Development Appraisals (Level 1) Flashcards
What does the RICS Guidance Note Valuation of Development Property (2019) apply to and what does it set out?
- Applies to all valuations of development property
- Should be read and applied in conjunction with RICS Valuation – Global Standards 2022
- Key message is that one method of valuation is seldom appropriate
- This guidance note supplements the guidance set out in IVS 410
What does the RICS Professional Statement Financial Viability in Planning: Conduct and Reporting (2019) set out?
- sets out mandatory requirements on what must be included within financial viability assessments and how the process must be conducted
- recognises the importance of impartiality, objectivity and transparency when reporting on such matters
What is the purpose of RICS Guidance Note Assessing Viability in Planning Under NPPF 2019 for England (took effect 1st July 2021)?
- guidance note is intended to help professionals working in planning and development to apply the government’s national planning policy for England
- provides guidance on Financial Viability Assessments (FVAs) in plan-making and decision-taking contexts
What is a development appriasal?
A financial appraisal of a development property. It is normally used to calculate either the residual site value or the residual development profit, but it can be used to calculate other outputs.
What is a development yield?
The development yield calculated over the entire project. It is defined as the stabilised income divided by the total construction cost (excluding interest and fees)
What is Gross Development Value?
The aggregate market value of the proposed development, assessed on the special assumption that the development is complete on the date of valuation in the market conditions prevailing on that date.
What is Net Development Value?
The GDV minus assumed sale costs
What is the Net Present Value?
The sum of the discounted values of a net cash low including all inflows and outflows, where each receipt/payment is discounted to its present value at a specified discount rate. Where the NPV is zero, the discount rate is also the internal rate of return (IRR)
What is Internal Rate of Return?
The rate of interest (expressed as a percentage) at which all future project cash flows (positive and negative) will be discounted in order that the net present value (NPV) of those cash flows, including the initial investment, be equal to zero
What is a development property?
A development property is defined in IVS 410 as:
‘interests where redevelopment is required to achieve the highest and best use, or where improvements are either being contemplated or are in progress at the valuation date’ this includes:
a. the construction of buildings
b. previously undeveloped land which is being provided with infrastructure,
c. the redevelopment of previously developed land,
d. the improvement or alteration of existing buildings or structures,
e. land allocated for development in a statutory plan
f. land allocated for a higher value use or higher density in a statutory plan.
What is CIL?
- CIL stands for Community Infrastructure Levy it is a charge that LPAs set on new development to fund new infrastructure, facilities and services
What is CIL charged on and when is it payable?
- CIL is charged on the GROSS Floor Area of a new development
- Payable within 60 days of development commencing
What is a S106 agreement?
a legal agreement between Local Authorities and developers; these are linked to planning permissions and can also be known as planning obligations
What is the purpose of a S106 agreement?
A section 106 agreement is designed to mitigate the impacts of a development proposal, by obtaining concessions and contributions from the developer
When is a S106 agreement negotiated?
A S106 is negotiated after the granting of planning permission and is a requirement before development can commence. A s106 runs with the land, are legally binding and enforceable
What are the differences between CIL and S106?
- CIL is a set rate dependent on Use Class and the Gross Floor area of a development, S106 Agreements are negotiated with the LPA
- CIL is used to fund infrastructure on a broader basis across the charging area whereas S106 Agreements cover site specific issues and regulation
- CIL is payable within 60 days of development commencing whereas S106 monies are typically paid in instalments at key stages during construction these are negotiated within the agreement
How can a development appraisal be used in valuing developments?
It is normally used to calculate either the residual land value or the residual development profit, but it can be used to calculate other outputs such as IRR
What are the different elements of a development appraisal?
- Construction Costs - Cost of building the development
- Development Costs - Any other additional costs to development that aren’t included in the construction cost
- Planning Costs
What are the standard assumptions within a development appraisal for the following:
- Construction contingency
- Finance costs
- Professional fees
- DM fees
- Developer’s Profit
- Construction Contingency = 5-10% of total construction cost
- Finance Costs = 4-10% of GDV
- Professional Fees = 10-20% of construction cost
- DM Fees = 4-6% of GDV
- Developer’s Profit - dependent on metric and risk profile of the developer (IRR 10-20%, Profit on Cost 15-20% of development costs)
What are the different rates of SDLT for non-residential property?
- Up to £150,000 = Zero rate of SDLT
- The next £100,000 (portion from £150,001-£250,000) = 2%
- The portion above £250,000 = 5%
What is sensitivity analysis?
- Sensitivity analysis is a method of quantifying risk.
- It involves changing the value of different appraisal inputs to see how they affect the profitability or viability of a scheme.
- It is used to assess the financial robustness of a scheme and the risk and model different scenarios
What variables might you change in a sensitivity analysis and why?
- Income Values – to assess the performance of a development in different market conditions
- Construction Costs – to assess the impact of varying costs such as labour and materials
- Finance Costs – assess the impact of changes in the financial markets
- Yield – assess the impact on GDV
What is a Monte Carlo simulation?
Monte Carlo simulation is used to model the probability of different outcomes in a process that cannot easily be predicted due to the intervention of random variables
What factors affect sensitivity of a development appraisal?
- Incomes
- Construction costs
- Yield
Tell me about your understanding of incorporating affordable housing into development appraisals.
Affordable housing needs to be considered in all residential development
The provision of affordable housing varies from LPA but typically within the London Plan 25-30% affordable housing is assumed
The rental or sale values of affordable housing will be set out by the LPA and it is incorporated in with the other development incomes
What is an S curve?
