Maternity Care Flashcards
What is the purpose of the APGAR score?
A method used to quickly summarise the health of newborn children against infant mortality.
What does APGAR stand for?
Appearance Pulse rate Grimace or response to stimulation Activity or muscle tone Respiration
How is the APGAR score measured?
A score of 0-2 in 5 points
Scored from 0-10/10
A newborn scores a 0 in the ‘appearance’ section of the APGAR score, what does this indicate?
Blue or pale all over
A newborn scores a 1 in the ‘appearance’ section of the APGAR score, what does this indicate?
Blue at extremities
Body pink
A newborn scores a 2 in the ‘appearance’ section of the APGAR score, what does this indicate?
Body and extremities pink
A newborn scores a 0 in the ‘pulse rate’ section of the APGAR score, what does this indicate?
A newborn scores a 1 in the ‘pulse rate’ section of the APGAR score, what does this indicate?
A newborn scores a 2 in the ‘pulse rate’ section of the APGAR score, what does this indicate?
> =100
A newborn scores a 0 in the ‘grimace or response to stimulation’ section of the APGAR score, what does this indicate?
No response to stimulation
A newborn scores a 1 in the ‘grimace or response to stimulation’ section of the APGAR score, what does this indicate?
Grimace/feeble cry when stimulated
A newborn scores a 2 in the ‘grimace or response to stimulation’ section of the APGAR score, what does this indicate?
Cry or pull away when stimulated
A newborn scores a 0 in the ‘activity or muscle tone’ section of the APGAR score, what does this indicate?
A newborn scores a 1 in the ‘activity or muscle tone’ section of the APGAR score, what does this indicate?
Some flexion
A newborn scores a 2 in the ‘activity or muscle tone’ section of the APGAR score, what does this indicate?
Flexed arms and legs that resist extension
A newborn scores a 0 in the ‘respiration’ section of the APGAR score, what does this indicate?
A newborn scores a 1 in the ‘respiration’ section of the APGAR score, what does this indicate?
Weak, irregular, gasping
A newborn scores a 2 in the ‘respiration’ section of the APGAR score, what does this indicate?
Strong, lusty cry