Development/Project Briefs (Level 2) Flashcards
Tell me about an example of when you have produced a brief - student accommodation development, Canterbury
Student Accommodation Development, Canterbury
- I prepared a development brief for a cost analysis of the provision of Suitable Alternative Accommodation in the eventuality that practical completion was delayed
- Produced a report outlining alternative accommodation options to the client including the following information;
- Number of students that could be accommodated
- Cost per week
- Cost of travel to campus
- Contingency fee for the provision of other
- Awaited approval from the client, ensured its’ effective implementation into all legal agreements
Tell me about an example of when you have produced a brief - student accommodation development, Canning Town
Student Accommodation Development, Canning Town
- Prepared a development brief for the London Borough of Newham (the client) prior to further design development in preparation of the submission of a reserved matters application
- The development brief outlined the following:
- Current development progress
- Proposed next stages and timelines
- Funding strategy
- Construction cost
- Programme
- Planning conditions
- Land payment
- Development risks
What is a lesson that you have learnt from a project brief after a project has completed?
Lessons Learnt from completing project briefs:
- Timelines – don’t be too ambitious, allow for a buffer as some delays are inevitable
- Mobilise early – important to line up consultants and contractors early and get them on board early even if project brief is not completely finalised
- Consistent communication with the client – keep double checking the client’s requirements and objectives, they might change as the brief develops and they need to be captured
How have you ensured that your client is agreeable to your proposed brief?
- Consistent communication – ensure they are aware of latest progress and the development of the brief, gain consistent feedback
- Final sign off – ensure they have the opportunity to issue a final confirmation of the brief
- Constantly review against client’s objectives
Tell me about how you have analysed gathered information/data for a brief - student accommodation development, Essex
Student Accommodation Development, Essex
- Client’s project brief was to review possibilities for improving the proposed building’s sustainability performance in operation
- I instructed sustainability consultant to prepare potential design alterations to enhance the building’s efficiency and performance
- I conferred with the building contractor to understand the cost implications
- I reviewed and analysed the options proposed considering the cost, impact and time to implement
- I produced a report for the client summarising my findings and advising on the most suitable improvements
Tell me about your experience of programming or phasing the stages of development. - Student Accommodation Development, Canning Town
Student Accommodation Development, Canning Town
- When preparing the development brief the programming and phasing of the development was critical
- I set out the required timelines for the development within the brief – taking into consideration the start of the student academic year and the client’s requirements
- I liaised with our in-house contractor who then prepared a construction programme in line with the development brief
Tell me about when you have produced a risk analysis - student accommodation development, Canning Town
A risk analysis should be included in both a project and development brief
Student Accommodation Development, Canning Town
- Used a risk analysis matrix which set out the risk, likelihood of risk (using RAG system), how the risk would be managed and by who
Considered risks across the following categories:
- Site risks – the physical characteristics of the site
- Planning risks –
- Development risks – risks relating to the progression of the
development e.g funding, construction
Market risks – wider market risks e.g demand for units, investor sentiment
What do you advise to clients about the process of debrief after a project is complete?
- Important to undertake a project debrief after project completion to establish lessons learnt
- We advise all clients to take part in the process
- Invite all project stakeholders to voice their opinion
- Lessons learnt will then be presented to the wider team to ensure they can be considered in the next project
What do you include in detailed briefs for the consultant /construction team to tender for their services?
When tendering for consultants you should include the following within the detailed briefs:
- Description of the Project and latest progress
- Project structure
- Anticipated timelines
- Scope of work/responsibilities
- Deliverables
- Insurance requirements
- Legal template of appointment if available
How did you analyse the fees received from each and what sort of matrix did you use?
- Used a tender scoring matrix to evaluate consultant tenders received
- Set out our evaluation criteria and weighting – e.g experience, resourcing, ability to meet the brief
- Produced an overall score
How have you prepared an outline business case stating the client’s required cost, time and performance/quality expectations?
A business case is the rationale behind the initiation of a new building project. It is typically produced as a report at the initiation stage of a project / RIBA Stage 0 – Strategic Definition.
It should include
- Goals, vision and objectives
- Strategy
- Financial case
- Planning evidence
How have you established success measurement criteria and benefits of the project to the client?
Within all project and development briefs it is important to establish key performance indicators for each of the client’s objective
They help to monitor the progress and success of each of the client’s objectives.
What were the KPIs for Canning Town?
Student Accommodation Development, Canning Town
Set out KPIs in the following categories to meet the client’s development objectives
- Objective 1 – develop a net zero building in operation
KPI – implement a renewable energy source
KPI – establish and implement user instructions on how to
use their rooms sustainably and efficiently
- Objective 1 – Deliver a high quality student accommodation
KPI – provide above average unit sizes
KPI – provide a range of green amenity spaces
KPI – maximise dual aspect units over floorplate efficiency
How have you dealt with known project risks, constraints and
- Identify the project risk
- Establish its’ likelihood
- Put together a management plan
How did you deal with known project risks on student accommodation development, Essex?
Student Accommodation Development, Essex
- Identified the construction programme as a potential risk – a tight programme with a small buffer, not very flexible given the need to be completed in time for the start of the academic year
- High Priority risk
- Management Plan - commencement of early works to ensure the site was prepped and ready ahead of start on site and the development agreement being finalised
How have you implemented clear procedures for managing changes to the client’s brief?
Any changes to the client’s project brief must follow the process below:
- Identification and justification for change
- Present proposed change(s) to the project director outlining the need for the change, potential impact, what element of the client’s project brief it would be amending
- Project Director assesses whether the change is necessary, possible
- Project director presents the change to the client
- Gains approval/rejection for the change
- Changes to the project brief are implemented and amended ensuring pass down to relevant documentation
Student Accommodation Development, Canning Town - How did the brief demonstrate viability?
- Included the most up to date version of the development appraisal
- Justified the assumptions
- Demonstrated the financial returns and land payment for the client
Student Accommodation Development, Canning Town - How did the brief help the client?
- Provided them the opportunity to comment on any critical points, concerns and objectives that may or may not have been captured
- Ensure they were up to date on the progress
- Provided re-assurance on the management of risks
Student Accommodation Development, Canning Town - How did you determine the construction cost and programme?
- Construction cost was prepared by our in-house construction team which I reviewed comparing against BCIS and the design requirements for the building
- Programme – I provided the development timeline requirements and requested that the construction team prepared a construction programme that met those objectives
Student Accommodation Development, Canterbury - How did you ensure the brief was successfully implemented?
- Formal pass down of the brief into any agreements that were being negotiated
- Scheduled in progress meetings to establish outstanding actions to ensure implementation
Student Accommodation Development, Canterbury - How did this brief relate to your wider work on the main development?
- Essentially a mitigation plan in the event PC was delayed
- Obligation to provide alternative accommodation was a requirement in the development agreement which was passed down into the building contract