Klein Flashcards
According to Klein, the child’s first model for interpersonal relations is the
On the dimensions for a concept of humanity, Klein’s theory rates lowest on
free choice and uniqueness
Klein believed that during the female Oedipus complex, the girl
phantasizes that the father’s penis feeds the mother with babies.
Mahler believed that when infants realize that they cannot satisfy their own basic needs, they
seek a symbiotic relationship with their mother.
According to Klein, the person or part of a person through which the aim of an instinct is satisfied is called
an object
According to Klein, when the female Oedipus complex is successfully resolved, the little girl will
develop positive feelings toward both parents
In contrast to Freud, Klein believed that the superego
is much more harsh and cruel.
Klein’s conception of a “position” is different from “stage of development” in that “positions” are
not referring to periods of time
Stephen Huprich and colleagues found that insecurely attached college students
had greater difficulty controlling compulsive eating.
Klein assumed that infants come into the world with
an active phantasy life.
According to Klein, the phantasies of an infant are
Klein believed that children introject their mother into their psychic structure. This means that they
believe that their mother is inside their own body.
According to Bowlby, infants who become separated from their primary caregivers experience separation anxiety. The first stage of separation is the
protest stage
Which object relations theorist spent much time observing normal babies as they bonded with their mothers during the first 3 years of life?
Margaret Mahler
Klein called the process in which infants split off unacceptable parts of themselves, project these parts onto another object, and finally introject these parts back into themselves
projective identification.
Klein came to psychoanalysis as
None of these is correct
Klein agreed with Freud that people can be motivated by
all of these are correct
Klein claimed that infants use the paranoid-schizoid position to
control the good breast and fight off its persecutors.
Klein believed that the male Oedipus complex is resolved mostly when the boy
establishes positive relationships toward both parents.
If a hungry infant cries and kicks, Klein would say that it is
fantasizing about kicking or destroying the “bad” breast.
The aim of Kleinian therapy is to
reduce depressive anxieties and persecutory fears.
Research by Hazan and Shaver found that people whose adult love relationships include trust, closeness, and positive emotions had which early childhood attachment style?
According to Bowlby, both humans and other primates experience separation anxiety. The stage unique to humans is the ______ stage.
Klein suggested that psychic defense mechanisms
protect the ego against anxiety aroused by destructive phantasies.
Object relations theory differs from Freud’s theory in that it
All these are correct.
Klein called the fantasy that one’s own feelings actually reside in another person
An infant remains calm when her mother exits the room, leaving her with a stranger. When the mother returns, the infant ignores her. According to Ainsworth, this infant is displaying the _______ attachment style.
Klein believed that the male Oedipus complex is resolved mostly when the boy
establishes positive relationships toward both parents.
Which issue became part of a bitter debate between Melanie Klein and Anna Freud during the 1920s and 1930s?
the idea of childhood psychoanalysis
Mahler’s principal concern was with
the psychological birth of the child.
Klein contended that when introjected, dangerous objects
become internal persecutors.
Mahler believed that children begin to develop feelings of personal identity during which developmental stage?
When object relations theory is applied to explaining the formation of eating disorders,
inconsistent caregivers create anxiety, so an individual sees food as a means of comfort
According to Klein, the two basic positions are
paranoid-schizoid and depressive.
Klein assumed that infants come into the world with
an active phantasy life.
Among the people that Klein psychoanalyzed was
her son erich
Kohut’s narcissistic needs include
the need to exhibit the grandiose self
Klein’s depressive position includes
anxiety over losing a loved object and guilt for wanting to destroy it.
Bowlby’s attachment theory was based on studies of
infants and primates.
Klein believed that before a unified ego can emerge, it must first
split into the “good me” and the “bad me.”
Klein extended Freud’s psychoanalysis by emphasizing
very early infancy.
According to Klein, infants use splitting as a means of
controlling good and bad aspects of themselves.
To Klein, an introjected object
is a phantasy of internalizing the object in a physical form.
Bowlby’s theory assumes that
the relationship between infant and caregiver becomes a model for future interpersonal relations.
Melanie Klein had an especially warm relationship with
Neither of these is correct.