Feed Additives Flashcards
What have feed additives been important in achieving in the poultry industry?
Making gains in efficiency and production while still both maximizing bird health and well-being and minimizing impact on the environment.
What are feed additives?
Ingredients added to the diet of animals to improve the efficiency of their growth or production capacity, improve feed utilization, or prevent disease.
What are the requirements for using feed additives?
- Must be approved for use.
- Must be used as directed with respect to inclusion levels and duration of feeding*.
- Must be noted on the feed label.
*Based on type and age.
What government agency sets the guidelines for feed additives?
What are 10 common feed additives?
- Antimicrobials.
- Enzymes.
- Antioxidants.
- pH control agents.
- Emulsifiers.
- Binders.
- Lubricants.
- Artificial and nutritive sweeteners.
- Colors.
- Flavor enhancers.
What feed additive is not used in the poultry industry?
Growth promoters.
How has the poultry industry achieved efficient growth and egg productivity?
- Animal breeding.
- Nutrition.
- Management.
What kind of poultry operations have antimicrobials been used extensively in? Why?
- Intensive ones.
- Minimize disease, improve feed utilization, improve growth.
What does antimicrobial use look like in layer operations?
All eggs laid during the treatment and withdrawal period cannot be sold, so it is used only when necessary.
What does antimicrobial use look like in broiler operations?
Stringent guidelines regarding drug withdrawal are followed.
What is the concern with the use of antimicrobials?
The development of resistant strains that could impact human health and spillover into the environment.
What is being done to combat concerns surrounding the use of antimicrobials?
- Strengthening the birds natural defenses.
- Optimizing the diet.
- Minimizing disease challenge.
What are 6 alternatives to in-feed antibiotics?
- Herbal products.
- Acidifiers.
- Probiotics.
- Prebiotics.
- Immune-modulators.
- Feed enzymes.
Why would feed enzymes need to be added to feed?
- To allow animals to more efficiently digest the feed they are given.
- Reduce antinutritional factors produced by the feed that hinder digestion or animal health.
What are some antinutritional factors that enzymes can combat?
- Soluble non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) by barley, rye, sorghum, wheat.
- Phytates.
- Feed spoilage and carbohydrates not available to monogastric animals.
Why would antioxidants be added to the diet?
To prevent oxidative stress caused by ROS produced during normal metabolism.
What are 5 examples of antioxidants?
- Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT).
- Butylhydroxyanisole (BHA).
- Vitamin C.
- Vitamin E.
- Ethoxyquin.
Why would acidifiers be added to feed?
To lower the pH of the feed and the gut environment, inhibiting or restricting bacterial growth.
What 3 forms do acidifiers exist in?
- Organic salt.
- Inorganic salt.
- Associated salts.
What are 5 examples of acidifiers?
- Fumaric.
- Formic.
- Citric.
- Propionic.
- Lactic.
What are probiotics?
A live mono or mixed culture of microorganisms which are non-pathogenic, resistant to gastric and bile acids, and are beneficial to the host animal when ingested by improving the intestinal microbiota.
What are the 2 proposed modes of actions for probiotics?
- Antagonistic towards pathogenic bacteria by secretion of inhibitory products (bacteriocins, organic acids, and H2O2).
- Competitive exclusion through competing for locations to adhere to the intestinal mucosa, preventing pathogenic microorganisms from inhabiting the digestive tract.
*Reported immunomodulatory properties that impact both the innate and adaptive immune systems.
What are prebiotics?
Indigestible feed ingredients that stimulate the growth or activity of a select number of bacteria in the GI tract of the host animal.
What do prebiotics serve as a substrate for?
Endogenous beneficial bacteria, promoting competitive exclusion of pathogenic microorganisms.
What 2 prebiotics have been extensively tested in poultry?
- Galacto-oligosaccharide (GOS).
- Fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS).
What are the 3 mechanisms of actions for prebiotics?
- Lower GI tract pH through lactic acid production.
- Inhibiting the colonization of pathogens.
- Producing systemic effects on stimulation of the immune responses.