Maternal Vocab. Pt. 2 Flashcards
A natural termination of pregnancy
The tendency for some pregnant women to feel sick in the morning (hyperemesis gravidarum if severe)
Morning Sickness
Describing a woman who has been pregnant before, including miscarriages and abortions that did not lead to giving birth
Multigravida or Multip.
Describing a woman who has given birth before; does not include miscarriages and abortions that did not lead to giving birth
Nothing abnormal detected, no abnormalities detected; meaning that the fetus appears to be developing normally.
In the period right from birth to 1 month
Non-stress test evaluation or fetal response (FHR) to fetal movement, uterine contractions or stimulation
A DR specializing in pregnant women and pregnancy
The position of the fetus when the face is towards your spine
Occipital Anterior
The position of the fetus when the face is towards your belly button
Occipital Posterior
The female organs that hold unfertilized eggs
The ability of the DR, midwife, or nurse to feel the baby movement by touching the mothers stomach
A test that is part of a screening process for cervical cancer
Pap Smear
The number of pregnancies in which the fetus has reached 20 weeks gestation. Para = Delivery
Pregnancy-induced hypertension, or an instance of high blood pressure due to pregnancy; if not managed, the hypertension may persist after birth
The organ through which the mother provides nutrition to the fetus and helps remove waste products during pregnancy, has a protective effect to the unborn baby.
Premature separation if the placenta from the uterine wall
Placenta abruption/ abruptio placentae
An unusual placenta adherence, usually in the myometrium. Associated with attachment to other organs like the bladder.
Placenta accreta
Placenta is implanted in the lower uterine segment close or covering the cervical OS.
Placenta Previa
Period after the birth of the baby
A baby that is born past 42 weeks gestation
Post term
A baby that is born before its due date and may be more vulnerable to different diseases or health problems
Premature rupture of membranes before 37.0 weeks of gestation
Premature ROM
A premature baby between 20.7-36.6 weeks of gestation
Describing a woman who has not been pregnant before, including miscarriages and abortions that did not lear to giving birth.
Describing a woman who has not given birth before does not include miscarriages and abortions that did not lead to giving birth
Premature rupture of membranes before the onset of labor
Rupture of membranes
Breaking of the bag of water
The contact between the infant and the mom off skin to skin right after birth; this type of contact is said to improve health of both mother and baby
Skin to Skin
When a baby is born dead
> 37.0 weeks gestation
The determination of the length of pregnancy is broken down by weeks 0-13 (1st trimester), 14-26 (2nd trimester), and 27-40 weeks (3rd trimester)
The determination of the length of pregnancy is broken down by weeks 0-13 (1st trimester), 14-26 (2nd trimester), and 27-40 weeks (3rd trimester)
A scan that is used for pregnant women to allow them to see their fetus during checkups
The cord that connects the placenta to the fetus
Umbilical Cord
The organ in the mother in which the fetus grows
The capability of living outside the womb. The book uses 22-25 weeks gestation. “The capacity of the fetus for sustained survival outside the woman’s uterus. Wether or not this capacity exist is a medical determination, may vary with each pregnancy and is a matter for the judgment of responsible health care provider.”
Another term for the Uterus, Usually referring to the uterus during pregnancy
GnRH is secreted by the hypothalamus when hormone levels are low and stimulates the anterior pituitary gland regulating the release of FSH and/or LH
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone
FSH stimulates the development of Graafian follicles and the production of estrogen
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
LH triggers the expulsion of the ovum from the Graafian follicle and the formation of the corpus luteum
Luteinizing Hormone
Stimulates the thickening of the endometrium prior to ovulation and after menstration
After ovulation progesterone prepares the endometrium for a fertilized ovum should it occur
Oxygenated fatty acids classified as hormones that effect ovulation, smooth muscle contractility, fertility, menstruation, and hormonal activity.