Mediastinum and Great Vessels Flashcards
Veins running near the aorta (3)
azygous, hemiazygous, accessory azygous
what veins drain come off azygous
posterior intercostal veins
azygous arch passes over which structure
right main bronchus
what veins drain off accessory azygous
upper posterior intercostal veins
where does accessory azygous and hemiazygous split typically
what veins come off hemiazygous
lower posterior intercostal veins
what runs along the posterior of the oesophagus
thoracic duct
what does the thoracic duct drain into near the diaphragm
cisterna chyli
what does the thoracic duct drain into
left brachiocephalic vein
what runs anterior to the posterior intercostal veins and lateral to vetebra
sympathetic trunk
which brachiocephalic vein is longer
what innervates the oesophagus
oesophageal plexus
what makes the parasympatheticc aspect of the oesophageal plexus
what makes the sympathetic aspect of the oesophageal plexus
sympathetic trunk
venous drainage from the oesophagus into
azygous vein
arterial supply for the oesophagus from
descending aorta branches
how many layers of muscle in the oesophagus
what does the oesophagus run behind
brachiocephalic veins
oesophagus heads in which direction distally
what do the bronchial arteries stem from
descending aorta
where do the posterior intercostal arteries stem from
descending aorta
which nerve passes anteriorly over the oesophagus
left vagus nerve
which nerves run behind the lung hilum
vagus nerves
what structure passes over the left main bronchus
aortic arch
which nerves dive between the brachiocephalic veins and the right brachiocephalic artery and left subclavian artery
vagus nerves
which nerves dive between the subclavian veins and arteries
phrenic nerves
which nerves pass anterior to the hilum of the lung
phrenic nerves
which nerve gives off a branch under the aortic arch
what is the vagal branch under the aortic arch
left recurrent laryngeal nerve
where does the right recurrent laryngeal nerve run (3)
from right vagus nerve, under right subclavian artery, medial to the right common carotid artery
what is located in the anterior mediastinum (4)
fat, lymph nodes, internal thoracic vessels, inferior thymus (children)
what is there a high concentration of under the carina
lymph nodes
what is the bronchi bifurcation called
what splits into the bronchi
what connects the pulmonary trunk to the aortic arch
ligamentum arteriosum
what 3 vessels split off the aortic arch
right brachiocephalic artery, left common carotid artery, left subclavian artery
the right brachiocephalic artery splits into (2)
right subclavian artery and right common carotid
the superior vena cava splits into (2)
right brachiocephalc vein and the left brachiocephalic vein
the brachiocephalic veins split into (2)
subclavian vein and internal jugular vein
organ anterior to the great cardiac vessels
what is the role of the thymus
immune system development
what happens to the thymus after puberty
becomes redundant
what runs through the manubriosternal joint
plane of Louis
mediastinum can be split in the coronal plane into (2)
superior and inferior mediastinum
mediastinum can be split sagittally into (3)
anterior, middle, posterior
what splits the superior and inferior mediastinum
plane of Louis
what is on either side of the mediastinum
pulmonary cavities
pulmonary cavities combined with the mediastinum
thoracic cavity