Management of Poultry Flashcards
What are the 3 stage of life in layers?
- Pullet chicks.
- Growing.
- Laying.
When does the pullet chick stage occur?
Day old-8 weeks.
What feed is provided during the pullet chick stage?
Chick mash.
When does the grower stage occur?
*-20 weeks or Point of cage (Week 12 to 14)-Point of lay (Week 14 to 16).
What feed is provided during the grower stage?
Grower’s mash.
When does the laying stage occur?
20-72 weeks
What feed is provided during the laying stage?
Layer’s mash or Layers crumble.
At how many weeks of age are birds transferred to laying quarters?
15-17 weeks of age.
When are birds normally transferred to laying quarters?
Morning or evening.
How many hours before transfer should feed be restricted?
What are the 5 advantages of using a battery cage?
- More pullets can be kept/unit area if stacked 3 or more high.
- Broodiness is eliminated.
- Easier culling.
- Less feed/dozen eggs.
- Eggs can be collected less frequently.
What are 4 disadvantages of battery cages?
- Initial capital outlay is higher due to cost of cages and house construction.
- Higher % of blood spots in eggs.
- Internal egg quality drops off more quickly.
- Fly problems are more prevalent.
What do nest boxes allow for?
- Layers to be maintained in deep litter, while also being separated.
- Wood shavings protect the egg and keep it clean.
Where are nest boxes normally placed?
Near the side of a pen that is away from where the rays of the sun will fall.
What are the 3 signs of the onset of lay?
- Bird will start cackling/making throat noise without being stimulated to do so.
- Bright red comb and wattle.
- Birds stoop when touched.
How many times per day are eggs collected? Please specify times.
a. 3.
b. 8-9 a.m., 12-1 p.m., and 4-5 p.m. .
How should the collected eggs be stored?
- In trays or egg cartons with the small end down.
- Leakers, cracked eggs, and thin-shelled eggs should be kept separate.
- Should not be stored longer than 2 weeks at room temperature to avoid spoilage.
What are the 4 advantages of culling?
- Prevention of the spread of diseases.
- Increases in the quality of the stock/flock.
- More space for the remaining birds.
- Increase profits by reducing feed required/dozen eggs.
How is the pubic bone of a laying hen described?
Thin, spread apart (3-4 fingers in width).
How is the vent of a laying hen described?
Smooth, large, moist.
How is the abdomen of a laying hen described?
Full, soft, pliable.
How is the comb of a laying hen described?
Large, smooth, glossy, soft, and bright red.
How are the ear lobes and wattle of a laying hen described?
Smooth and soft.
How is the pubic bone of an inactive hen described?
Blunt, rigid, and close together (2 or less finger widths).
How is the vent of an inactive hen described?
Small, shrunken, and dry.
How is the abdomen of an inactive hen described?
Contracted, hard, fleshy.
How is the comb of an inactive hen described?
Shriveled, dry, scaly, dull.
Why is the breeding stock reared far apart from the commercial poultry stock(s)?
To prevent them from contracting disease(s) due to how valuable they are.
How are the ear lobes and wattle of an inactive hen described?
Rough and dry.
Where are breeders raised?
On the floor.
In breeder flocks, when are males and females introduced to one another?
At maturity.
What is the mating ratio for medium-sized birds?
1 male : 10 females.
What is the mating ratio for light birds?
1 male : 12 females.
What is the mating ratio for meat-type birds?
1 male : 8 females.
How old are chickens when they are revaccinated against infectious bursal disease?
14-16 weeks.
Why is it that the latest layers are moved is at 10-12 weeks of age?
- Prevents stress.
- Ensures possible breaks in Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae clean status.
What material should enclosures be made out of and why?
a. Wire netting.
b. So the birds can see each other and get use to the other birds.
When do roosters achieve peak fertility?
24-26 weeks of age.
When should the first eggs for incubation be collected?
At least 2 weeks after the onset of egg production.
*Eggs should be fumigated immediately after collection.
How much do hatching eggs weigh?
When are chickens switched to a breeders diet?
At maturity.
What are the %CP and Kcal/kg in a breeders diet?
a. 15%.
b. 2850.
When does a male reach maturity?
24 weeks of age.
When does a female reach maturity?
Point of lay.
Why do broiler chickens require higher ventilation?
Due to having a higher stocking density.
Why do broilers have a high stocking density?
- To ensure profit from floor space.
- To restrict extensive movement that allows for the wasteful dissipation of energy.
What % CP are broilers fed at 0-3 weeks?
How many Kcal/kg ME are broilers fed at 0-3 weeks?
What % CP are broilers fed at 4-7 weeks?
How many Kcal/kg ME are broilers fed at 4-7 weeks?
