Metal Enhancement 3.1.3 Flashcards
What is Work Hardening ?
This is when a metal is cold worked such as bending or hammering. Improves tensile strength and hardness
What is Annealing?
Annealing is used to make work hardened material less brittle more ductile.
Metal is heated and then cooled slowly.
What is Case hardening?
Used to harden the surface of materials
case hardening provides an outer casting that is wear resistant and resistant to indentation and the core material retains its original properties.
– Two-step Process , Cabursing, Quenching
What is Cabursing (Case hardening)?
Cabursing changes the chemical composition of the surface of the metal so it absorbs more carbon to increase hardness.
The longer the time time the metal is in the ceramic box the thicker the outer layer.
What is Quenching (Case Hardening)?
After Carbursing the metal is quenched into water to cool it and seal the hard surface case and not effect the inner core.
What is Tempering?
A Heat treatment that reduces excess hardness and brittleness, increases toughness and ductility.
Tempering colour on metal indicates the temperature at which the brittleness will be removed