Measurement (Level 1) Flashcards
What does the RICS Professional Statement on Property Measurement (2018) set out?
- Sets out the requirements of RICS members and firms in relation to property measurement
- Standards and requirements for International Property Measurement Standards (IPMS)
- Application of IPMS
What does RICS Guidance Note Code of Measuring Practice (2015) apply to?
- Code of Measuring Practice applies to all building classes except offices and residential
What does RICS Guidance Note Land Measurement for Planning and Development Purposes (2021) set out?
- Sets out guidance on the measurement of land areas for planning and development purposes
- Should be read in conjunction with RICS Professional Statement on Property Measurement
- Identifies 5 principal measurements:
1. Land Ownership Area
2. Site Area
3. Net development area
4. Plot Ratio
5. Site Coverage
What is the RICS aim in relation to property measurement?
The key is to promote consistency and accuracy of property measurement around the world, this is why there is a need for the measurement standards
What is IPMS and what standards has the RICS adapted?
IPMS = International Property Measurement Standards
- Applies to the measurement of office and residential buildings
- IPMS 1 covers both offices and residential buildings
- IPMS 2 & 3 for offices and residential buildings
When would you use NIA as a measurement basis?
IPMS 3 – Office – uses NIA as a basis of measurement
When would you use GIA as a measurement basis?
IPMS 2 – Residential – uses GIA as a measurement basis
IPMS 2 – Office - uses GIA as a measurement basis
When would you use GEA as a measurement basis?
IPMS 1 – uses GEA as a measurement basis
What is Net Internal Area?
Net Internal Area (NIA) - the usable area within a building measured to the face of the internal finish of perimeter or party walls ignoring skirting boards and taking each floor into account
What is Gross Internal Area?
Gross Internal Area (GIA) - the area of a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level.
What is Gross External Area?
Gross External Area (GEA) - the area of a building measured to the perimeter wall thickness and external projections
What is Site Area?
Site Area - the area of land submitted in the planning application drawings that is subject to an application for permission for a particular development
What measurement basis would you use for office property?
IPMS Office 2 & 3
What measurement basis would you use for residential property?
IPMS Residential 2 & 3
What measurement basis would you use for industrial property?
RICS states that surveyors should follow IPMS where possible however it is not mandatory for industrial and retail. Most agents use Code of Measuring Practice as that’s what all of the comparables are valued on.
What measurement basis would you use for retail property?
RICS states that surveyors should follow IPMS where possible however it is not mandatory for industrial and retail. Most agents use Code of Measuring Practice as that’s what all of the comparables are valued on.
What measurement basis would you use for development land?
RICS Guidance Note Measurement of Land for Planning and Development Purposes sets out guidance on how to measure the site area
‘the area of land submitted in the planning application drawings that is subject to an application for permission for a particular development’
How does RICS Property Measurement differ from the old Code of
Measuring Practice?
- Key change is that the latest code of measuring practice no longer applies to offices
Why is accuracy important when you measure buildings?
- Value – differences in measurement can impact the value of a property
- Honesty and Integrity
- Safety – can impact the plans and safety requirements of a building
How do you calibrate a laser measurer?
- Follow the Leica Guidance
- establishing a constant baseline, taking at least 10 measurements from a fixed point
Alternatively you can send your disto away for re-calibration
Tell me about a strength and weakness of a measuring technique you have used - Disto
Limitations of Using a Disto:
- hard to read in bright sunlight
- When measuring to a dark surface – the measuring time can increase leading to inaccuracies
When would you use a tape measure?
- Used to measure narrow or complex areas, or where it is not possible to use a laser (e.g. bright sunlight).
When would you use a trundle wheel?
- When measuring land
What tools would you use to measure development land?
- Mapping software – Google Maps or Promap
- Trundle wheel
What is a potential source of error when measuring?
- Human Error
- Equipment failure
- Incorrect methodology
Why has IPMS been introduced?
IPMS have been introduced to promote accuracy and consistency in the measurement of buildings around the world
Which IPMS standards are adopted by RICS?
- IPMS – Office 2 & 3
- IPMS – Residential 2 & 3
What is IPMS All-Buildings?
IPMS All Buildings
- IPMS All Buildings is the newest International Measurement Standard covering all buildings
- Supersedes all prior IPMS documents and builds on the concepts and objectives contained in previous versions of IPMS into one harmonised standard
- Effective from 15 January 2023 but RICS has not yet adopted it
RICS will now work to draft a new measurement standard to incorporate the concepts into RICS Property Measurement Standards and consult its members.
What is dual reporting and when would you use it?
Dual Reporting is when you measure/report to two different sets of measuring standards
Dual reporting is used when there is a transition period between two different sets of measurement standards
What IPMS bases are you aware of for office buildings and when would each of these used?
IPMS 2 - Office – basis of measurement GIA
IPMS 3 – Office – basis of measurement NIA
What IPMS bases are you aware of for residential buildings and when would each of these used?
IPMS 2 – Residential – basis of measurement GIA
IPMS 3A – Residential – an external measurement of the area in exclusive occupation
IPMS 3B – Residential - an internal measurement including internal
walls, etc
IPMS 3C Residential - an internal measurement excluding internal
walls, etc
What are the differences between COMP and IPMS 3 - Office?
When measuring the NIA
- IPMS you measure to the internal dominant face
- IPMS includes columns
- IPMS includes areas under 1.5m in height
Internal Dominant Face - Point on a wall that occupies more than 50% of wall to ceiling height
What are limited use areas and how do you report these?
Limited Use Areas - areas in buildings that are incapable of legal
or effective occupation due to local or national legislation
Such areas and their limitations are to be identified, measured and stated separately within IPMS reported areas
What is the internal dominant face?
Internal Dominant Face - The internal finish comprising more than 50% of the floor to ceiling height for each IDF Wall Section. If such does not occur, the Finished Surface is deemed to be the IDF.
How has IPMS been incorporated into Property Measurement?
IPMS 1, IPMS 2 (Office and Residential) and IPMS 3 (Office and Residential) have been incorporated into RICS Professional Statement on Property Measurement 2018 as mandatory standards and requirements
What RICS guidance relates to the measurement of land?
RICS Guidance Note on Land Measurement for Planning and Development Purposes (2021)
How do you deal with a situation where your client requests a different measurement standard to those contained within the RICS guidance?
- RICS members are expected to advise their client or employer on the benefits of using IPMS
- If the client still insists on using a different measurement standard RICS members must document the reason for departure
What Is a suitable measurement tool for taking land measurements?
- Mapping Software e.g Google Maps or Promap
- Trundle Wheel
How can you ensure your measurements are accurate?
- Check them
- Ensure all equipment is properly calibrated
- Adhere to the standards and guidance provide by the RICS
How would you treat low or limited head height when measuring?
If the area is incapable of legal or effective occupation it should be treated as a limited use area
What is a tolerance level when measuring?
Tolerance level is the level of inaccuracy that is permitted when measuring land and property.
For larger areas e.g development site a tolerance level of +/-10% is permitted
For small areas such as floor plates of an officing building +/- 1% is permitted
How could you take measurements from Google Maps?
You can take site areas using Google Maps by outlining the area you want to be measured with your mouse
How reliable are measurements taken from Google Maps?
- It is reliable over smaller areas however there are some errors with larger areas
For your retail unit in Birmingham what basis of measurement would you use?
Code of Measuring Practice - NIA
- Comparable evidence used NIA so was the most applicable method to establish market rent