UW revision avascular necrosis + diabetic neuropathy 12-26 (1) Flashcards
alcohol abuse
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Hemoglobinopathy (eg sickle cell)
Infection (eg osteomyelitis, HIV)
Kidney transplantation
Decompression sickness
steroid use
steroid use
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Hemoglobinopathy (eg sickle cell)
Infection (eg osteomyelitis, HIV)
Kidney transplantation
Decompression sickness
alcohol use
steroid use
alcohol abuse
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Hemoglobinopathy (eg sickle cell)
Infection (eg osteomyelitis, HIV)
Kidney transplantation
Decompression sickness
steroid use
alcohol abuse
Hemoglobinopathy (eg sickle cell)
Infection (eg osteomyelitis, HIV)
Kidney transplantation
Decompression sickness
Antiphospholipid syndrome
steroid use
alcohol abuse
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Infection (eg osteomyelitis, HIV)
Kidney transplantation
Decompression sickness
Hemoglobinopathy (eg sickle cell)
steroid use
alcohol abuse
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Hemoglobinopathy (eg sickle cell)
Kidney transplantation
Decompression sickness
Infection (eg osteomyelitis, HIV)
steroid use
alcohol abuse
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Hemoglobinopathy (eg sickle cell)
Infection (eg osteomyelitis, HIV)
Decompression sickness
Kidney transplantation
steroid use
alcohol abuse
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Hemoglobinopathy (eg sickle cell)
Infection (eg osteomyelitis, HIV)
Kidney transplantation
Decompression sickness
CP. 3 pain and local changes
Groin pain on weight bearing
Pain on hip abduction and internal rotation (reduced range of motion)
No erythema, swelling or point tenderness
Early examination can be normal. reduced ROM can progress eventually
LAbs? inflammatory
Normal WBC, normal CRP, normal ESR
Radiology imaging? 2
what method to use?
MRI - more sensitive modality. Shows boundary between normal and ischemic bone as well as hypervascularity.
x-ray may show later in disease - Crescent sign seen in advances stage
in first few months xray can be normal (in early disease).
what mechanism of osteonecrosis?
Osteonecrosis can develop in disorders that disrupt the circulation of bone through microocclusion, abnormal endothelial function, or increased intraosseous pressure
osteonecrosis = avascular necrosis
Diabetic neuropathy. 2 deformities?
Hammer toe
Claw toe
Hammer toe, flexions?3
DORSAL flexion at DIP
Plantar flexion at PIP
Dorsal flexion at MTP
Claw toe. flexions?
PLANTAR flexion at DIP
Plantar flexion at PIP
Dorsal flexion at MTP
deformities. causes?
simple mechanical problems - chronically ill-fitting shoes.
But in longstanding DM patients = diabetic peripheral neuropathy
deformities are common in elderly and reflect an IMBALANCE IN STRENGTH and FLEXIBILITY between the flexor and extensor muscle groups.
Claw/hammer deformities VS Interdigital (Morton) neuroma?
Interdigital (Morton) neuroma - affects interdigitals nerves. Numbness/pain between the 3rd and 4th toes. No deformities
Claw/hammer deformities VS Plantar fasciitis?
Plantar fasciitis - Heel pain that is wort when standing on hard surfaces, esp. with the first steps of the day.