Final LOs Flashcards
Nerve susceptible to injury when Medial border of scapula is fractured
Dorsal scapular nerve
Nerve susceptible to injury when spiral groove of humerus is fractured
Radial nerve
Nerve susceptible to injury when proximal shaft of humerus is fractured
Axillary nerve
Nerve susceptible to injury when clavicle is fractured
Trunks and Divisions of brachial plexus
Nerve susceptible to injury when ulna is broken
Ulnar nerve
Nerve susceptible to injury when 3rd-5th metacarpals are broken
Ulnar nerve
Nerve susceptible to injury when 2nd metacarpal is broken
Median nerve
Nerve susceptible to inujry when radius is broken
Radial nerve
Nerve susceptible to injury when 1st metacarpal is broken
Radial nerve
Nerve susceptible to injury when pelvis is broken posteriorly
Sciatic nerve
Nerve susceptible to injury when pelvis is broken medially
Obturator nerve
Nerve susceptible to injury when neck of fibula is broken
Common fibular nerve
Boundaries of anatomical snuff box
Superior: Extensor retinaculum
Medial: Extensor pollicis longus tendon
Lateral: Extensor pollicis brevis tendon
Contents of anatomical snuff box
Radial artery
Scaphoid bone
Draw cerebral arterial circle
Draw UE master arterial drawing
Draw UE master venous drawing
Draw LE master arterial drawing
Draw LE master venous drawing
Blood Flow through the heart
Superior & inferior vena cava -> right atrium -> tricuspid valve -> right ventricle -> pulmonary semilunar valve -> pulmonary trunk to lungs -> from lungs through pulmonary veins -> left atrium -> bicuspid valve -> left ventricle -> aortic semilunar valve -> aorta to body
Name coronary arteries & corresponding surface feature
Posterior interventricular artery - Posterior interventricular sulcus
Right marginal artery - right margin of heart
Anterior interventricular artery - Anterior interventricular sulcus
Left marginal artery - left margin of heart
Draw dural venous sinus
Identify dermatome A (deltoid tuberosity)
Identify dermatome B (medial aspect of forearm)
Identify dermatome C (thumb)
Identify dermatome D (index finger)
Identify dermatome E (fifth digit)
Identify dermatome red star (great toe)
Identify dermatome pink star (5th toe)
Identify cutaneous nerve field A
Genitofemoral nerve
Identify cutaneous nerve field B
Ilioinguinal nerve
Identify cutaneous nerve field C
Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh
Identify cutaneous nerve field D
Cutaneous branch of obturator nerve
Identify cutaneous nerve field E
Anterior cutaneous branches of femoral nerve
Identify cutaneous nerve field F
Lateral sural cutaneous nerve (from common fibular nerve)
Identify cutaneous nerve field G
Saphenous nerve
Identify cutaneous nerve field H
Superficial fibular nerve
Identify cutaneous nerve field I
Lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve of foot
Identify cutaneous nerve field J
Medial plantar nerve
Identify cutaneous nerve field K
Lateral plantar nerve
Identify cutaneous nerve field L
Deep fibular nerve
Identify cutaneous nerve field M
Medial calcaneal branches of tibial nerve
Identify cutaneous nerve field N
Medial sural cutaneous nerve
Identify cutaneous nerve field O
Superior cluneal nerves
Identify cutaneous nerve field P
Medial cluneal nerves
Identify cutaneous nerve field Q
Inferior cluneal nerves
Identify cutaneous nerve field R
Lateral cutaneous branch of ilio-hypogastric nerve
Identify cutaneous nerve field A
Identify cutaneous nerve field B
Identify cutaneous nerve field C
Identify cutaneous nerve field D
Great auricular
Identify cutaneous nerve field E
Lesser occipital
Identify cutaneous nerve field F
Greater occipital
Shape of articular surfaces in glenohumeral joint (concave/convex)
Glenoid cavity of scapula - cocave
Head of humerus - convex
Shape of articular surfaces in ulnohumeral joint (concave/convex)
Trochlea of humerus - convex
Trochlear notch of ulna - concave
Shape of articular surfaces in radiohumeral joint (concave/convex)
Capitulum of humerus - convex
Head of radius - concave
Shape of articular surfaces in wrist joint (concave/convex)
Ulna + radius - concave
Carpal bones - convex
Shape of articular surfaces in carpometacarpal joint (concave/convex)
Carpal bones - convex
Base of metacarpals - concave
Shape of articular surfaces in metacarpophalangeal joint (concave/convex)
Head of metacarpals - convex
Base of proximal phalanx - concave
Draw meningeal coverings of CNS
Coxa valga - Genu varum (bowed legs)
Distal femoral shaft is pointed laterally compared to head & neck
Angle greater than 125
Coxa vara - Genu valgum (knocked knees)
Distal femoral shaft is pointed medially compared to head & neck
Angle less than 125
Anteversion (increased angle) of hip leads to what mild deformity?
Pigeon toe
Retroversion (decreased angle) of hip leads to what mild deformity?
Duck feet
Draw sympathetic innervation of head and neck
Describe organization of thoracolumbar fascia
Posterior layer
- Erector spinae
Middle layer
- Quadratus lumborum
Anterior layer
- Psoas major
Name most common direction of glenohumeral joint dislocation
Name most common direction of radial head dislocation (3-7yo)
subluxation and dislocation
Name most common direction of temporomandibular joint dislocation
Anterior (locked open)
Name most common direction of hip joint dislocation
Herniation of the intervertebral disc
Nucleus pulposus extrusion posterolaterally into intervertebral foramen due to anulus fibrosis breakdown. Impacts spinal nerve at the lower level of herniation
Right lung medial surface related structures
Superior vena cava
Azygous vein
Left lung medial surface related structures
Aortic arch
Thoracic aorta
Surface features of heart Anterior
A: Ligamentum arteriosum
B: Left auricle
C: Pericardium
D: Anterior interventricular sulcus
E: Left ventricle
F: Cardiac apex
G: Right ventricle
H: Coronary sulcus
I: Right atrium
J: Right auricle
Surface features of heart Posterior
A: Left auricle
B: Left atrium
C: Left ventricle
D: Coronary sinus
E: Pericardium
F: Right atrium
Right atrium internal features
A: Crista terminalis
B: Pectinate muscles
C: Coronary sinus
D: Inferior vena cava
E: Fossa ovalis
Right ventricle internal features
A: Pulmonary semilunar valve
B: Septal papillary muscle
C: Trabeculae carneae
D: Septomarginal trabecula
E: Posterior papillary muscle
F: Anterior papillary muscle
G: Chordae tendineae
H: Tricuspid valve (right atrioventricular valve)
I: Supraventricular crest
J: Conus arteriosus
Left atrium & ventricle internal features
A: Left superior pulmonary vein
B: valve of foramen ovale
C: Left atrium
D: Interatrial septum
E: Bicuspid valve ( left atrioventricular valve)
F: Posterior papillary muscle
G: Chordae tendineae
H: Trabeculae carneae
I: Anterior papillary muscle
J: Pectinate muscles
Location and use of remnants of fetal circulation
Fossa ovalis - was the foramen ovale between the right and left atria
Ligamentum arteriosum - was the ductus arteriosus between the pulmonary trunk and arch of aorta
Draw brachial plexus
Draw lumbar plexus