exam 2 preterm labor Flashcards
What is early and late preterm labor?
Premature Preterm Rupture of Membranes
Incompetent Cervix
Bleeding in Pregnancy
Therapeutic Abortion/Miscarriage
Molar Pregnancy
Ectopic Pregnancy
Placental Previa
Placental Abruption
Adherent Retained Placenta
what is preterm labor?
(PTL)- Cervical changes and uterine contractions occurring between 20 and 36 6/7 weeks gestation
***Just because a client has preterm labor does not mean she will have a preterm delivery BUT if a client has a preterm delivery, they had to have preterm labor!! Think how this effects the Gs & Ps
what is preterm birth?
Any birth that occurs between 20 0/7 and 36 6/7 weeks gestation
what is low birth weight?
Low birth weight (2500 grams or less) does not necessarily mean a preterm birth has occurred. An infant can be born with a low birth weight at term. This is called Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) and occurs when there has been complications of pregnancy that interferes with uteroplacental
what is the weight classifications for infants?
Infants are classified as:
low birth weight if they are born weighing less than 2500 grams (about 5.5 pounds)
very low birth weight if they weigh less than 1500 grams (about 3.3 pounds).
extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants–those weighing less than 1000grams (2.2 pounds).
what are the causes of PTL?
Multifactorial –>
Multiple pathologic processes leading to:
Contractions/Cervical change/ROM
Placental implantation bleeding (1st or 2nd trimester)
Maternal/Fetal Stress
Uterine over-distention
Allergic reaction
↓ progesterone level
infection: cervical, bacterial, urinary tract
Infection is the only factor KNOWN to be associated with preterm labor.
Some evidence:
Periodontal Dx
Placental implantation bleeding (1st or 2nd Tri)
Maternal & neonatal stress
Uterine over-distention
Allergic reaction
Low progesterone levels
No single cause for preterm labor has been identified.
Infection is thought to be a major factor in the development of preterm labor
25% of preterm births are classified as “iatrogenic”
-fetus was intentionally delivered prematurely due to maternal or fetal health reasons.
25% of preterm births are a result of preterm premature rupture of membranes
50% are “idiopathic” which means it occurs spontaneously and may be preventable
At least 50% of all women who deliver prematurely have no identifiable cause or risk factor
what are the factors thought to play into the development of PTL?
Chronic HTN
OB disorders in previous pregnancies
Placental disorders
Medical disorders
HX of previous preterm birth
Nonwhite race
Genital tract infection
Multifetal gestation
2nd trimester bleeding
Low pregnancy weight
Maternal HIV
Advanced for Maternal age
Fetal disorders
Congenital fetal anomalies
what are the S/S of PTL?
Uterine contractions occurring more frequently than every 10 minutes persisting for 1 hour or more
Change in type of vaginal discharge – (watery, mucus, bloody)
Increase in amount of D/C
Pelvic or lower abdominal pressure
Constant low backache
Mild abdominal cramps (with or without diarrhea)
Regular or frequent contractions (painful or painless)
Urinary frequency
what are the education associated with PTL?
Identify risk factors –A woman is assessed for risk factors at the first prenatal visit and every subsequent visit throughout her pregnancy.
Educate and provide interventions for modifiable risk factors- If modifiable risk factors education and interventions should be provided and assessed for effectiveness at the time of identification and then at each subsequent prenatal visit
Educate on signs and symptoms of PTL and what to do if experience signs and symptoms. Since every woman is “at-risk” for preterm labor all women should be educated on the signs and symptoms and what to do if symptoms occurs.
what is important to remember about preterm labor?
Key to prevention of premature birth is the patient’s identification of signs and symptoms of premature labor so that the necessary interventions can be implemented to prolong the pregnancy.
All women, not just those who have identifiable risk factors, need to be educated early in their pregnancy on signs and symptoms of preterm labor and what to do if they occur.
Many times women confuse the signs of preterm labor with the usual discomforts of pregnancy. They need to be educated that if any symptoms occur it is best to be evaluated and sent back home than to let them continue unchecked and therefore arrive to labor and delivery too late for successful intervention.
Many women report feeling the baby “balling up”. They should be educated that this could be contractions and warrants closer attention.
What is some more education for PTL?
Empty bladder
Drink 2/3 glasses of H20
Lie down on side for 1 hour
Palpate for contractions
Call your provider/go to the birthing facility:
-Cramping/Abdominal/Suprapubic/Pelvic -Pain/Pressure
-Low, dull backache
-< q 10 mins w/wo pain ≥ 1 hour
Vaginal bleeding
malodorous vaginal discharge
Fluid leaking from the vagina
what is important to remember with fetal fibronectin (fFN)?
Obtain swab of vaginal secretions for FF between 24-34 weeks. Protein can be found in vaginal secretions when the fetal membrane integrity is lost.
A negative result is more powerful than a positive result. A negative results indicates a <95% chance of delivering prematurely.
Positive results indicate the onset of labor in 1 to 3 weeks
Test used if at risk for preterm labor, before 37 weeks’ gestation
a.Client placed in lithotomy position for sterile speculum exam b.Cervical secretions are obtained with cotton swab c.Laboratory tests for the presence of fibronectin
what is important to remember with endocervical length?
More powerful when used together in predicting spontaneous preterm birth
vaginal ultrasound that measures the cervical length. Shortened = preterm labor
A cervical length of <30mm in a singleton pregnancy can predict some instances of preterm labor
What lifestyle modifications for PTL?
The nurse caring for a woman with preterm labor should help her identify activities that precipitate the symptoms of preterm labor and then assist the woman in lifestyle modifications to avoid these activities.
Some activities associated with symptoms of preterm labor are
-Sexual activity (not contraindicated in pregnancy unless symptoms of preterm labor)
-Riding or standing for long periods of time
-Lifting and carrying heavy loads such as small children or laundry
-Strenuous physical work
-Infrequent rest periods
home uterine activity monitoring: ordered by the physician to aid in the detection of contractions.
What is important to know about bedrest?
Bedrest used to decrease pressure on the cervix and to promote blood flow to the uterus
The nurse caring for a patient on bedrest (BR) needs to know adverse effects. It has been found to cause
-Decreased muscle tone
-Weight loss
-Calcium loss
-Glucose intolerance
Prescribed in/out of the hospital
Commonly used
Not benign
No evidence to support its effectiveness