Cranial Nerve Spreadsheet Flashcards
CNS origin of CN I, olfactory?
Forebrain (telencephalon)
Cells of origin of CN I, olfactory?
Nasal mucosa
Opening from skull for CN I, olfactory?
Cribriform foramina
Ganglion/main central connection of CN I, olfactory?
Olfactory bulb/medial temporal lobe
Axon function of CN I, olfactory?
Sensory (smell)
Distribution of CN I, olfactory?
Olfactory mucosa of nose
Lesions/signs for CN I, olfactory?
CN I, olfactory is tested by?
Pungent odor
CNS origin of CN II, optic?
Forebrain (diencephalon)
Cells of origin of CN II, optic?
Ganglion cells retina
Opening from skull for CN II, optic?
Optic canal?
Ganglion/main central connection of CN II, optic?
Lateral genticulate nucleus
Primary branch(es) of CN II, optic?
Optic chiasm & tract
Axon functions of CN II, optic?
Sensory (vision)
Distribution of CN II, optic?
Retina of the eye
Lesions/signs for CN II, optic
Unilateral blindness (n.), bitemporal hemianopsia (chiasm), homonymous hemianopsia (tract).
CNS origin of CN III, oculomotor?
Cells of origin for superior ramus of CN III, oculomotor?
Oculomotor nucleus
Exit from skull for CN III, oculomotor?
Superior orbital fissure
Ganglion for inferior ramus of CN III, oculomotor?
Primary branch(es) of CN III, oculomotor?
Superior and inferior rami (via short ciliary)
Axon functions of superior ramus of CN III, oculomotor?
Axon functions of inferior ramus of CN III, oculomotor?
Preganglionic parasympathetic
Distribution of motor axons of CN III, oculomotor?
(superior ramus)
- Levator Palpebrae Superioris
- Superior Rectus
(inferior ramus)
- Medial Rectus
- Inferior Rectus
- Inferior Oblique
Distribution of preganglionic parasympathetic axons of CN III, oculomotor?
Ciliary bodies/muscle, sphincter papillae of iris (constriction)
Lesion/signs of CN III, oculomotor (motor)?
Lesion/signs of CN III oculomotor (pre-para)?
No pupillary reflex, mydriasis
Postganglionic sympathetic origin of CN III, oculomotor?
Cavernous sinus
CNS origin of CN IV, trochlear?
Cells of origin of CN IV, trochlear?
Trochlear nucleus (contralateral)
Exit from skull for CN IV, trochlear?
Superior orbital fissure
Axon functions of CN IV, trochlear?
Distribution of CN IV, trochlear?
Superior oblique
Lesions/signs for CN IV, trochlear?
Postganglionic sympathetic origin of CN IV, trochlear?
Cavernous Sinus
CNS level of CN V, trigeminal?
Cells of origin of CN V, trigeminal?
Trigeminal ganglion (trigeminal motor for mandibular branchial motor)
Exit from skull for CN V, trigeminal (ophthalmic)?
Superior orbital fissure
Exit from skull for CN V, trigeminal (maxillary)?
Foramen rotundum
Exit from skull for CN V, trigeminal (mandibular)?
Foramen ovale
Ganglion/main central connection for CN V, trigeminal?
Trigeminal sensory nucleus (excludes mandibular branchial motor)
Primary branches of CN V, trigeminal (ophthalmic)
Lacrimal, nasociliary, frontal
Primary branches of CN V, trigeminal (maxillary)
Infraorbital, pterygopalatine brr.
Primary branches of CN V, trigeminal (mandibular branchial motor)
Inf. alveolar, deep temporal, masseteric, pterygoids.
Primary branches of CN V, trigeminal (mandibular sensory)
Inf. alveolar, lingual, auriculotemporal
Axon functions of CN V, trigeminal?
All sensory except mandibular has branchial motor function
Distribution of CN V, trigeminal (ophthalmic)?
Skin, lacrimal gland, nasal cavity, conjunctiva, cornea
Distribution of CN V, trigeminal (maxillary)?
Skin mid face, teeth, mucous membranes, upper mouth palate, nasopharynx.
Distribution of CN V, trigeminal (mandibular branchial motor)?
Mastication mm, mylohyoid, ant. digastric, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini (1st pharyngeal arch).
Distribution of CN V, trigeminal (mandibular sensory)?
