MGMT Exam 2 - FLASHCARDS - Chapter 7
Trust is among the most significant factors in determining a company’s
What is how well one’s actions fit in with generally accepted moral standards?
When people make a rational assessment based on perceptions of another party’s reliability, they engage in what?
Cognition based trust
What is trust that is rooted in one’s own personality, as opposed to a careful assessment of the trustee’s trustworthiness?
Disposition based trust
What type of trust is with new relationships?
Disposition based trust
What type of trust is with most relationships?
Cognition based trust
What type of trust is with few relationships?
Affect based trust
What term is used to describe a person’s general belief that others can be relied upon?
Trust propensity
When consumers are willing to make themselves vulnerable to a company based on positive expectations about that company’s actions and intentions, consumers are exhibiting what?
What are the components of cognition based trust?
Ability, benevolence, and integrity
What is the best definition of justice?
the degree to which an authority’s decision making is considered fair
In the process of hiring a specialist, at what point should ability be considered?
At the beginning of the process
What is the belief that an authority wants to do good for an employee, apart from any selfish or profit-centered motives?
What is true of authorities who are considered benevolent?
They are concerned about employees’ well-being.
They care for employees.
They are loyal to their employees
Unlike other forms of trust, affect-based trust is primarily _____
Emotional. It is not rational
True or false: Justice provides the behavioral evidence that employees need to determine trustworthiness?
What quality is demonstrated by someone who shows a desire to do what is in your best interest rather than their own interest?
What dimension of trustworthiness is demonstrated by a person who “tells it like it is”?
What is the perceived fairness of decision-making outcomes?
Distributive justice
What is the perceived fairness of decision-making processes?
Procedural justice
What is the perceived fairness of the interpersonal treatment received by employees from authorities?
Interpersonal justice
What do employees consider in order to determine whether distributive justice exists?
Pay, rewards, evaluation, promotions, and work assignments
When a new relationship is forming, the presence or absence of trust often depends solely on your own
Trust propensity
Authorities are able to improve procedural justice when they abide by rules of ____
Fair process
What rule of fair process is ensured by having procedures that employees can use to appeal their performance evaluation ratings?
Which dimension of justice is most accurately described by the saying, “A fair day’s pay, for a fair day’s work.”
Distributive justice
Which dimension of justice is demonstrated when a company provides an honest explanation to employees for a decision that affects their employment?
What term describes the process through which former or current employees expose illegal or immoral actions by their organization?
Whistle blowing
True or false: Unethical behavior can be initiated by both the individual and the institution?
What are rules of procedural justice?
Voice, correctability, bias suppression
When people believe that they are treated with dignity and respect by parties involved in a decision-making process, they perceive ______ justice.
What contributes to the perceptions of procedural justice?
voice, correctability, consistency, bias suppression, representativeness, accuracy
What contributes to the perceptions of distributive justice?
Equity (tangible reward), equality (opportunity), need (demands)
What contributes to the perceptions of interpersonal justice?
respect, propriety
What contributes to the perceptions of informational justice?
justification, truthfulness
A model that argues that ethical behaviors result from the multistage sequence of moral awareness, moral judgment, moral intent, and ethical behavior.
Four component model of ethical decision making
What is magnitude of consequences?
The level of impact of the outcome
What is probability of effect?
The likelihood that the act will occur or cause harm
What is temporal immediacy?
The interval between when the act occurs and its consequences
What is concentration of effect?
The extent to which consequences of the act are focused
According to Kohlberg, when does moral development begin?
at the preconventional stage
What term is used to describe the degree to which an issue has ethical urgency?
Moral intensity
According to researchers, people pay more attention to stimuli that are ______?
significant, recognizable, and vivid
According to Kohlberg’s theory of cognitive moral development, which is true of moral development at the conventional stage?
It involves an emphasis on laws, rules, and orders that govern society.
What is the moral principle that holds that the individual’s self-interest and freedom should be the motivation and the goal of action?
What is an authority’s degree of commitment to the moral course of action?
Moral intent
What term describes a company’s acknowledgment that it is accountable for its actions?
Social responsibility
Which moral principles judge the morality of an action solely on its honorable qualities and respect for others rather than on its outcome?
virtue ethics
ethics of rights
What is the name of a company officer appointed to make sure that a company meets its legal obligations and does not violate regualtions?
Compliance officer
What is the best definition of moral identity?
How much someone considers themselves to be a moral person
_____ exchange relationships involve a connection with another person and fosters trust and expectations that the other person will honor his or her obligations?
Which factor is predicted by an employee’s level of trust in authorities?
Ability to focus
What is the difference between trust and risk?
Trust is willing to be vulnerable, while risk is actually becoming vulnerable
What reflects the prominence of a brand in the minds
of the public and its perceived quality and can be easily damaged?
What type of trust is rooted in emotion rather than reason?
Affect based trust
What is the preconventional stage of moral development?
focuses on consequences of actions for the individual
What is the conventional stage of moral development?
references the expectations of one’s family and society
What is the principled stage of moral development?
the most advanced, uses a set of defined, established moral principles
What relationships have increased trust, and are characterized by mutual investment, going above and beyond expectations?
Social exchange relationships
What relationships lack trust, and are narrowly defined, quid pro quo obligations?
Economic exchange relationships
What is the difference between merely ethical and especially ethical behavior?
- Merely ethical: you obey laws and live up to contractual obligations.
- Especially ethical: you go above and beyond minimum
What is moral awareness?
When an authority recognizes that a moral issue exists in a situation.
What does moral awareness depend on?
Moral intensity. The degree to which an issue has ethical urgency.
What is moral judgement?
distinguish between right and wrong
What is the degree to which people chronically perceive and consider issues of morality during their experiences?
Moral attentiveness
What increases moral intensity?
Magnitude of consequences, probability of effect, temporal immediacy, concentration of effect
How does trust influence job performance and organizational commitment?
Trust has a moderate positive relationship with job performance.
Trust has a strong positive effect on organizational commitment because a sense of obligation develops along with trust.
What is a distrust tax?
The reduction in performance because everyone cant focus on task accomplishment.
What is a trust dividend?
The increase in performance because everyone can focus on task accomplishment.
What are the four levels of corporate social responsibility?
- Economic (profitability)
- Legal (legality)
- Ethical (ethicality)
- Citizenship (community)