Matt - Case Study Flashcards
What is a Rating Challenge case?
This is the second stage in the Check, Challenge and Appeal process where Ratepayers can challenge their properties Rateable Value.
What is Check, Challenge and Appeal?
It is the system introduced with the 2017 Rating List for how properties have their rating assessments challenged.
It was introduced by the Non-Domestic Rating (Alteration of Lists and Appeals) (England) Regulations 2017.
It states that the property is also known as a hereditament - why is this?
Within Rating, the unit of assessment’s formal name is called a hereditament.
Why was it important for you to carry out a conflict of interest check before working on the case?
To ensure that my valuation and judgement was impartial throughout. If it was for a friend or someone I knew, my judgement could be biased.
Why did a Check have to be submitted before the Challenge?
As per the Check, Challenge and Appeal process, the Check must be completed first to confirm the factual details of the property.
We need to know and confirm the facts before discussing values.
What is the 2017 compiled list valuation?
This is the valuation of the property/hereditament for the 2017 Rating List effective from the first day the list comes in to effect.
What is the antecedent valuation date?
This is the date where market values and economic factors are taken in to account. For the 2017 Rating List this was the 1st April 2015
Why is the antecedent valuation date set 2 years before?
This is to give the VOA time to compile the Rating List. It’s a big task!
Why was there a survey line entry uplift of 10%?
This was to reflect the subject property having a second entrance.
What is the VOA Code of Measuring Practice?
As the name suggests, it is the document that the VOA follow to measure properties that are assessed for non domestic rating and council tax purposes.
How does the VOA Code of Measuring Practice differ from the RICS Code of Measuring Practice?
For properties measured to GEA and GIA, areas with a headroom of less than 1.5m are excluded rather than included.
Why did you measure to Net Internal Area?
As per the Code of Measuring Practice, retail properties are measured to NIA.
Why did you zone the property?
To value this property for Rating purposes, we adopted the zoning method of measurement.
What is zoning?
It is a method of measurement used to compare retail properties on the basis that the front of the shop (or the Zone A) is the most valuable.
With your property having two entrances, how did you decide which entrance of the shop to zone from?
I decided to zone from the main entrance of the shop as zoning from the secondary entrance would cause an over valuing of the In Terms of Zone A value and the subject property when compared to other retail properties that were zoned from their main entrances.
Why did you zone from the building line?
To value the property for Rating purposes, we are required to identify the building line which is where the front of the shop/hereditament changes to another aspect such as a pavement. This change is called the building line.
Why did you make note of value significant factors like air conditioning, sprinklers and CCTV?
Because these items are rateable and depending on whether they’re part of the main rent or tenants improvements, this affects the rental analysis.
For your property, were these items part of the main rent or tenants improvements and how did you know?
They were part of the main rent and this was confirmed to me by the agent during negotiations.
How did you propose to inspect the property given that the survey details weren’t challenged?
I emailed the agent to introduce myself as the caseworker for the case, and asked if I could inspect the property for due diligence and also my own experience. The agent understood and accepted.
How did you prepare for your inspection?
I had regard to the purpose of my inspection which was to look at the retail shop and assess whether there was a basement store.
I also had regard to any PPE I would be required to take, my equipment such as phone for lone working, and I also assessed whether I had the appropriate competence, PII, and inspection documentation.
I also carried out statutory due diligence checks.
Did you refer to any guidance in relation to the inspection?
I referred to my own employers guidance in relation to lone working such as updating my calendar with my location, including my personal safety device.
I also referred to the RICS guidance note of surveying safely.
Tell me a bit about surveying safely.
It’s a professional standard document issued by RICS with effect from February 2019 that sets out good practice in relation to health and safety for RICS firms and members.
What is the Property In Common Occupation Act?
This is legislation introduced in 2018 primarily reverse the U.K. Supreme Court decision of Woolway v Mazars (2015) and identifying the unit of assessment or hereditament.
What is the contiguity condition?
It’s a new subsection introduced to the LGFA 1988 by PICO to help identify a hereditament, and it basically means whether hereditaments touch each other they can be classed as one hereditament and not separately assessed.
Were the shop and basement store functionally essential?
No, they were not and therefore they were separately assessed. If they had been then they would have been assessed the same.
What is the definition of Rateable Value?
It is to be taken to be an amount equal to rent that the hereditament is reasonably expected to let for on the assumption that:
- The tenancy begins immediately on the day the determination is made, so antecedent valuation date and material day
- The tenant is responsible for paying all the rents and rates to command the rent
- The property is assumed to be in a reasonable state of repair but excluding from that assumption any repair which a reasonable landlord would consider uneconomic.
What is Lotus & Delta?
