Mediastinum: Heart & Lungs Flashcards
External features of right lung
Lobes: superior, middle, inferior
Fissures: horizontal, oblique
External features of left lung
Lobes: superior, inferior
Fissures: oblique
Bronchial tree branching
Trachea -> Bronchi: primary (R&L main) -> secondary (lobar) -> tertiary (segmental)
Right lung medial surface related structures
Superior vena cava
Azygous vein
Left lung medial surface related structures
Aortic arch
Thoracic aorta
Lung root structures
What’s different from L to R?
Hilum - region that the root is passing in
Pulmonary artery - Right anterior, Left superior
Pulmonary veins
Primary bronchus
Pulmonary ligament
Pleural coverings of lungs
+ recesses
Parietal pleura - outer
- Cervical part
- Costal part
- Mediastinal part
- Diaphragmatic part
Visceral pleura - inner
Recesses: costomediastinal, costodiaphragmatic
Layers of pericardium (superficial to deep)
Fibrous pericardium
Serous pericardium, parietal layer
Serous pericardium, visceral layer
Surface features of heart Anterior
A: Ligamentum arteriosum
B: Left auricle
C: Pericardium
D: Anterior interventricular sulcus
E: Left ventricle
F: Cardiac apex
G: Right ventricle
H: Coronary sulcus
I: Right atrium
J: Right auricle
Surface features of heart Posterior
A: Left auricle
B: Left atrium
C: Left ventricle
D: Coronary sinus
E: Pericardium
F: Right atrium
Right atrium internal features
A: Crista terminalis
B: Pectinate muscles
C: Coronary sinus
D: Inferior vena cava
E: Fossa ovalis
Right ventricle internal features
A: Pulmonary semilunar valve
B: Septal papillary muscle
C: Trabeculae carneae
D: Septomarginal trabecula
E: Posterior papillary muscle
F: Anterior papillary muscle
G: Chordae tendineae
H: Tricuspid valve (right atrioventricular valve)
I: Supraventricular crest
J: Conus arteriosus
Left atrium & ventricle internal features
A: Left superior pulmonary vein
B: valve of foramen ovale
C: Left atrium
D: Interatrial septum
E: Bicuspid valve ( left atrioventricular valve)
F: Posterior papillary muscle
G: Chordae tendineae
H: Trabeculae carneae
I: Anterior papillary muscle
J: Pectinate muscles
Arrangement between chordae tendinea and valves of the heart
When valves are closed the chordae tendinea are taut
Cardiac auscultation sites
A: Aortic
B: Pulmonary
C: Left atrioventricular valve, mitral valve
D: Right atrioventricular valve, tricuspid valve
Blood Flow through the heart
Superior & inferior vena cava -> right atrium -> tricuspid valve -> right ventricle -> pulmonary semilunar valve -> pulmonary trunk to lungs -> from lungs through pulmonary veins -> left atrium -> bicuspid valve -> left ventricle -> aortic semilunar valve -> aorta to body
Draw the arterial supply of the heart
Check against image
Draw the venous drainage of the heart
Check against image
Conduction system of heart
Sinoatrial node - at the christa terminalis in the right atrium
Atrioventricular node - at the right atrioventricular valve
Bundle of His - between AV valves
Bundle branches - through septa to ventricular walls
Explain the anatomy underlying cardiac referred pain
L pectoral, shoulder, medial upper extremity
Location of remnants of fetal circulation
Fossa ovalis - was the foramen ovale between the right and left atria
Ligamentum arteriosum - was the ductus arteriosus between the pulmonary trunk and arch of aorta