the time, not planned. For example fires, school shootings
What is creative task performance?
Figuring out more efficient ways to do your job. For example, going to zoom during covid
What are citizenship behaviors?
Voluntary activities that may or may not be rewarded but that contribute to the organization by improving the quality of the setting where work is done
What are the two types of citizenship behaviors?
Organizational and interpersonal
What are organizational citizenship behaviors?
Voice, civic virtue, boosterism,
What are interpersonal citizenship behaviors?
Helping, courtesy, sportsmanship
What is civic virtue?
doing things that you are not required to do
What is boosterism?
activity that takes place outside of the organization. For example, volunteering while wearing organization’s logo
You can also help your coworkers with work they have to do, being curteous and making sure that coworkers know what they need to to do their job, and maintaining a positive attitude through sportsmanship. What are these?
Interpersonal citizenship behaviors
What are employee behaviors relevant to job performance?
Task performance, citizenship behavior, and counterproductive behavior
What refers to the set of explicit obligations that an employee has for fulfilling a job?
Task performance
What are employee behaviors that are directly involved in the transformation of organizational resources into the goods and services that the organization produces?
Task performance
Horatio works as a parking attendant at a municipal parking lot. He monitors the parking lot to prevent vandalism and theft, collects fees from motorists, and makes periodic rounds to check for expired permits. These duties would be considered as
Routine task performance
What is a job analysis?
A process by which an organization determines requirements of specific jobs.
What are steps of a job analysis?
- Generate a list of activities involved in a job. 2. Have a subject matter expert list each activity by importance or frequency. 3. Define task performance based on the activities that are important or frequently performed
True or false: Counterproductive behavior encompasses employee behaviors that intentionally or unintentionally hinder organizational goal accomplishment?
False. Counterproductive behaviors are intentional
Job performance that consists of voluntary employee activities that help a company by improving the overall quality of the setting or context in which work takes place is called _____ behavior.
Citizenship behaviors, such as supporting and defending the company, working to improve its operations, and being especially loyal to the company, are known as
______ citizenship behaviors?
What is a performance evaluation system that uses ratings provided by supervisors, coworkers, subordinates, customers, and the employees themselves? We get evaluated based on what we are supposed to be doing and how well we have done those things. Goal is to get a better picture of the person’s performance
360 degree feedback
What is Management by Objectives (MBO)?
A management philosophy that bases employee evaluations on whether specific performance goals have been met. If we meet our objectives, we will have good performance evaluation
The performance management practice that measures performance by directly assessing job performance behaviors is referred to as
A behavioral anchored rating scale (BARS)
True or false: Employees with high levels of task performance seldom have counterproductive behaviors.
Students in Professor Alsever’s class make a final project presentation before their classmates, and other department professors are invited to attend. The grade on the final project is based on weighted feedback from Professor Alsever, classmates, and the other professors in attendance. What type of performance management system is Professor Alsever using for evaluating the final project?
360 degree feedback
What are the four types of counterproductive behaviors?
Production deviance, political deviance, property deviance, and personal aggression
What refers to behaviors that harm the organization’s assets and possessions?
Property deviance
What refers to behaviors that intentionally reduce organizational efficiency of work output?
Production deviance
What refers to behaviors that intentionally disadvantage other individuals?
Political deviance
Which counterproductive behaviors are types of political deviance?
Gossiping and incivilty
What counterproductive behaviors are types of production deviance?
wasting resources, substance abuse
What counterproducive behaviors are examples of property deviance?
sabotage, theft
What counterproducive behaviors are examples of personal aggression?
Harrassment and abuse
What is incivility?
opposite of courtesy
What are the four ways to evaluate performance.
Management by objectives (MBO), 360 degree feedback, behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS), and forced ranking
If you are a strong task performer, are you still likely to engage in counterproductive behavior?
If we engage in citizenship behavior, are we likely to engage in counterproductive behavior?
The performance appraisal system that involves the development of a set of mutually agreed-upon objectives between employees and supervisors is
management by objectives (MBO)
What is 360 degree feedback?
Get evaluated based on what we are supposed to be doing and how well we have done those things. Goal is to get a better picture of the person’s performance
At the beginning of the semester, Professor Wolfman explained her grading policy. She stated that students would be evaluated on the basis of comparison with one another and that 20% of the class would earn an A grade, 70% of the class would earn a C grade, and 10% of the class would fail. What performance management system is Professor Wolfman using in her class?
Forced ranking
In the management by objectives (MBO) process, who sets goals or objectives?
The employees and their managers
The performance management approach that uses job performance evaluations to identify a company’s best, average, and worst performing employees, using person-to-person comparisons, is known as
Forced ranking
What is organizational committment?
An employee’s desire to be part of the organization
Actions that employees perform to avoid their work situation are referred to as ______ behavior.
______ commitment reflects an employee’s desire to stay with an organization because of an emotional attachment to it.
______ commitment reflects an employee’s desire to remain with an organization because of an awareness of the costs associated with leaving it.
