Jung Flashcards
Jung called an inclination to act or react in a characteristic direction
an attitude
After Jung broke from Freud, he developed an approach to theory and therapy called
None of these is correct
None of these is correct
Jung said that the animus
is the masculine side of women.
Jung believed that
goals and behaviors of early life are not fitting for the second half of life.
Which function tells us the value of something, according to Jung?
Jung disagreed with Freud’s belief that dreams
were wish fulfillments.
Like Freud, Jung was
a physician
Jung’s theory sees humans as
combinations of a number of opposing forces.
According to Jung, the confession of a pathogenic secret in psychotherapy involves the
cathartic method.
Symbols for Jung’s great mother archetype include
trees, gardens, and plowed fields.
Jung believed that the crucial time in life when one should move from an extraverted attitude toward an introverted one is
middle life
In Jungian theory, the ego
is the center of consciousness.
Jung called the feminine side of males the
Jung developed the _______ technique during his self-analysis and then later used it with many of his patients.
active imagination
Jung believed that the conscious mind should be balanced by the
unconscious mind
In Jungian psychology, introverted thinking types
would find their interpretation of an event more important than the “facts.”
According to Jung, the rational functions include
thinking and feeling
Which Jungian archetype includes the other archetypes and represents wholeness or completion?
Jung believed that psychologically healthy people would
recognize their persona but not confuse it with the self.
Jung, like Freud, assumed that the mind, or psyche,
has conscious and unconscious aspects.
Jung called contents of the personal unconscious
According to Jung, the realization of the anima
would be a man recognizing his feminine disposition.
Jung’s notion of the collective unconscious refers to
people’s tendency to react to biologically inherited response patterns from our ancestors.
Jung claimed that to overcome moral obstacles and admit the inferior side of one’s nature may lead to the realization of the
One criticism of Jungian theory is that
it is nearly impossible to falsify
Pablo Picasso’s abstract art best represents an _______ type person, in Jungian psychology.
introverted sensing
Jung cited ______ as evidence for the existence of a collective unconscious.
big dreams
Carl Jung believed that people are influenced by
all of these are correct
To Jung, the two basic attitudes are
introversion and extraversion.
As a boy, Jung became aware of a No. 1 and a No. 2 personality. His No. 2 personality
knew feelings unknown to the No. 1 personality.
In Jungian psychology, introverted feeling types
are relatively indifferent to the opinions of others
Jung held that the anima influences
irrational moods and feelings in men.
During his period of self-analysis, Carl Jung claimed to have carried on a conversation with
his anima
According to Jung, a complex is
an emotionally toned conglomeration of associated ideas.
In Jungian psychology, repressed, forgotten, or subliminally perceived experiences are part of the
personal unconscious
In Jungian theory, the ego
is the center of consciousness.
The ego is divided into objective and subjective aspects during the _______ phase of childhood, according to Jung.
According to Jung, introversion is basically
The first test of a person’s courage, according to Jung, is to
realize the shadow
According to Jung, the achievement of consciousness by our distant ancestors is reflected in the hero’s
conquest of darkness.
Jung called the contents of the collective unconscious
Jung said that the animus
is the masculine side of women.
Mythical characters such as Achilles and Superman personify which Jungian archetype?
In Jungian theory, types include
both attitudes and functions.
Jung used the word association test to
uncover complexes
Jung came from
parents who disagreed
In Jung’s theory, the process of actualizing the various components of personality best describes
According to Jung, individuation, or self-realization,
involves replacing the ego with the self.
Jung would say that a man who finds women alluring and mysterious may be projecting his ______ archetype onto women.
Like Freud, Jung believed that
all humans are psychologically bisexual.
Research using the Myers-Briggs typology generally finds that the following types are most likely to be drawn to the teaching profession:
None of these are correct
Certain political and religious leaders rely on charisma and verbal persuasions to influence multitudes of people. Jung would say that the spell these individuals cast over others might be due to the ______ archetype within people.
wise old man
Because Jung was ______, Freud groomed him to be his successor.
none of these is correct
In Jungian psychology, a withdrawn accountant with a strong interest in numbers and things and with little knowledge of his or her internal strivings would be classified as
The ultimate goal of Jungian dream interpretation is to
facilitate self-realization.
An introverted person has extraverted dreams. Jung would say this demonstrates which purpose of dreams?
According to research by Thomas, Benne, Marr, Thomas and Hume (2000), students most likely to drop out of engineering degree programs were
high on extroversion and feeling scales of the MBTI.
In Jungian theory, extraverted feeling types are more likely than other types to
become businessmen or politicians.
The mandala represents Jung’s ______ archetype.
Jung’s archetype of wisdom and meaning is the
wise old man
Sensation and intuition were regarded by Jung as
irrational functions