How many kg of feed does a broiler chicken consume?
2.5-4 or more kg.
What is the FCR in broiler chickens?
2:1 to 5:1.
*Food eaten:Weight gained.
What should the poultry mortality rate not exceed in broilers under good management?
What two reasons are turkeys primarily raised for?
- Meat.
- Breeders.
*Rarely eggs.
What is the stocking density of turkey?
0.12 sq meter.
*Take a facility of the same # of chickens and *2.
What is the snood?
The tubular, fleshy appendage near the front of the head of turkeys.
What is desnooding and why is it done?
a. The removal of the snood.
b. Done to prevent head injuries due to pecking and reduce the spread of erysipelas.
What vx do chickens receive that turkeys do not?
*Can be given, not necessary.
What disease are turkeys vaccinated against that chickens are not?
Blackhead disease or histomoniasis.
During what period of weeks are turkeys on a starter diet?
0-8 weeks.
During what period of weeks are turkeys on a grower diet?
8-16 weeks.
During what period of weeks are turkeys on a finisher diet?
16-20 weeks.
During what period of weeks are turkey on a roaster diet?
> 20 weeks.
What is the CP% of a starter ration in turkeys?
What is the CP% of a finisher ration in turkeys?
How many weeks does a 25kg bag last per bird?
24 weeks or 6 months.
What does extensive turkey management require?
Well-managed, fenced pastures with ranged shelter.
When are a range turkeys wings clipped?
15 weeks of age.
Where are ducks and geese raised for meat finished?
On pastures.
Why does toe clipping occur?
To prevent back scratching and tearing of flesh during mating.
What happens if the breeding males have their wings clipped after 16 weeks?
They may be off-balance.
What is the mating system of choice in turkeys?
When do turkeys start laying eggs?
32 weeks of age.
Why are toms and hens raised separately?
- To reduce fighting among the males.
- To reduce injury to the females due to bruising in the latter stage of growth.
- To increase efficiency of feeding the sexes separately.
Up to how many weeks can meat and breeding turkeys be fed the same diet?
28 weeks.
At what points are birds being selected to become breeders observed for vigor?
- 12-16 weeks.
- 22-24 weeks.
- 7 months.
What are the criteria for selection?
- Straight and strong legs.
- Potential for early market finish.
What are the 8 signs of an early market finish?
- Plump, well, meaty drumsticks.
- Good breast muscle.
- Rapid feathering.
- Bright round head.
- Good health.
- Good livability.
- Good egg production.
- Good fertility.
What is the mating ratio for small turkeys in a single mating system?
1 male: 20 females.
What is the mating ratio for small turkeys in a flock mating system?
1 male: 15 females.
What is the mating ratio for medium turkeys in a single mating system?
1 male: 18 females.
What is the mating ratio for medium turkeys in a flock mating system?
1 male: 12 females.
What is the mating ratio for large turkeys in a single mating system?
1 male: 16 females.
What is the mating ratio for large turkeys in a flock mating system?
1 male: 10 female.
What does a single mating system refer to?
1 male in a pen with hens.
What does a flock mating system refer to?
Several males are placed with a group of females.
What environment are laying turkeys best reared in?
Deep litter and exclusively in confinement.
What are the nest dimensions for a turkey?
When should nests be provided to turkeys?
3-4 weeks before eggs are expected.
How many eggs do turkey breeders produce each breeding season?
How long is the turkey breeding season?
4-5 months.
Which turkeys are more prolific: small or large?
Can water fowl be raised without access to swimming water?
What are the production categories of water fowl?
- Table eggs.
- Meat.
- Breeders.
When are meat water fowl typically allowed outdoors? In warm weather?
- 4-6 weeks of age.
- 2 weeks of age.
How much floor space is adequate for fast-growing ducks?
0.12 sq. meters.
How much floor space is adequate for breeders?
0.45 sq. meters.
How many ducklings per hectare can be placed on a range?
At what age do ducks require pool water?
6 weeks of age.
How many geese can be stocked per hectare?
How much floor space is adequate for geese?
0.1 sq. meter.
Why do broiler ducks and geese have simpler housing than broiler chickens?
- Fairly hardy.
- Can protect themselves against predators.
What temperature is required during brooding for ducks and geese?
86 F.
What happens to the lights at night in the broiler duck and geese houses?
They are dimmed.
How frequently must drinking water be changed for broiler duck and geese houses?
At least 4 times daily.
What is more suitable for broiler ducks and geese, water troughs or dishes? Why?
a. Water trough.
b. The shape of their beaks.
Why does litter in broiler duck houses need to be removed more promptly?
Duck droppings are extremely wet, raising the risk of the litter molding.
What vaccination do water fowl not receive that chickens do?
How should ducks and geese be picked up? Why?
