Metabolic Disorders Flashcards
• Metabolic syndrome • Cardiovascular disease – Coronary artery disease – Stroke – Hypertension • Diabetes mellitus
metabolic disorders
• Heart, blood vessels, and blood
• Transport system of the body
• Arteries carry blood from the heart to other
organs and tissues
• Veins return the blood to the heart after the
oxygen has been used up
cardiovascular system
• Functions as a pump
• Left side takes in blood with oxygen from the
• Blood is pumped into the aorta and then
passes into smaller vessels to reach cells
• Oxygen and nutrients are exchanged for
waste material
• Blood returns to the right side of the heart
• Valves keep blood flowing in one direction
The Heart
• Adult body – about 5 liters of blood • Plasma (fluid portion) is 55% • Blood cells make up 45% – Manufactured in bone marrow • Blood flow regulates body temperature • Transports nutrients from digestive tract • Carries waste to kidneys
– Absorb/remove/destroy foreign substances
(immune cells)
– Made up of granulocutes & agranulocytes
(including lymphocytes)
White blood cells (WBCs) or Leukocytes
– Contain hemoglobin
red blood cells (RBCs)
– Clump together to block holes in vessels
– Important role in clotting
- Leukemia
- Leukopenia
- Leukocytosis
Disorders Related to White Cell
– Cancer of the bone marrow
– Excessive WBCs → ↓RBCs in plasma → anemia
– Deficiency of WBCs
– Result of diseases such as tuberculosis, measles, & viral
– Excessive number of WBs
– Response to infections like leukemia, appendicitis,
anemia, erythrocytosis, sickle-cell anemia
Disorders Related to Red Cell
– Low RBCs or hemoglobin
– ↓blood transport capabilities (↓O & ↑CO2)
– Can causes permanent damage to NS & chronic weakness
– Causes:
• Iron lost (menstruation)
• Aplastic amenia (not enough RBCs produced by bone marrow)
– Excess RBCs → ↑blood viscosity & ↓blood flow rate
– Causes
• Lack of O to tissues
• 2° to other diseases
– RBCs are sickle-shaped & have abnormal hemoglobin proteins
– RBCs can easily rupture & can cause anemia
– Promotes resistance to malaria
– Genetic & more common in Blacks
sickle-cell anemia
hemophilia, clots (thromboses) in blood vessels, embolus
Clotting Disorders
– Blood can’t clot normally
– Unable to produce thromboplastin & fibrin
blocks flow of blood to organs, coronary thromboses, cerebral thromboses
clots (thromboses) in blood vessels
– A clot that becomes detached
– Can become lodged in a blood vessel and obstruct blood flow
• Congenital Defects (present at birth) • Disorders Due to Infections (e.g., rheumatic fever) • Cumulative Wear and Tear (Lifestyle) – Diet – Exercise – Smoking – Stress Exposure
- Deposits of cholesterol and other lipids, connective tissue, & muscle tissue
- Calcify into hard, bony substance
- Can occlude arteries
Formation of atheromatous plaques
– Major cause of heart disease in U.S.
– Caused by deposits on the arterial walls
– Blood flow is reduced, damaging tissue
– Inflammation involved
– Loss of elasticity of the arteries
– Harder to tolerate increases in cardiac blood volume
interleukin-6 (IL-6) and c-reative protein (CRP)
indicators of coronary heart disease
– Damage to the coronary arteries
– Atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis in coronary arteries
coronary artery disease (CAD)
– Damage to the myocardium due to insufficient blood supply
coronary heart disease (CHD)
– Angina pectoris (chest pain)
– Myocardial infarction (heart attack)
• Two primary clinical manifestations
• #1 Killer in the U.S. (more than 1 in 5 deaths)
-disease of modernization
• a major chronic disease
– Millions of Americans live with its symptoms
coronary Heart disease
• Condition that results from a disturbance in blood flow to the brain
– Death of brain tissue occurs within 3-5 minutes
– Often marked by resulting physical or cognitive impairments and,
in the extreme, death.
– Third major cause of death in the U.S.
– Bleeding in the brain due to a rupture of a weakened artery
• Aneurysm
• Arteriosclerosis can lead to development of aneurysms
hemorrhagic stroke
– Caused by a clot in the arteries that serve the head and neck
• Atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis
• Clots from internal injuries
• Bubble of air (air embolism) or infection
common stroke
• Stroke affects all aspects of life
– Personal, Social,Vocational, Physical
• Motor, Cognitive, Emotional, and Relationship problems
– Symptoms and problems differ depending on which side of the brain was damaged
• A chief risk of stroke
– That more strokes will follow in its wake
– Aspirin reduces the risk of recurrent strokes
stroke consequences
- rythmic phases of contraction and relaxtion
- Heart sounds are from the valves closing
- ↑heart rate →↓diastole cycle
- ↑amount of blood in veins → ↑heart rate
cardiac cycle
blood is pumped out of the heart so blood pressure inside the vessels increases
systole cycle
blood pressure drops as the heart muscle relaxesand blood is taken into the heart
diastole cycle