Leg Flashcards
Explain organization of crural fascia
Anterior crural intermuscular septum
Posterior crural intermuscular septum
Transverse intermuscular septum
Superior extensor retinaculum attachments
extends from distal tibia to distal fibula
Inferior extensor retinaculum attachments
extends from the calcaneus to the navicular and medial malleolus
Superior fibular retinaculum attachments
extends from the lateral malleolus to the calcaneus
Inferior fibular retinaculum attachments
extends from the inferior extensor retinaculum to the calcaneus
Flexor retinaculum attachments
extends from the medial malleolus to the calcaneus, forming tarsal tunnel
Anterior compartment of the leg contents
Tibialis anterior
Extensor hallucis longus
Extensor digitorum longus
Fibularis tertius
Anterior compartment of the leg actions
Ankle dorsiflexion
Toe extension
Ankle eversion if peroneus tertius could be isolated
Anterior compartment of the leg innervation
deep fibular nerve
Anterior compartment of the leg blood supply
anterior tibial artery
Lateral compartment of the leg contents
Fibularis longus
Fibularis brevis
Lateral compartment of the leg actions
Plantar flexion
Lateral compartment of the leg innervation
Superficial fibular nerve
Lateral compartment of the leg blood supply
Fibular artery
Superficial posterior compartment of the leg components
Superficial posterior compartment of the leg actions
Ankle plantar flexion
Knee flexion
Superficial posterior compartment of the leg innervation
Tibial nerve
Superficial posterior compartment of the leg blood supply
Posterior tibial artery
Deep posterior compartment of the leg components
Flexor digitorum longus
Flexor hallucis longus
Tibialis posterior
Deep posterior compartment of the leg actions
Ankle plantar flexion
Toe flexion
Knee flexion
Deep posterior compartment of the leg innervations
Tibial nerve
Deep posterior compartment of the leg blood supply
Posterior tibial artery
Extensor digitorum longus attachments
from… the lateral tibial condyle, proximal 3/4th of the fibula and crural interosseous membrane
to… the dorsal digital expansions of toes 2-5
Extensor digitorum longus actions
Dorsiflexes ankle
Extends digits 2-5 (IP & MP)
Extensor digitorum longus innervation
Deep fibular nerve (L4-5-S1)
Extensor hallucis longus attachments
from… the middle 1/2 of the fibular surface & crural interosseous membrane
to… the distal phalangeal base of the 1st toe
Extensor hallucis longus actions
Dorsiflexes ankle
Extends great toe (MP & IP)
Extensor hallucis longus innervation
deep fibular nerve (L4-5-S1)
Fibularis tertius attachments
from… the distal fibula and crural interosseous membrane
to… the base of the 5th metatarsal
Fibularis tertius actions
Dorsiflexes ankle
Everts foot
Fibularis tertius innervation
deep fibular nerve (L4-5-S1)
Tibialis anterior attachments
from… the lateral condyle and proximal 2/3rds of the tibia’s lateral surface & crural interosseous membrane
to… the medial cuneiform & adjacent 1st metatarsal
Tibialis anterior actions
Dorsiflexes ankle
Inverts foot
Tibialis anterior innervation
deep fibular nerve (L4-5-S1)
Fibularis longus attachments
from… the head & proximal 2/3rds of the fibula
to… the lateral aspects of the 1st metatarsal & adjacent medial cuneiform
Fibularis longus actions
Everts foot
Plantar flexes ankle
Depresses 1st metatarsal head
Fibularis longus innervation
superficial fibular nerve (L4-5-S1)
Fibularis brevis attachments
from… the distal 2/3rds of the fibula
to… the lateral base of the 5th metatarsal
Fibularis brevis actions
Everts foot
Plantar flexes ankle
Fibularis brevis innervation
Superficial fibular nerve (L4-5-S1)
Flexor digitorum longus attachments
from… the posterior tibia distal to the soleal line
to… the plantar surface of the distal phalangeal bases
Flexor digitorum longus actions
Plantar flexes ankle
Flexes digits 2-5 (MP & IP)
Flexor digitorum longus innervation
tibial nerve (L5-S1-2)
Flexor hallucis longus attachments
from… the distal 2/3rds of the posterior fibular surface & crural interosseous membrane
to… the plantar aspect of the distal phalangeal base of the 1st toe
Flexor hallucis longus actions
Plantar flexes ankle
Flexes great toe (MP & IP)
Flexor hallucis longus innervation
tibial nerve (L5-S1-2)
Gastrocnemius attachments
from… the posterior aspect of the femoral condyles and joint capsule
to… the posterior calcaneal surface
Gastrocnemius actions
Flexes knee
Plantar flexes ankle
Gastrocnemius innervation
tibial nerve (S1-2)
Plantaris attachments
from… the lateral supracondylar line
to… the posterior calcaneal surface