Skin low face, tongue, mouth, mandibular teeth, ear.
Lesions/signs for CN V, trigeminal (ophthalmic)?
No blink (corneal) reflex, facial hemianesthesia
Lesions/signs for CN V, trigeminal (maxillary)?
Facial hemianesthesia
Lesions/signs for CN V, trigeminal (mandibular branchial motor)?
Jaw weakness, ipsilateral deviation of opened jaw.
Lesions/signs for CN V, trigeminal (mandibular sensory)?
Facial hemianesthesia
Postganglionic sympathetic origin for CN V, trigeminal (ophthalmic)?
Cavernous sinus
Postganglionic sympathetic origin for CN V, trigeminal (maxillary)?
Cavernous sinus, deep petrosal, external carotid plexus
Postganglionic sympathetic origin for CN V, trigeminal (mandibular)?
External carotid plexus
CNS origin of CN VI, abducens?
Cells of origin for CN VI, abducens?
Exit from skull for CN VI, abducens?
Superior orbital fissure
Axon functions of CN VI, abducens?
Distribution of CN VI, abducens?
Lateral rectus
Lesions/signs for CN VI, abducens?
Diplopia, medial eye drift
Postganglionic sympathetic origin of CN IV, abducens?
Cavernous sinus
CNS origin of CN VII, facial?
Cells of origin for branchial motor part of CN VII, facial?
Facial motor nucleus
Cells of origin for pre-para part of CN VII, facial?
Superior salivary nucleus
Cells of origin for sensory part of CN VII, facial?
Genticulate ganglion
Exit from skull for motor part of CN VII, facial?
Internal Auditory Meatus, stylomastoid f.
Exit from skull for pre-para/sensory part of CN VII, facial?
Internal Auditory Meatus
Ganglia for CN VII, facial (pre-para)?
Pterygopalatine, submandibular
Ganglia for CN VII, facial (sensory)
Trigeminal Sensory nucleus
Ganglia for CN VII, facial (taste)
Nucleus solitarius
Primary branch of motor part of CN VII, facial?
Main root
Primary branch of pre-para part of CN VII, facial?
Chorda tympani
Primary branch of sensory part of CN VII, facial?
Palatine, posterior ear
Primary branch of taste part of CN VII, facial?
Lingual via chords tympani
Axon functions (4) of CN VII, facial?
Branchial motor, pre-para, sensory, taste.
Distribution of motor part of CN VII, facial?
Mm. of facial expression, stapedius, post.digastric, stylohyoid (2nd pharyngeal arch)
Distribution of pre-para part of CN VII, facial?
Lacrimal and mucosa glands of nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, roof of mouth, soft palate, nasopharynx.
Distribution of sensory part of CN VII, facial?
Palate, skin of posterior ear, External Auditory Meatus, tympanic membrane, facial proprioception
Distribution of taste part of CN VII, facial?
Anterior 2/3 of tongue.
Postganglionic sympathetic origin of CN VII, facial?
External carotid plexus, direct from the superior cervical ganglion
CNS origin of CN IX, glossopharyngeal?
Cells of origin for branchial motor part of CN IX, glossopharyngeal?
Nucleus ambiguous
Cells of origin for pre-para part of CN IX, glossopharyngeal?
Inferior salivary nucleus
Cells of origin for sensory part of CN IX, glossopharyngeal?
Inferior ganglion
Cells of origin for sensory visceral part of CN IX, glossopharyngeal?
Superior ganglion
Cells of origin for taste part of CN IX, glossopharyngeal?
Inferior ganglion
Exit from skull for CN IX, glossopharyngeal?