______ commitment is when you feel you owe something to the organization or have an obligation to stay?
______ levels of withdrawal behavior are closely correlated with a ______ degree of organizational commitment.
High; low
What is the erosion model?
A model that suggests that employees with fewer bonds with coworkers are most likely to quit the organization. if one important person leaves, everyone will leave
How would someone with affective commitment feel if they left the organization?
They would feel like they lost out on something if they left because they like were they are
How would someone with continuance commitment feel if they left the organization?
They would feel anxiety if they left because they needed to stay because of costs
How would someone with normative commitment feel if they left the organization?
They would feel guilty if they left because they felt they had an obligation to stay
What is the EVLN model of withdrawal behavior?
Exit, voice, loyalty, neglect
What is psycological withdrawal?
Mentally escaping the work environment
What are examples of physical withdrawal?
Exit behaviors such as tardiness, missing meetings, quitting, long breaks, or being absent
What are examples of psycological withdrawal?
Neglect behaviors such as daydreaming, looking busy, cyberloafing, socializing, moonlighting
The people, places, and things that can inspire an employee’s desire to remain a member of an organization together form what is known as the employee’s focus of
According to research, what type of statistical relationship exists between continuance commitment and citizenship behavior?
No statistical relationship
What is embededness?
An employee’s connection to and sense of fit in the organization and community.
What is engaging in nonwork electronic communication while on the clock?
What is engaging in nonwork verbal communication while on the clock?
What is doing work for another job while on the clock?
Who has high commitment and high task performance?
Who has low commitment and high task performance?
Lone wolves
Who has high commitment and low task performance?
Who has low commitment and low task performance?
Which model of withdrawal has received the most scientific support and is the most accurate?
Progression model
True or false: Increasing diversity in the workforce potentially reduces some employees’ organizational affective commitment.
The types of quasi-contractual terms with which employees view what they owe their employer and what their employer owes them are referred to as
Psycological contracts
A ______ contract views the employment relationship in terms of subjective and open-ended obligations.
Which model argues that the various withdrawal behaviors are uncorrelated with one another, occur for different reasons, and fulfill different needs on the part of employees?
Independent forms model
Which model argues that the various withdrawal behaviors negatively correlate with one another- that doing one means you’re less likely to do another. Any form of withdrawal can compensate, or neutralize, a sense of dissatisfaction, which makes the other forms unnecessary?
Compensatory forms model
Which model argues that the various withdrawal behaviors are positively correlated: the tendency to daydream or socialize leads to the tendency to come in late and take long breaks, which leads to the tendency to be absent or quit?
Progression model
How is the changing relationship between employer and employee influencing organizational commitment?
Involuntary turnover (layoffs) increased in the 80s & 90s, along with increasing temporary employment, and outsourcing has led employees to become less committed to staying with one employer throughout their career
What are the two psychological contracts involved in organizational commitment?
Transactional - specific monetary obligations (pay & advancement in exchange for protection of proprietary info). This is the most likely to occur.
Relational - open-ended & subjective obligations (loyalty & willingness to go above & beyond for job security, development, & support).
How can organizations improve commitment?
By being supportive, and providing adequate rewards, protecting job security, improving work conditions & minimizing the effects of office politics.
Bonding activities to increase affective commitment
Salary/benefit packages to increase continuance commitment
Providing training/development opportunities to increase normative commitment.
What is job satisfaction?
A pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences
What is the value-precept model of job satisfaction?
A theory that argues that job satisfaction depends on whether the employee perceives that their job supplies those things that they value
What are the five facets of job satisfaction?
Promotion satisfaction, supervision satisfaction, coworker satisfaction, pay satisfaction, and satisfaction with the work itself
What are the five core job characteristics?
Variety, identity, significance, autonomy, and feedback
What is the degree to which a job offers completion of a whole, identifiable piece of work?
What is the degree to which a job requires different activities and skills?
What is the degree to which a job really matters and impacts society as a whole?
What is the degree to which a job allows individual freedom and discretion regarding how the work is to be done?
What is the degree to which the job itself provides information about how well the job holder is doing. In goal setting theory, it refers to progress updates on work goals?
What are the three psycological states regarding job characteristics?
Meaningfullness of work, responsibility for outcome, and knowledge of results
What is a psychological state indicating the degree to which employees feel they are key drivers of the quality of work output?
Responsibility of outcomes
What is a psychological state reflecting one’s feelings about work tasks, goals, and purposes, and the degree to which they contribute to society and fulfill one’s ideals and passions?
Meaningfullness of work
What is a psychological state indicating the extent to which employees are aware of how well or how poorly they are doing?
Knowledge of results
What are the two moderators in regards to job characteristics?
Knowledge and skill, growth need strength
What is growth needs strength?
The degree to which employees desire to develop themselves further
What is knowledge and skills?
The degree to which employees have the aptitude and competence needed to succeed on their job
What is job enrichment?
When job duties and responsibilities are expanded to provide increased levels of core job characteristics
What level of commitment and performance do you have in this situation: “I suppose I could be inspirational, but I know I can find a better job somewhere else.”