Plantaris actions
Flexes knee
Plantar flexes ankle
Plantaris innervation
tibial nerve (L4-5-S1)
Popliteus attachments
from… the lateral femoral condyle and oblique popliteal ligament
to… the soleal line of the tibia
Popliteus actions
Non-weight bearing: Medial rotation of tibia and knee flexion
Weight bearing: lateral rotation of femur and knee flexion (it unlocks the knee from extension into early flexion)
Popliteus innervation
tibial nerve (L4-5-S1)
Soleus attachments
from… the posterior aspect of the head & proximal 1/4th of the fibula & tibial soleal line
to… the posterior calcaneal surface
Soleus actions
Plantar flexes the foot at the ankle joint
Soleus innervation
tibial nerve (L5-S1-2)
Tibialis posterior attachments
from… the crural interosseous membrane, lateral tibial surface & medial fibular surface
to… the navicular, medial & intermediate cuneiforms and bases of metatarsals 2-4
Tibialis posterior actions
Inverts foot
Plantar flexes ankle
Tibialis posterior innervation
tibial nerve (L4-5-S1)
Sciatic nerve - Tibial division - muscular branches axon function
postganglionic sympathetic
& motor innervation of the semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris (long head) & adductor magnus m.
Sural n axon functions
Postganglionic sympathetic
- innervation of the skin overlying the lateral aspect of the leg & foot
Sciatic nerve - Tibial nerve - Muscular branches axon functions
Postganglionic sympathetic
- innervation of gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris, popliteus, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, & flexor hallucis longus muscles
Medial plantar nerve axon functions
Postganglionic sympathetic
- innervation of the medial muscles of the plantar surface of the foot
Lateral plantar nerve axon functions
Postganglionic sympathetic
- innervation of the lateral muscles of the plantar surface of the foot
Sciatic nerve - Fibular division - Muscular branch to short head of biceps femoris axon function
postganglionic sympathetic
& motor innervation of the short head of the biceps femoris
Lateral sural nerve axon functions
Postganglionic sympathetic
- innervation of the skin overlying the lateral aspect of the leg
Deep fibular nerve axon functions
Postganglionic sympathetic
- innervation of the tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus, & fibularis tertius muscles
Superficial fibular nerve axon functions
Postganglionic sympathetic
- innervation of the fibularis longus & brevis muscles
Fibrous capsule of the knee attachments
from the margins of the femoral condyles to the margins of the tibial condyles
Tibial (Medial) collateral ligament attachments
from the medial epicondyle of the femur to the medial condyle & shaft of the tibia
Tibial (Medial) collateral ligament functions
stabilizes the medial aspect of the joint (prevents abduction of the tibia)
Fibular (Lateral) collateral ligament attachments
from the lateral epicondyle of the femur to the head of the fibula
Fibular (Lateral) collateral ligament functions
stabilizes the lateral aspect of the joint (prevents adduction of the tibia)
Anterior cruciate ligament attachments
From the medial part of the anterior intercondylar area of the tibia to the posterior part of the medial surface of the lateral condyle of the femur
Anterior cruciate ligament functions
prevents posterior displacement of the femur on the tibia, anterior tibia displacement, and hyperextension of the knnee
Posterior cruciate ligament attachments
from the posterior intercondylar area of the tibia to the lateral surface of the medial condyle of the femur
Posterior cruciate ligament functions
prevents the anterior displacement of the femur and posterior displacement of the tibia
Medial meniscus attachments
anterior & posterior regions of the intercondylar area of the tibia & fibrous capsule at the tibial (medial) collateral ligament
Lateral meniscus attachments
anterior & posterior regions of the intercondylar area of the tibia
Patellar ligament attachments
from the apex of the patella to the tibial tuberosity
Patellar ligament functions
resists knee flexion
Crural interosseous membrane attachments
from the interosseous border of the tibia to the interosseous border of the fibula
joint capsules
Distal tibiofibular synovial joint classification
Talocrural synovial joint classification
hinge (ginglymus)
Subtalar synovial joint classification
Tarsometatarsal synovial joint classification
Metatarsophalangeal synovial joint classification
Interphalangeal synovial joint classification
hinge (ginglymus)