It is a leading case law within non-domestic rating that was about a shoe shop in Leicester, that considers the hierarchy of rental evidence to consider when valuing a property for rating purposes.
Tell me a little bit about the case
It was in relation to a shoe shop in Leicester. (add more here)
What are the six propositions detailed by the Lands Tribunal within the Lotus & Delta decision?
- The subject property rent should be taken as a starting point
- The closer the rent is agreed to the hypothetical assumption, the more weight can be attached
- The rents of other comparable properties should be considered
- Similar comparable property settlements should also be considered
- An opinion of value can now be formed considering all the evidence
- With a lack of other comparable evidence or settlements, it would be difficult to discard the subject rent
Where does a lease renewal sit within the hierarchy of evidence?
It is second in the hierarchy behind a new letting.
What is the hierarchy of rental evidence?
- New letting
- Lease renewal
- Rent review
- Independent expert
- Opinion
- Arbitration / court decisions
- Asking rents
Why did you attach high weight to the subject rent even though it was a lease renewal?
As per the hierarchy of evidence, it is second so it was good evidence to rely on. In addition it was agreed in the build up to the AVD and on terms similar to the rating hypothesis.
When is a tone considered to be settled following recent court decisions?
Historically it’s towards the end of a Rating List, however in circumstances where mistakes have been made, then an argument is that the tone isn’t fully settled.
What is a Regulation 17 Transition Certificate?
Regulation 17 refers to where a properties RV is incorrect as at 31st March 2017.
This is a transition document provided to the relevant billing authority to allow them to know what the RV for the property would have been for the 2010 Rating List if it was still possible to amend it.
What is transitional relief?
It’s a type of relief within non domestic rating which allows phased increases or decreases in properties RVs, and also informs billing authorities of what it should have been if we could still amend the Rating List.
Are you aware of any changes to transitional relief for the 2023 Rating List?
That downward phasing has been removed, the decrease is given much faster than before with the phasing.
Phased increases still exist however so if a properties RV goes up, this isn’t instantly put on the Ratepayer but is a phased increase.
Why did you zone through the partitioned wall?
As per the principles of zoning, I had to zone from the building line until the structural wall.
How did you deduct the tenant improvement items from the rent?
I had regard to the cost guide for the 2017 Rating List for the CCTV and calculated their annual total cost from this, which I then subsequently deducted from the rent.
What is the planning use class for your subject property?
Class E with effect from April 2021
What is the leading case in relation to having paramount control of a hereditament?
Cardtronics and others v Skykes (VO) [2020]
Can you tell me a bit about the Cardtronics case?
This was a case that went to the Supreme Court and was about determining who was in paramount control of ATM machines, occupiers or the ATM operators.
The Supreme Court ruled that control was key in this scenario, and that ATMs were being controlled by the retailers and therefore rateable occupation of the whole.
ATMs were therefore assessed as part of the store and not separately
Why did you value air conditioning at £7/sqm for 50sqm?
I had regard to the kilowattage of the air conditioning cassette to know how much of the retail space to cover. It was not plant and machinery and therefore listed as an other addition.
It is based on having a conventional air conditioning system, this back stop figure of £7/sqm is therefore used
What is the leading case law with regards to air conditioning and rating?
Iceland Foods v Berry (2015)
Can you tell me about the Iceland case?
This was a case that was determining whether air conditioning should be rateable.
The Supreme Court ruled that the air conditioning was part of the trade process and therefore exempt.
Is air conditioning normally rateable?
Normally and if found within the Plant and Machinery Regulations 2000, however it can be excluded if found to be part of the trade process.
Why is Plant and Machinery rateable?
Plant and Machinery Regulations 2000
How did you value your plant and machinery?
I had regard to the 2017 Rating List Cost Guide, established the replacement cost for each plant and machinery and applied the statutory decap rate to arrive at an annual equivalent replacement cost.
What is Planning use class E?
Commercial, business and service
How would you value air conditioning?
- Look at market evidence (how much it adds in rental value)
- Using the cost approach to work out how much it would cost to implement and then statutory decap rate
- If nothing else, use the £7/sqm backstop
What are some different types of Transitional Certificates for the 2023 List?
Regulation 18 - Incorrect as of 01 April 2023
Regulation 19 - Incorrect as of 31 March 2023
Regulation 20 - Splits, mergers and reconstitutions prior to 01 April 2023
What are some statutory due diligence checks you should do before going on an inspection or doing a valuation?
- Am I competent?
- Conflict of interest
- Terms of engagement
- Asbestos register
- Business rates
- Equality act compliance
- Environmental matters
- Flooding
- Fire safety compliance
- Title and tenure
- Planning