Maslow Flashcards
Maslow was one of the first theorists to emphasize
Self Actualization
If Maslow is one of the fathers of the third force in psychology, then the first two forces are
Psychoanalysis and Behaviorism
Maslow criticized both psychoanalysis and behaviorism for their
Limited view of humanity and their inadequate understanding of the psychologically healthy person
As a college student, Maslow experienced with fortuitous event that changed his life?
He kissed his first cousin Bertha Goodman
As a child, Maslow
Felt ugly, inferior, depressed
Maslow’s feelings toward his mother were marked by
Hatred and Animosity
As a student at Wisconsin, Maslow worked closely with
Harry Harlow
The destruction wrought by World War 11 moved Maslow to devote his life to the study of the
Best in Human beings
Maslow adopted the _____ approach to motivation.
Maslow assumed that
Motivation is usually complex, people are continually motivated by one need or another, and people in different cultures are motivated the same basic needs or desires
Which of the following is NOT an assumption underlying Maslow’s theory of motivation?
People in different cultures have different basic needs
In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs concept,
Lower levels needs have prepotency over higher level needs
The most basic needs in Maslow’s hierarchy are
Physiological need
Each ascending step in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs represents
A higher need, but one less basic to survival
According to Maslow, a woman whose physiological needs are inadequately satisfied will be motivated to
Satisfy Physiological needs
Maslow held that physiological needs differ from other needs in that they
Can be completely satisfied, can be overly satisfied, have reaccuring nature
Maslow classified the needs for law, order, and structure as ______ needs.
Maslow claimed that safety needs differ from physiological needs in that they
Cannot be overly satiated
According to Maslow, an individual’s inability to satisfy safety needs results in
Basic Anxiety
Maslow claimed that love and belongingness needs are strongest in people who have
Partially experienced love and belongingness
Maslow contended that people who have never received love
May eventually devalue it
According to Maslow, when people’s esteem needs are relatively well satisfied, they will
None of the above
Maslow included the needs for self-respect, confidence, competence, and the respect of others as
Esteem needs
Maslow claimed that when people who have satisfied their esteem needs are criticized or deprecated by others
They retain some of their self worth
Maslow found that self-actualization needs become potent when
B-values are embraced
The needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are ______ needs.
According to Maslow, a person surrounded by beauty and order would ordinarily satisfy
Aesthetic needs
Maslow said that when cognitive needs are not satisfied, a person will become
In Maslow’s theory of needs, people become neurotic
Regardless of whether they satisfy their neurotic needs
According to Maslow, neurotic needs
Cannot be fully satisfied
Martyrs who sacrifice physical needs and personal safety for their beliefs, and heroes who risk their lives to save others illustrate Maslow’s notion of
Reversed order of needs
Maslow hypothesized that
The order of needs may be reversed in certain cases
Maslow believed that most behavior
Has several causes
Maslow classified behavior that is always motivated and that serves the purpose of satisfying a need as _____ behavior.
Maslow believe that all behavior
Has a cause
According to Maslow, ______ behavior is usually unlearned, spontaneous, and determined by forces within the person rather than by the environment.
For Maslow, coping behavior is usually
All of the above
Maslow believed that metapathology results from
Deprivation of self-actualization needs
According to maslow, instinctoid needs
Only A & C are correct
result in pathology when frustrated
can be altered through learning.
If deprivation of a need leads to pathology, then Maslow would say that this need is
Instinctoid needs, Maslow said,
Are often weaker than cultural forces
Maslow believed that esteem and self-actualization needs
All of the above are correct
For Maslow, B-Values
Are indicators of psychological health
Metamotivation, according to Maslow,
Differentiates, self-actualizers from non-self-actualizers
According to Maslow, metamotivation is
The motivation of self-actualizing people
According to Maslow, the 14 B-values
A and B
According to Maslow, people who do not embrace the B-values suffer from
Maslow suggested that self-actualizers and some neurotic and psychotic individuals may have which of the following characteristics in common?
All of the Above
Which of the following was NOT used by Maslow as a criterion for self-actualization?
Freedom form personal problems
Maslow listed four criteria for reaching self-actualization, including
Being motivated by the B-values
(free from psychopathology, progressed though the hierarchy of needs, fulfill their needs to grow develop and become more capable)
According to Maslow, self-actualizing people are
Relatively well satisfied in their basic needs
Maslow believed that self-actualizers
Are not burdened by undue anxiety or shame
According to Maslow, self-actualizing people are characterized by
Spontaneity, simplicity, naturalness
In Maslow’s theory, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of self-actualizing people?
People-Centered rather than Problem-Centered
Maslow would say that the autonomy of self-actualizers is seen in their
Indifference to criticism or flattery
Maslow held that a self-actualizing person is likely to
Feel comfortable when alone
For Maslow, the peak experience
May occur at unexpected, ordinary moments
Maslow found that self-actualizing people
Are more likely than other people to have peak experiences
Self-actualizers’ identification with humanity and genuine interest in helping others reflects their
Social Interest
Maslow found that self-actualizers were characterized by
Spontaneity, simplicity, naturalness
Maslow believed that time and space disorientation, a decrease in self and ego-consciousness, and the transcendence of everyday polarities frequently occur during
Peak experiences
According to Maslow, the humor of self-actualizers is
Intrinsic to the situation
Maslow claimed that self-actualizers’ ability to detach from their surroundings and to transcend any particular society is characteristic of their
Resistance to enculturation
For Maslow, B-love is
Unmotivated, expressive behavior
In Maslow’s terminology, D-love is ______ love.
Several studies have found that when people were instructed to “fake good” or “make a favorable impression” when filing out the Personal Orientation Inventory they scored
In the direction away from self-actualization
Maslow’s Jonah complex is characterized by
Fear of being one’s best
According to Maslow, most people who seek therapy probably have the most trouble satisfying their _____ needs.
Love and belongingness
Maslow believed that the impulse toward growth and self-actualizers
Is a natural characteristics of humans
Maslow contended that scientists should _____ science.
Be willing to resacralize science
In general, studies using the POI and the Short Index of the POI have found that self-actualizing people usually
Resist to reject socially desirable cultural standards
Maslow’s methods of investigation and approach to studying self-actualizing people
Are subject to severe criticism
Maslow believed that self-actualizers are relatively unaware of superficial differences among people of different ages, genders, or social classes. This lack of awareness reflects their Term
democratic character structure.
Maslow claimed that safety needs are most likely to be strong motivators for
The term ______ refers to the rejection of traditional psychology that has resulted in a model of humanity as lacking the potential to move beyond pathology.
positive psychology