Metric System Flashcards
Yotta: Give the abbreviation, meaning, a metric example, and a scale example.
Abbr. : Y
Meaning: 10^24
Eg.: 1 Yottagram = 10^24 grams
Scale Example: Mass of Earth = 6000 Yg
Zetta: Give the abbreviation, meaning, a metric example, and a scale example.
Abbr. : Z
Meaning: 10^21
Eg.: 1 Zettameter = 10^21 meters
Scale Example: Radius of the Milkyway Galaxy = 1 Zm
Exa: Give the abbreviation, meaning, a metric example, and a scale example.
Abbr.: E
Meaning: 10^18
Eg.: 1 Exasecond = 10^18 seconds
Scale Example: Age of universe = 0.4 Es (12 billion yrs)
Peta: Give the abbreviation, meaning, a metric example, and a scale example.
Abbr.: P
Meaning: 10^15
Eg.: 1 Petameter = 10^15 meters
Scale Example: 1 Light year = 9.5 Pm
Tera: Give the abbreviation, meaning, a metric example, and a scale example.
Abbr.: P
Meaning: 10^12
Eg.: 1 Terameter = 10^12 meters
Scale Example: Distance from Jupiter = 0.8 Tm
Giga: Give the abbreviation, meaning, a metric example, and a scale example.
Abbr.: G
Meaning: 10^9
Eg.: 1 Gigasecond = 10^9 seconds
Scale Example: Human Life-Expectancy - 1 century = 3Gs
Mega: Give the abbreviation, meaning, a metric example, and a scale example.
Abbr.: M
Meaning: 10^6
Eg.: 1 Megasecond = 10^6 seconds
Scale Example: 1 Ms = 11.6 days
Kilo: Give the abbreviation, meaning, and a metric example.
Abbr.: k
Meaning: 10^3
Eg.: 1 Kilogram = 10^3 grams
Hecto: Give the abbreviation, meaning, and a metric example.
Abbr.: h
Meaning: 10^2
Eg.: 1 Hectogram = 10^2 grams
Deka (deca): Give the abbreviation, meaning, and a metric example.
Abbr.: da
Meaning: 10^1
Eg.: 1 dekaliter = 10^1 liters
Base Unit: Give the abbreviation, meaning, and a metric example.
Abbr.: base unit, or m
Meaning: 10^0
Eg.: 1 meter = 10^0 meters
Deci: Give the abbreviation, meaning, and a metric example.
Abbr.: d
Meaning: 10^-1
Eg.: 10^1 dL = 1 L
Centi: Give the abbreviation, meaning, and a metric example.
Abbr.: c
Meaning: 10^-2
Eg.: 10^2 cm = 1 m
Milli: Give the abbreviation, meaning, and a metric example.
Abbr.: m
Meaning: 10^-3
Eg.: 10^3 mmol = 1 mol.
Micro: Give the abbreviation, meaning, a metric example, and a scale example.
Abbr.: µ
Meaning: 10^-6
Eg.: 10^6 µL = 1L
Scale Example: 1 µL = a very tiny drop of water
Nano: Give the abbreviation, meaning, a metric example, and a scale example.
Abbr.: n
Meaning: 10^-9
Eg.: 10^9 nm = 1m
Scale Example: Radius of a chlorine atom in Cl2 = 0.1 nm
Pico: Give the abbreviation, meaning, a metric example, and a scale example.
Abbr.: p
Meaning: 10^-12
Eg.: 10^12 pg = 1g
Scale Example: mass of a bacterial cell = 1 pg
Femto: Give the abbreviation, meaning, a metric example, and a scale example.
Abbr.: f
Meaning: 10^-15
Eg.: 10^15 fm = 1m
Scale Example: radius of a proton = 1 fm
Atto: Give the abbreviation, meaning, a metric example, and a scale example.
Abbr.: a
Meaning: 10^-18
Eg.: 10^18 as = 1 s
Scale Example: time for light to cross an atom = 1 as
Zepto: Give the abbreviation, meaning, a metric example, and a scale example.
Abbr.: z
Meaning: 10^-21
Eg.: 10^21 zmol = 1 mol
Scale Example: 1 zmol = 600 atoms or molecules
Yocto: Give the abbreviation, meaning, a metric example, and a scale example.
Abbr.: y
Meaning: 10^-24
Eg.: 10^24 yg = 1 g
Scale Example: 1 yg = mass of a proton or neutron