GREEN: Nice 'Traffic Lights' Flashcards
What is the NICE ‘Traffic Lights’ tool?
Used in clinical assessment of febrile illness in children
Used to identify the severity of a child’s illness
What does green indicate in the NICE ‘Traffic lights’ tool?
Low risk
A green result from the tool when looking at ‘colour’ is what?
Normal colour
Where should you look when assessing the colour of a child?
A green result from the tool when looking at ‘activity’ is what?
Responds normally to social cues
Stays awake or awakens quickly
Strong normal cry/not crying
What 4 assessments is the Green: NICE ‘Traffic lights’ tool divided into?
Circulation and hydration
A green result from the tool when looking at ‘Circulation and hydration’ is what?
Normal skin and eyes
Moist mucous membranes
A green result from the tool when looking at ‘other’ is what?
None of the amber or red symptoms or signs