May 7th Flashcards
What is the treatment for ancylostoma (hook worm)?
What is ancylostoma?
Hook worm - pruritic, migrating serpiginous reddish brown rash
What are the physiologic effects of arteriovenous fistula?
Increased preload, increased CO, decreased SVR
What is the mechanism of duodenal hematoma?
Blunt force trauma resulting in duodenum compressed against vertebral body, resulting in blood collecting between submucosa and muscular layer of the duodenum. Resulting in partial/complete obstruction
How is pertussis diagnosed?
Pertussis PCR or culture; see a lymphocyte-predominant leukocytosis
How is warfarin reversed?
Rapid: FFP; Vitamin K if longer time
What are the characteristics of fetal growth restriction at delivery?
Thin, loose skin, thin umbilical cord, wide anterior fontanel, meconium-stained amniotic fluid, decreased subQ fat
What is the predominant mechanism of ventricular arrhythmias in the immediate post-infarction period?
Reentry - resulting in v fib
What is the classic presentation of neonatal displaced clavicular fracture?
Crepitus over the clavicle, asymmetric Moro reflex, and pain with passive motion of the affected extremity
How is neonatal displaced clavicular fracture treated?
Reassurance, gentle handling; place affected arm in long sleeve and pin sleeve to chest
What nerve palsy is common in idiopathic intracranial hypertension?
What is the treatment for idiopathic intracranial hypertension?
6 yo M with h/o URI 3 weeks ago, presents with petechiae on trunk and extremities, Hgb 13.5, Plts 40,000, and WBC 7,000; peripheral smear with large platelets. Diagnosis?
Immune thrombocytopenia
How is immune thrombocytopenia treated?
Children with skin sxs only: observation; Children with bleeding, and adults with plts < 30,000: IVIg and glucocorticoids; splenectomy is last resort - used in refractory cases
Patient with HIV and weakly ring-enhancing periventricular mass; CSF with EBV DNA. Diagnosis?
CNS lymphoma