An S-curve represents the incidence of costs in a particular project. As costs are not incurred regularly during a development timeline the s-curve sets them out
Tell me about your due diligence when undertaking a development appraisal.
The aim is to ensure that all the information you are inputting is as accurate as possible and that you appropriately accounting for risk.
- Ensure information sources are accurate and reliable
- Account for different market conditions
- Undertake enhanced due diligence where possible
- Undertake sensitivity analysis and simulation
What sources of information do you use when undertaking a
development appraisal?
- Comparable evidence (hierarchy of evidence) e.g Co-Star, Rightmove, Molior, EG
- Planning documentation
- Conversations with industry contacts
- Market reports
Construction Costs
- In-house construction team
- Cost reports
- External cost consultant
Planning Fees
- LPA in pre-application process
- Previous planning applications
- Planning consultant
How do you calculate developer’s profit?
Developer’s Profit = GDV – Gross Development Costs
What other metrics can you produce from a development appraisal?
- IRR = The rate of interest (expressed as a percentage) at which all future project cash flows (positive and negative) will be discounted in order that the net present value (NPV) of those cash flows, including the initial investment, be equal to zero
- Profit on Cost = profit expressed as a % of the development cost
- Profit on GDV = profit expressed as a % of the GDV
What is the difference between a residual valuation and a development appraisal?
Development Appraisal:
- Used to assess the viability/profit of a development, output will be IRR or profit on cost
- Not Red Book compliant
- You have a known land value
Residual Valuation:
- Used to assess the residual land value
- Red Book compliant
- Land value is what you are trying to work out, not a known value
Tell me about software you have used in development appraisals
- For bespoke financial models and cash flows
- Easier to create more complex development appraisals that are customised to specific project structures
Argus Developer
- For more generic and quicker appraisals with less specific assumptions
Give me a limitation of a piece of software you have used
- Harder to give a more detailed breakdown of project components
- More difficult to export and share with clients without the summary that Argus provides
What is viability?
Viability is assessing whether the value generated by a development is worth the risk and more than the cost of developing it
What is a Financial Viability Assessment (FVA)?
‘a report assessing the financial viability of a development or development typology. Any viability assessment should follow the government’s recommended approach to assessing viability, as set out in PPG Paragraph 010
Why would a financial viability assessment be carried out?
A financial viability assessment can be used for:
- Formulating planning policy
- Assessing planning obligations, including affordable housing
- Estimating affordable housing tenure viability and composition
- Reviewing land use
- Dealing with heritage assets and conservation issues
What are the key viability benchmarks?
The key viability benchmarks are:
- Benchmark Land Value – This is defined as the Existing Use Value (EUV) plus a ‘landowner’s premium’ (EUV+)
- Alternative Use Value - the value of the ‘land for uses other than its existing use
Is Benchmark Land Value the same as Market Value?
Benchmark Land Value is not necessarily the same as Market Value (MV), as per VPS 4 of the Red Book.
There are differences in the assumptions and method employed in the FVA, i.e. BLV is not the price paid in the marketplace. It relates to the minimum level of return at which a reasonable landowner would be willing to sell
How is a financial viability assessment carried out?
A financial viability assessment uses the same process as a residual valuation and appraisal so Surveyors should refer to the RICS Guidance Note Valuation of Development Property which will outline the inputs.
FVAs must include sensitivity analysis
What happens if a scheme is deemed financially unviable for a
If the FVA illustrates that the typology or scheme is not viable:
the plan-maker/decision-taker will need to consider whether to adjust the developer contributions in the plan or the specific decision, taking into account the deliverability of the overall plan or having regard to all the particular circumstances in the individual case.
What are the main forms of finance available to developers?
Private Equity – seeking investment from private companies as a joint venture
Senior Loan – securing finance from banks with interest
Public Funding – partnering with local planning authorities or securing grant funding
What are lenders’ current requirements in relation to gearing?
Gearing typically refers to the debt to equity ratio of a development
Low Risk – a gearing ratio of less than 25%
Optimal – between 25-50%
What is mezzanine finance and how is it priced?
Mezzanine finance is a hybrid form of business funding, combining features of debt (loans) and equity.
Mezzanine finance uses the property as collateral for the loan, the lender receives an equity share in the property.
What information do lenders generally require regarding a property before agreeing to lend?
Varies depending on the value and nature of the property. Usually will include;
- Legal; titles, ownership, covenants, leases, development agreements, building contract
- Technical; drawings, surveys, photos, design, massing
- Financial; business plans, funding models, demand reports, market reports, cash flows
Explain what the Golden Brick means in relation to VAT
The sale of bare land is either exempt or subject to VAT at 20% whereas the sale of a new residential dwelling is zero rated
A new dwelling can include a partially completed dwelling - as long as the site has been developed beyond a certain stage the sale of it can be zero rated
The golden brick is the point at which the dwelling is deemed to be partially completed and subsequently the development is zero rated from VAT
What is Residential Property Developer Tax?
Residential Property Developer Tax is a new tax on profits earned by corporates from the development for sale of residential property. Introduced by Finance Act 2022
What is the residential property developer tax applied to?
The tax is applied to companies earning profits exceeding £25 million per annum - profits in excess of this allowance will be taxed at a rate of 4%.
What is a typical loan to value ratio on a development project?
50-60% dependent on the equity available from a developer
What is the SONIA swap rate?
SONIA Swap Rate = The Sterling Overnight Index Average, abbreviated SONIA, is the effective overnight interest rate paid by banks for unsecured transactions in the British sterling market