Mechanics of Respiration - Quiz 2 Flashcards
Goals of Respiration
- Distribute air and blood flow for gas exchange
- Provide oxygen to cells
- Remove CO2
- Maintain constant homeostasis for metabolic needs
Functions of Respiration
- Mechanics of Pulmonary Ventilation
- Diffusion of O2 and CO2 b/t alveoli and blood
- Transport O2 and CO2 to and from tissues
- Regulation of ventilation & respiration
External Respiration
Mechanics of breathing
Movement of gases in and out of body
Gas transfer from lungs to tissues of body
Maintain body & cellular homeostasis
Internal Respiration
Intracellular oxygen metabolism
Cellular transformation
Kreb cycle - aerobic ATP generation
Mitochondria and O2 utlization
What is primary purpose of Ventilation?
Maintain an optimal composition of alveolar gas
What acts as a stabilizing buffer compartment between the environment and pulmonary capillary blood?
Alveolar gas
- O2 constanstly removed from alveolar gas by blood
- CO2 continuously added to alveoli from blood
- O2 replenished and CO2 removed by ventilation, by simple diffusion
What provides the stable alveolar environment?
The Two Phases of Ventilation
Weight of the Lungs
1.5% of Body Weight
1 kg in a 70 kg adult
60% of lung weight is Alveolar tissue
Alveoli have a very ________ surface area
70 m2 internal surface area
40 times the external body surface area
Gas Diffusion Pathway
Short Pathway
Permits rapid and efficient gas exchange
1.5 µm b/t air and alveolar capillary RBC
What is the volume of blood in the Lung
500 mL
(10% of TBV)
Factors Needed to Alter Lung Volumes
- Respiratory muscle generate force to inflate/deflate lungs
- Tissue elastance and resistance impedes ventilation
- Distribution of air movement in lung, resistance in airway
- Overcoming alveolar surface tension
Breathing Cycle
- Airflow needs pressure gradient
- Air flows from higher to lower pressure
- Inspiration: alveolar pressure < atmostpheric, allows airflow into lungs
- Expiration: Alveolar pressure > atmospheric, allows airflow out of lung
Active Phase of Breathing
- Motor signals from brainstem activate muscle contraction
- Phrenic Nerve (C3, C4, C5) transmits motor stimulation to diaphragm
- Intercostal Nerves (T1-T11) send signals to external intercostal muscles
- Thoracic cavity expands to lower pleural space pressure
- Pressure in alveloar ducts & alveoli decreases
- Fresh air flows in until pressures are equalized
- Inhaling is negative-pressure ventilation
Changes in alveolar pressure is generated by what?
Changes in pleural pressure
Most important muscle of Inspiration
- 75% of inspiratory effort
- Thin, dome-shaped muscle on lower ribs, xiphoid process, lumbar vertebra
- Innervated by Phrenic Nerve (C 3, 4, 5)
What happens during diaphragm contraction?
- Abdominal contents forced downward and forward causing increase in vertical dimension of chest cavity
- Rib margins lift and moved outward causing increase in transverse diameter or thorax
- Diaphragm moves down 1 cm during normal inspiration
- During fored inspiration, diphragm can move down 10 cm
Paradoxical Movement of Paralyzed Diaphragm
Upward movement with inspiratory drop of intrathoracic pressure
Occurs when diaphragm muscle is denervated
Transdiaphragmatic Pressure
- Abdominal pressure effects entire diaphragm
- Abdominal pressure is equal to atm. pressure in supine position when respiratory muscles are relaxed
- Increasing abdominal pressure pushes diaphragm up into thoracic cavity, decreasing FRC
(Functional Residual Capacity)
What reduces Functional Residual Capacity (FRC)?
Intra-abdominal pressure
EX: Pregnancy, obesity, SBO, lap. surgery, ascites, abdominal mass, hepatomegaly, Trendelenburg, valsalva maneuver
How are External Intercostal Muscles (EIM) innervated?
- 25% Inspiratory effort
- Connects to adjacent ribs
- Motor neurons from respiratory brainstem go down spinal cord and leaves spinal cord via the intercostal nerves.
- Then they go to chest wall under each rib along with the intercostal veins and arteries.
- Contraction of EIM pulls ribs upward and forward
What happens when the External Intercostal Muscles (EIM) contract?
- Thorax diameters increase in both lateral and anteroposterior directions
- Ribs move outward in “bucket-handle” fashion
- Intercostal nerves from spinal cord roots innervate EIMs
What happens if the External Intercostal Muscles (EIM) are paralyzed?
Not much. Paralysis of EIM does not really alter inspriations because the diaphragm is so effective, but sensation of inhalation decreases.
Accessory Muscles
Inspiration Muscle
Assist with forced inspiration during stress/excercise
- Scalene Muscle
- Sternocleidomastoid Muscle
Scalene Muscle
Accessory Muscle that attach cervical spine to apical rib
Elevate first two ribs during forced inspiration
Sternocleidomastoid Muscle
Accessory muscle that attach base of skull (mastoid process) to top of sternum and clavical medially
Raise the sternum during forced inspiration
Passive Phase of Breathing
- Chest muscle and diaphragm relax contraction
- Elastic recoil of thorax and lungs return to equilibrium
- Pleural and alveolar pressure rise
- Gas flows passively out of lung
- Active expiration during hyperventilation and exercise
What is needed for Active Expiration
Abdominal and Internal Intercostal Muscle Contraction
- Rectus abdominus/abdominal oblique muscles
- contraction raises intra-abdominal pressure to move diaphragm up
- intra-thoracis pressure raises and forces air out lungs
- Internal Intercostal Muscles
- assist expiration by pullin ribs down and in
- decrease thoracic volume
- stiffen intercostal spaces to precent outward bulging
- These muscles also contract forcefully during coughing, vomiting, and defecation
What is Transpulmonary Pressure?
Pressure difference between the alveolar pressure and pleural pressure on the outside of the lung
What do the alveoli tend to do when the pleural pressure tries to pull outward?
Collapse together
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