Autonomic Nervous System Flashcards
Nervous system (2)
somatic and autonomic
somatic nervous system is (3)
sensory to skin body walls limbs, motor to skeletal muscle, conscious/voluntary
autonomic nervous system is (3)
viscera blood vessels glands smooth muscle innervation, subconscious/involuntary, 2 neurons from spinal cord to target
somatic nervous system made of (2)
sensory and motor
autonomic nervous system made of (2)
sympathetic and parasympathetic
sensory innervation (4)
pain, pressure, stimuli, touch
motor innervation (2)
skeletal muscle and movement
sympathetic innervation (9)
thoraco lumbar, energy mobilisation, fight/flight, bronchodilation, vasoconstriction, increased HR, decrease glandular secretion, increase sweat, decrease GI motility
parasympathetic innervation (6)
cranio-sacral, conserve energy, bronchoconstriction, decrease HR, increase glandular secretions, decrease sweating, increase GI motility
What do somatic sensory neurons do
touch, pain, pressure information from periphery to CNS
What do somatic motor neurons do
movement information from CNS to skeletal muscle
Somatic nervous system elements (10)
dorsal horn, ventral horn, ventral root, dorsal root, dorsal root ganglion, spinal nerve, sympathetic ganglion, sympathetic trunk, dorsal ramus, ventral ramus
somatic sensor elements (3)
from skin, dorsal over middle back/venterolateral body and limbs
somatic motor elements (3)
To muscles, dorsal adjacent to vertebra/venterolateral body and limbs
ANS elements (4)
cervical ganglia, sympathetic trunk, spinal cord, brainstem
sympathetic nerve features (2)
short preganglionic, synapse with postganglionic in sympathetic trunk/prevertebral/visceral ganglia
sympathetic supply with postaganglionic neurons in the sympathetic trunk (2)
head and thorax
postganglionic neurons in the visceral ganglia
sympathetic neurons to the head run through
cervical ganglia
sympathetic neurons through which nerve to abdomen and pelvic viscera
sympathetic prganglionic body location (3)
intermediolateral nucleus, lateral horn, T1-L2/3
sympathetic pre and post ganglionic synapses
sympathetic ganglion, cevical sympathetic ganglia x2, visceral ganglion
unmyelinated grey sympathetic neurons
postganglionic neuron to thoracic skin (2)
sympathetic trunk through grey rami communicantes
postganglionic body to abdominal viscera
visceral body
postganglionic body to thoracic viscera
sympathetic trunk
postganglionic body to cervical skin (2)
cerrvical sympathetic ganglion, ventral ramus
spinal cord cross section features (4)
spinal cord, ventral ramus of spinal nerve, dorsal ramus of spinal nerve, dorsal root ganglion
skin innervation can be split into
connects symapthetic ganglion with spinal nerves
rami communicantes
types of ganglia (2)
prevertebral/visceral and sympathetic/paravertebral
how is sympathetic neuron outtput organised
segmental organisation
liver innervation
stomach innervation
spleen innervation
adrenal gland innervation
Kidney innervation
pancreas innervation
small intestines innervation
ascending colon innervation
transverse colon innervation
superior descending colon innervation
inferior descending colon innervation
sigmoid colon innervation
rectum innervation
parasympathetic nerve
what does the parasympathetic nervous system do
conserve body energy
parasympathetic nervous system location
what are the parasympathetic preganglionic fibres like
where do the parasympathetic perganglionic fibres run
in cranial nerves
parasympathetic preganglionic nerve for thorax and abdomen
parasympathetic prerganglionic nerve for pelvis
pelvic splanchnic nerves
where do parasympathetic preganglionic nerves synapse
on postganglionic nerves near viscera
what do visceral afferent neurons do (3)
visceral sensory, visceral distension, visceral pain