- By the neck.
- To avoid spraining their legs while they are being handled.
How are broiler ducks and geese reared, extensively or intensively?
How are broiler ducks and geese fed?
Ad libitum.
During what period of time are ducks and geese on a starter diet?
1 day-3 weeks.
During what period of time are ducks on a grower diet?
3-8 or 9 weeks.
During what period of time are geese on a grower diet?
3-12 to 16 weeks in geese.
What must be done to chicken feed if it is being given to water fowl?
Sufficiently dampened to make it a crumble.
When do ducks start laying eggs?
28-33 weeks of age.
When is sexual maturity in ducks attained?
5-7 months of age.
How many eggs/year does the Khaki Campbell lay?
How many eggs/year does the White Pekin lay?
How many eggs/year does the Muscovy lay?
Why are ducks not usually brought into production earlier than 7 months?
- Production of small eggs.
- Low hatchability.
When do geese start laying eggs?
1 year of age.
How long do young geese lay?
4-5 months.
How many eggs/year does the Toulouse lay?
How many eggs/year does the Roman lay?
How many eggs/year does the Chinese lay?
What 2 factors does the # of eggs laid depend upon?
- The management system (Intensive, semi-intensive, extensive).
- Feeding.
Why do ducks prefer to lay there eggs at night?
- Avoid predators.
- Less disturbances.
- Better aligned with their circadian rhythm.
When are ducks and geese given a breeder diet?
3-4 weeks before eggs are expected to be laid.
How much of the breeder diet is provided per bird per day?
When do ducks attain a weight of 3 kg?
8-10 weeks.
What is the feed efficiency of ducks at 8-10 weeks?
What should the mortality of a laying duck and geese operation be?
What 2 types of management systems are used to raise guinea fowl?
- Extensively.
- Semi-intensively.
*Intensively can happen.
What is the taste of guinea fowl meat described as?
When are guinea fowl ready to go to market?
12-16 weeks of age.
What are the 5 varieties of guinea fowl?
- Pearl or grey.
- Black.
- Lavender.
- Grey breasted.
- White.
What do guinea fowl descend from?
The helmeted guinea fowl.
What are guinea fowl mostly reared on?
Deep litter.
*Can also be reared in cages.
What is the behavior of a guinea fowl described as?
Feral/flighty and wild.
What is pinioning?
The cutting of the last portion of one wing.
When does pinioning occur?
2 weeks of age.
How often are the flight feathers of guinea fowl clipped?
Every 3-5 weeks starting from 4 weeks of age.
What is the rate of growth of guinea fowl?
About 0.4 kg gained every 2 week from weeks 6-10 to 12.
How much floor space do guinea fowl need from day 1 to market?
0.1 sq meter.
What are newborn guinea fowl called?
When are guinea fowl on a starter diet?
Day 1-week 8.
When are guinea fowl on a finisher diet?
8-12 to 16 weeks.
How long are guinea fowl pullets fed a grower diet?
8 weeks to point of lay.
What diet can be used in place of a typical guinea fowl diet?
A chicken diet.
When do guinea fowl begin laying?
26-32 weeks of age.
What months of the year are guinea fowl in lay?
March or April-October.
How many eggs does a guinea fowl lay in a typical laying season?
80-120 eggs.
What is important to remember when raising laying guinea fowl in a range system and why?
- Leave at least one egg in the nest when collecting eggs.
- To prevent the hen from making a new nest.
What is the mating ration of guinea fowl?
1 male: 3-4 females.
*Mate pairs are preferred, common on range.
How many hours of light should chickens be exposed to during their first week?
24 hours/day.
*Then broilers and capons can follow a 14 hour daylight/12 darkness cycle.
What is the biggest rule when it comes to day length control with laying hens?
How many hours of daylight should chickens receive for weeks 2-6?
16 hours.
How many hours of daylight should chickens receive for weeks 6-12?
13 hours.
How many hours of daylight should chickens receive for weeks 12-18?
10 hours.
How many hours of daylight should chickens receive for weeks 18 and beyond?
Increase daylength by 1 half-hour per week until 15 hours is reached. At this point hens need 8 hours of continuous darkness per 24 hours.
Why is record keeping important on the business side of poultry management?
- Future reference or for making projections.
- Statistical purposes.
- Allocation of resources in the case of budgeting.
- Acquisition of loan(s).
What information would egg production records contain?
- Mortality/culled birds.
- # stocked.
- Total eggs collected (crates and pieces).
- Cost of feed.
- Amount of feed.
- Amount of eggs sold
What other items would records be kept on at a poultry operation?
- Treatment and date.
- Drugs and vaccines.
- Cost of items.
- Items purchased.
- Balance of returns over expenditure.