Jugular foramen
Ganglion / Main central connection of pre-para part of CN IX, glossopharyngeal
Ganglion / main central connection of sensory part of CN IX, glossopharyngeal
Trigeminal sensory nucleus
Ganglion / main central connection of visceral sensory part of CN IX, glossopharyngeal
Nucleus solitarius
Ganglion / main central connection of taste part of CN IX, glossopharyngeal
Nucleus solitarius
Axon functions of CN IX, glossopharyngeal
Branchial motor
visceral sensory
Peripheral structures of branchial motor part of CN IX, glossopharyngeal
superior pharyngeal constrictor
3rd pharyngeal arch
Peripheral structures of pre-para part of CN IX, glossopharyngeal
parotid gland
Peripheral structures of sensory part of CN IX, glossopharyngeal
Sensory posterior 1/3 of tongue
middle ear
tonsil bed
Peripheral structures of visceral sensory part of CN IX glossopharyngeal
chemoreception of oxygen and carbon dioxide at carotid body
baroreception at carotid sinus
Peripheral structures of taste part of CN IX, glossopharyngeal
taste posterior 1/3 of tongue
Post sympathetic origin for CN IX, glossopharyngeal
external carotid plexus, directly from superior cervical ganglion
CNS level for CN VIII, vestibulocochlear
Origin of equilibrium part of CN VIII, vestibulocochlear
Vestibular ganglion
Origin of hearing part of CN VIII, vestibulocochlear
Spiral ganglion
Opening in skull for CN VIII, Vestibulocochlear
Internal auditory meatus
Ganglion / main central connection for equilibrium part of CN VIII, vestibulocochlear
Vestibular nuclei of the cerebellum
Ganglion / main central connection for hearing part of CN VIII, vestibulocochlear
Dorsal/ventral cochlear nuclei
Axon functions of CN VIII, vestibulocochlear
Sensory equilibrium
Sensory hearing
Peripheral structures for equilibrium part of CN VIII, vestibulocochlear
Hair cells of ampullary crests in semicircular ducts
maculae of saccule/utricle
Peripheral structures for hearing part of CN VIII, vestibulocochlear
Hair cells of spiral organ (of corti)
CNS level of CN X, Vagus
Origin of Branchial motor part of CN X Vagus
Nucleus ambiguus
Origin of pre-para part of CN X, Vagus
Dorsal motor
Origin of sensory part of CN X, Vagus
Superior ganglion
Origin of visceral sensory part of CN X, vagus
inferior ganglion
Origin of taste part of CN X, vagus
inferior ganglion
Skull opening for CN X, vagus
Jugular foramen
Ganglion / main central connection for pre-para part of CN X, vagus
neurons in, on, or near viscera
Ganglion / main central connection for sensory part of CN X, vagus
spinal trigeminal nucleus
Ganglion / main central connection for visceral sensory part of CN X, vagus
superior and inferior ganglion
Ganglion / main central connection for taste part of CN X, vagus
superior and inferior ganglion
Primary branches of branchial motor part of CN X, vagus
Superior laryngeal
recurrent laryngeal
Primary branches of pre-para part of CN X, vagus
internal laryngeal
recurrent laryngeal
vagal trunks
Primary branches of sensory part of CN X, vagus
Primary branches of visceral part of CN X, vagus
cardiac branch
Primary branches of taste part of CN X, vagus
internal laryngeal
Axon functions of CN X, vagus
branchial motor
visceral sensory
Peripheral structures of branchial motor part of CN X, vagus
muscles of the pharynx
6th pharyngeal arch - intrinsic laryngeal muscles
upper 2/3rd of esophagus
4th pharyngeal arch - cricothyroid & inferior pharyngeal constrictor
levator veli palatini
superior, middle, and inferior pharyngeal constrictors
Peripheral structures of pre-para part of CN X, vagus
smooth muscle viscera up to splenic flexure
Post sympathetic origin of CN X, vagus
External carotid plexus directly from superior cervical ganglion
Peripheral structures of sensory part of Cn X, vagus
skin of the ear
external auditory meatus
dura posterior cranial fossa
Peripheral structures of visceral sensory part of CN X, vagus
aortic arch baroreception
thorax viscera
abdominal viscera
Peripheral structures of taste part of CN X, vagus
CNS level of CN XI, accessory
Spinal cord (C1-5)
Opening in skull for CN XI, accesory
Jugular foramen
Origin of CN XI, accessory
Ventral horn (C1 - 5)
Axon function of CN XI, accessory
Peripheral structures of CN XI, accessory
Post sympathetic origin of CN XI, accessory
Directly from superior cervical ganglion
CNS level of CN XII, hypoglossal
Origin of CN XII, hypoglossal
Opening for CN XII, hypoglossal
hypoglossal canal
Axon functions of CN XII, hypoglossal
Peripheral structures of CN XII, hypoglossal
intrinsic muscles of tongue (except palatoglossus)
Post sympathetic origin of CN XII, hypoglossal
external carotid plexus directly from superior cervical ganglion