Mediterranean, Levant Flashcards
where is the levant?
middle east - adjacent to north africa
where does mediterranean diet come from?
16 coutnries bordering Mediterranean.
-> North Africa, Middle East, South Europe
traditional mediterranean diet
fresh, locally grown, minimally processed food.
olive oil was main fat.
religions in regions
some religions can’t eat animal fat so alternate was olive oil. cant use butter for meat - use olive oil.
7 country study on mediterranean diet
studied southern europe only. ppl live longer in south euro than in america. lifestyle is the source of longevity.
lower rates of coronary heart disease in europe.
Mediterranean diet may be carioprotective
traditional mediterranean diet pyramid
physical activity consumption of foods from plant sources (olive oil) moderate fish/seafood. poultry, eggs, cheese red meat + sweets less often. moderate wine consumption
plant antioxidants:
- tomato
- lemon juice-
- allium veg
- rosemary, basil, oregano, thyme, lemon balm, sage, mint
T: lycopene (carotenoid. prostate cancer prevented. fat soluble, more bioavailable when boiled/coooked
Lemon: ascorbic acid
allium: sulfur compounds
R: rosmarinic acid = volatile compound - essential oils, anti-inflammatory
antioxidants and health
excessive free radical damage = maybe related to heart disease, alzheimers, cancer.
antioxidant protect from free radical damage. + oxidative damage.
too bitter to be eaten off tree.
cured to reduce bitterness with lye.
antioxidant + anti-inflammatory.
anti-inflammatory foods
immune system activated to recognize microbe/pollen/chemical. = trigger inflammation (protective)
chronic inflammation assoc w conditions
anti-inflammatory foods may be assoc with protection of chronic disease - antioxidants + polyphenols
fibre in med. diet
legumes/pulses = peas, beans, lentils, fruits, veg, whole grain.
more fibre assoc w decrease risk of cardiovascular disease+ cancer
*soluble + non-soluble fibre: each have unique role
how much fibre consumed daily in traditional med diet?
30-40 g
canadians getting only 17g/day
fats in med diet
healthy - high monounsaturated, omega-3
low o-6:03 ratio. low saturated fats
O9 fats: heart health - lo olive oil, canola (aka rapeseed. low in erucic acid, avocado, peanut, almond,
PUF: 2 types
O3 fats : eicosapentanoic, docosahexanoic, a-linoleic. first two not plant based - rather seafood
O6 fats:almost all veg oils have. may contribute to large calorie intake nowadays
ratio of o6:o3 optimal set by IOM
optimal ratio=5:1 to 10:1.
Greek traditional diet - ratio of o6:o3
2:1 or 1:1
Current Canadian diet - ratio of o6:o3
high o6 from sunflower, corn, soybean etc.
nutritional benefits of EVOO
fatty acids: oleic acid, O9 MUFA
antioxidant: vitE + polyphenols. anti-inflammatory
cold-pressed, no heat, no preservatives.
sunlight +heat treatment destroys polyphenols.
fish in med diet?
2 servings per week. high in o3 FA.
high demand cannot be met by fisheries = species recommended for improved health under pressure. mass over-fishing
wine in med diet?
alcohol in moderation. reduced risk of heart disease.
moderate wine: less than 5 oz of wine for W, <10 oz for men under 65.
dietary patterns
examine relationsip btw adherence to diet + disease
-> not single nutrients, overall diet. foods act together/synergistically
dietary pattern vs single nutrients
adherence to whole diet = good health status.
- single nutrients ignore interaction btw diet.
what is sofrito?
tomato-based(lycopene) sauce w olive oil (polyphenol), garlic, onion, herbs (allium, rosmarinic acid etc)
bigger beneft when consumed together
what are elements of med diet?
4 serve veg, 4 serve fruit. 2 serve whole grain, 2 serve legumes (per week), nuts (2 serve per week), fish (2 serve a week), red meat (1 serve/day)
dairy (<1 serve/day)
unsaturated fat > saturated
alcohol: women 1/day. men 1-2/day
where is levant and what is mahgreb?
mahgreb = northwest Africa
Levant: Eastern Mediterranean
levant - relate to mediterranean
many similarities to med diet.
variations + diversity in food, recipe, prep
differences based on religious dietary practices
Lebanese food - typical in Levant
tabbouleh: parsley, tomato, min, ontion.
fattoush: salad of torn up flat bread + greens
baba ganoush: cooked eggplant
shish taouk
kibbeh nayyeh : minced raw lamb/beed mixed with bulgur. kibbeh = cooked
manakish: flat bread with thyme, chz or meat
what is fertile crescent?
birth place of agriculture. first place where wheat is grown.
gronw 9000 YA.
wheat - birthplace?
Middle East.
- bulgur (whole wheat - semi-cooked)
- semolina (Duram wheat - hard wheat)
- wheat flour (pita)
manakish - Levant
most popular form is za’atar (thyme, oregano, marjoram, sesame, sumac - lemony, astrigent taste)
couscous made with? - Levant
semolina wheat (bulgar sometimes) endosperm of Duram wheat - bran + hull removed from wheat kernel. - just inside kernel. similar in pasta. low fiber, nutrient rich bran removed.
what is bulgur? - Levant
parboiled whole wheat. diff than craft wheat. partially cooked, then dried.
high fiber + nutrients bc has bran
recipes: tabbouleh, parboiling.
example of grain dish - Levant
pilaf - made w rice/bulgur.
legume dishes 1 - Levant
hummus. from chickpeas, served with pita
chickpea grown in levant. parve = eat w dairy/meat
legume dish 2 - Levant
falafel:parve, eaten at iftar (end of Ramadan)
made with chickpeas or fava beans. served with chickpea dip
seeds used - what dish? - Levant
tahini. = sesame seed paste. highly oily, high calorie (600Cal/100g), high calcium (420mg/100g)
dip on hummus/beans
baba ganoush = eggplant + tahini.
Meat dishes 1 - Levant
kebab: grilled meat, often mutton or lamb (easier to keep than beef cow, no pork).
vertical rotisserie = leaner cooking. fat melts down.
outer layer sliced into thin shavings
Meat dishes 2 - Levant
shish kebab
kibbeh (ground meat, onions, spices, bulgur)
Beverages - Levant
“turkish” coffee = v strong unfiltered.
Yogurt diluted with water
mint tea = sweet, hot, served with green tea
Common ways to eat- Levant
Mezze: many little dishes. similar to appetizers
dining during month of Ramadan - Levant
Muslims break daily fast with dates.
banquet in evening.
cafe + pastry shop open at night, festivity in street. sweet, pastry.
Feast at end eid al-fitr
Mahgreb: North africa
mostly Muslim. cuisine similar to Levant.
sitting on floor, eat with right hand
Mahgreb: meats used?
sheep, goat, camel, chicken
Mahgreb: porridge made of?
millet, chickpea flour
Mahgreb: wheats used
flat breads, couscous, bulgur
Mahgreb: what’s tajine?
stew. name of clay pot that slow cooks food.
Mahgreb: legumes used?
broad beans, chickpeas, lentils, black-eyes peas.
couscous with semolina wheat.
Mahgreb: oils used
olive, sesame, peanut
Mahgreb dairy
Mahgreb: beverage
mint tea, coffee
north african flavours
salt cured lemons (pickled in brine)
oil cured olives
harissa = hot chili pepper paste