Mehlman Osteoporosis 11-29 (1) Flashcards
M. Osteoporosis.
At what age done bone densitometry?
at age 65
M. Osteoporosis.
What bone density?
> =2,5 SD below mean compared to young adult women.
cia reiskia T score =< - 2,5
M. Osteoporosis.
what bone density in osteopenia?
1,5 - 2,4 SD below mean.
cia tipo T score -1,5 - -2,4
M. Osteoporosis.
1,5 - 2,5 SD below mean, how called?
M. Osteoporosis. most important risk factor.
Female versus age?
choose gender
M. Osteoporosis. most important risk factor.
Female. choose age versus family history?
family history
M. Osteoporosis. what about male?
unlikely to develop, even with family history of females with disorder
M. Osteoporosis. What etnicity is protective?
M. Osteoporosis.
Case: two women without family history. what most protective against osteoporosis?
etnicity –> black
M. Osteoporosis.
Case: Old women + femoral fracture + not mentioned osteoporosis. what is the most important predictor of success in the rehabilitation of the patient?
activity level before fracture
weight-bearing exercise during life is protective agains osteoporosis later.
M. Osteoporosis.
Compression fracture = osteoporosis on USMLE.
M. Osteoporosis.
Case: Patient with RA on steroids has compression fracture –> Tx?
easy Dx of osteoporosis
M. Osteoporosis.
what 2 causes, that usmle love?
corticosteroids and Cushing –> cause osteoporosis
M. Osteoporosis.
What body weight is HY on usmle?
Case in 2CK: 20F + BMI 19. Has risk for what? –> osteoporosis.
siaip low BMI < 18,5. todel cia ir yra paminets ,,low-normal”.
M. Osteoporosis.
What fracture is HY in low weight young women who runs and has low bone density?
Metatarsal stress fracture