Low commitment and high performance
What level of commitment and performance do you have in this situation: “Other employees may not look up to me, but I want to help in any way I can.”
High commitment and low performance
What level of commitment and performance do you have in this situation: “Give me a break. I’ve never been a big deal around here and I really don’t care.”
Low commitment and low performance
What level of commitment and performance do you have in this situation: “I don’t sit and just watch bad things happen. I challenge the status quo and people look up to me.”
High commitment and high performance
______ satisfaction refers to how employees feel about their employer’s policies regarding changes in job titles and responsibilities.
Employees’ feelings about their boss, including whether the boss is competent, polite, and a good communicator, is referred to as ______ satisfaction.
The ______ theory argues that job satisfaction depends on whether you feel that your job supplies the things that you value.
Value percept
According to the value-percept theory, employees establish their level of pay satisfaction partly on
the pay of similar coworkers
Of the five job facets identified by the value-percept theory, which facet appears to have the lowest correlation with job satisfaction?
Jaycee is an interior designer who designs spaces for small-business clients. He loves being able to “see” his ideas and concepts come to life as a functional and well-designed workplace. This would best describe which job characteristic?
According to the job characteristics theory, a tailor who measures a client for a custom-made suit, selects the fabric, cuts and sews the suit, and alters it to precisely fit the client would have high
According to the job characteristics theory, the best source of ongoing feedback on task performance comes from
The work itself
True or false: Moods are states of feeling that are often extreme in intensity
A high level of ______ directly contributes to the psychological state known as responsibility for outcomes, according to the job characteristics theory.
States of feeling that are relatively mild, last for a while, and are not explicitly directed at or caused by someone or something are referred to as
What are the two ways in which moods can be categorized?
Pleasantness and activation
What are intense feelings, often lasting for a short duration, that are clearly directed at someone or some circumstance?
The ______ theory states that workplace occurrences that can generate reactions can go on to influence work attitudes and behaviors
Affective events
Research suggests that job satisfaction has a ______ effect on organizational commitment
Strong positive
An instrument designed to measure five dimensions of job satisfaction, including supervisor satisfaction, pay satisfaction, promotion satisfaction, coworker satisfaction, and satisfaction with the work itself, is known as the
Job Descriptive Index (JDI)
How do moods and emotions influence job satisfaction?
Negative feelings have adverse effects on job performance and satisfaction
What is emotional contaigon?
The idea that emotions can be transferred from one person to another
What is emotional labor?
When employees manage their emotions to complete their job duties successfully. For example, a flight attendant puts on a happy face during her job even if she isn’t.
How does job satisfaction influence job performance?
Job satisfaction has a moderate positive effect on job performance
How does job satisfaction influence organizational commitment?
Job satisfaction has a strong positive effect on organizational commitment
What method is this? Jill recently accepted her first full-time job after graduating from college and has been with the company for almost to years now. Very quickly she learned that arriving at the office before her boss and leaving after the boss had a positive effect on how her boss viewed her work ethic.
Method of experience
What method is this? When Jamal arrived at work, the office was unusually quiet. He could tell something was going on just by how the office environment ‘felt’, whether it was a drop in sales or urgent due date
Method of intuition
What method is this? On Nada’s first day of work, the copier jammed while handling an important job. She quickly called the emergency repair number on the copier to get expert help
Method of authority
What method is this? After surveying a large group of full-time employees at his company, Matthew learned that employee levels of satisfaction correlated with employee performance.
Method of science
What is the Occupational Information Network?
An online database containing job tasks, behaviors, required knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Tonya isn’t especially happy with her job or the company, but her boss is on maternity leave, and Tonya knows that the department would be in disarray if she left before her boss returned. What type of organizational commitment does this describe?
A model that suggests that employees with direct linkages to coworkers who leave the organization will themselves become more likely to leave.
social influence model
“As long as my boss doesn’t bother me with extra work, I can handle going into the office,” Tina reports. “So I just pretend I’m busy, even if I’m surfing the Internet. Or when I’ve just turned in an assignment, I’ll hang out in the lunchroom. If I had to deal with my boss more, I’d quit.” Which of the following models of withdrawal best describes Tina’s behavior?
Compensatory forms model
The degree to which employees believe that the organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being is referred to as
perceived organizational support
The cleaning staff in a hospital are likely to feel higher levels of _________ than the cleaning staff in a factory that makes toys.
Task significance
According to the value-percept theory, employees establish their level of pay satisfaction partly on
the pay of similar coworkers
One of the factors in Irina’s job as a web designer that gives her the most satisfaction is putting together images, words, animation, and sound and immediately seeing her work take shape and come to life. This would best describe which critical psychological state?
Meaningfullness of work
What is job characteristics theory?
A theory that argues that five core characteristics (variety, identity, significance, autonomy, and feedback) combine to result in high levels of satisfaction with the work itself
Which two conditions are required in order to result in a state of flow?
High skill and high challenge
Maria became so absorbed in her project that she did not even realize that she had worked through lunch. This state would be described as
Research suggests that job satisfaction has a ______ effect on organizational commitment
Strong positive