Death of a Child Flashcards
You arrive at the scene of an expected death of a child, what should you look for?
A care plan
You arrive at the scene of an expected death of a child, you find a care plan, what are your next steps?
Recognise life extinct
Contact names clinician; leave child at home
You arrive at the scene of an expected death of a child, there is no care plan available, what is your next step?
Transport child and parents to ED; inform ambulance control to direct police to hospital
You arrive at the scene of an unexpected child death, what should you first determine?
Query if a crime scene is present
You arrive at the scene of an unexpected child death, there is a questionable crime scene, what is your next step?
Determine if resuscitation is viable
You arrive at the scene of an unexpected child death, there is a questionable crime scene, resuscitation is viable, what are your next steps?
Commence resuscitation
Transport child and parents to ED; inform ambulance control to direct police to hospital
You arrive at the scene of an unexpected child death, there is a questionable crime scene, resuscitation is not viable, what are your next steps?
Determine if there is an obvious cause of death
You arrive at the scene of an unexpected child death, there is a questionable crime scene, resuscitation is not viable and there is no obvious cause of death, what is your next step?
Transport child and parents to ED; inform ambulance control to direct police to hospital
You arrive at the scene of an unexpected child death, there is a questionable crime scene, resuscitation is not viable and there is an obvious cause of death, what are your next steps?
Ask ambulance control to contact police and await attendance or telephone advice of a child death DI and follow instructions
After speaking to a child death DI you could be given one of two courses of action, what could these be?
Advised to take child and parents to ED and pre-alert and take to appropriate ED that is prepared to accept sudden deaths in children
Crime scene declared; leave child at scene; inform ambulance control
You arrive at the scene of an unexpected child death, there is an obvious crime scene, what is your next step?
Determine if the child has a condition unequivocally associated with death
Resuscitation should not be attempted if they do
What are the seven conditions unequivocally associated with death?
Hypostasis/Lividity Rigor Mortis Decapitation Massive cranial and cerebral destruction Incineration Traumatic Hemicorporectomy Decomposition/Putrefaction
What is Hypostasis/Lividity?
the accumulation of fluid or blood in the lower parts of the body or organs under the influence of gravity, as occurs in cases of poor circulation or after death.
What is hypostasis often referred to as?
Due to the skin having a mottled appearance
Why is hypostasis a diagnosis of death?
the appearance is never present in a live subject
Common identification signs of hypostasis?
Initially seen as small round patches mimicking bruises
Above the hypostatic engorgement (pooling of the blood) there is obvious pallor of the skin
What is Rigor Mortis?
The stiffening of the body after death
Once the contracting of all the body’s muscles has taken place this state of rigor - technically referred to as the Rigid Stage - normally lasts anything from eight to twelve hours after which time the body is completely stiff; this fixed state lasts for up to another eighteen hours..
How long does Rigor Mortis normally occur after death?
normally appears within the body around two hours after the deceased has died
What are the stages of Rigor Mortis?
Once the contracting of all the body’s muscles has taken place this state of rigor - technically referred to as the Rigid Stage - normally lasts anything from eight to twelve hours after which time the body is completely stiff; this fixed state lasts for up to another eighteen hours
Signs of Rigor Mortis?
The limbs and joints of the deceased are stiff (rigid) and difficult to move or manipulate, this usually affects the smaller muscles first, such as those in the face, neck, arms and shoulders making the insertion of an intubation tube difficult or impossible
The body holds its position when moved
Why is massive cranial and cerebral destruction unequivocally associated with death?
Where injuries to skull and brain are considered by attending healthcare professional to be incompatible with life, such as catastrophic head injury
What is meant when the term incineration is used in conditions unequivocally associated with death?
The presence of full thickness burns with charring of greater than 95% of the body surface
What is meant by the term Traumatic Hemicorporectomy?
The body is completely cut across below the shoulders and above the hips through all major organs and vessels
The spinal column may or may not be severed
What is meant by Decomposition/Putrefaction when looking at conditions unequivocally associated with death?
Where tissue damage indicates that the patient has been dead for some hours, days or longer.
You arrive at the scene of an unexpected child death, there is an obvious crime scene and the child has a condition unequivocally associated with death, what are your next steps?
Ask ambulance control to contact police and await attendance or telephone advice of a child death DI and follow instructions
The child death DI will either declare a crime scene and you should leave the child at the scene or you will be advised to take both the chid and the parents to the nearest ED
You arrive at the scene of an unexpected child death, there is an obvious crime scene and the child does not have a condition unequivocally associated with death, what are your next steps?
Commence resuscitation
Ask ambulance control to contact the police
Pre-alert and take to appropriate ED that is prepared to accept sudden deaths in children