Management-Chapter 2 Flashcards
Social forces
Those aspects if a culture that guide and influence relationships among people.
Political Forces
relate to the influence of polictical and legal institutions of people or organizations
Economic Forces
Affect the abailability, production and distribution of a society’s resources.
Classical Perspective
THe studey of modern management began in the last 19th century. Took a rational, scientific approage to mtg and sought to make organizations efficient operating machines.
Scientific Mtg
a subfield of the classical perspective that emphasizes scientifically determined changes in Mgt practices as the solution to improving labor productivity.
Bureaucratic Organizations
Subfield of the classical perspectives, emphasizes mtg on an impersonal, rational basis through elements such as clearly defined authority and responsiblity, formal record-keeping, and sparation of mtg and ownership.
Admin Principles
a subfield of classical perspective that focuses on the total organization rather than the individual worker and delineates the management functions of planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling.
Humanistic Perspective
Emphasized under-standing human behavior, needs, and attitudes in the workplace.
Human Relations Movement
Stresses the satisfaction of emplayees’ basic needs as the key to increased productivity.
Hawthorne Studies
were important in shaping ideas concerning how managers should treat workers.
Human Resources Perspective
Suggests that jobs should be designed to meet people’s higher-level needs by allowing employees to use their full potential.
Behavioral Sciences Approach
draws from psychology, sociology and other social sciences to develop theories about human behavior and interaction in an organizational setting.
Quantitative Perspective
uses math, statistical techniques and computer technology to facilitate mtg decision making, particularly for complex problems.
have come to dominate decision making in financial firms, and the Wall Street meltdown in 2007-2008 shows the dange of relying to heavily on a quantitative approach.
a set of interrelated parts that function as a whole to achieve a common purpose.
Systems thinking
means looking not just as descrete parts of an organizational situation but also at the continually changing interactions among the parts.
Parts of a system that depends on one another for their functioning
the concept that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Contingency View
tells managers that what works in one organzational situation might not work in another.
Total Quality Managment (TQM)
focuses on managing the total organizxation to deliver quality to customers.
Customer Relationship Management
systems use information technology to keep in close tough with customers, collect and manage larger amounts of customer data, and provide superior customer value.
contracting out selected cunctions or activies to tother organizations that can do the work more efficiently, has been one of the fastest growing trends in recent years.
Supply Chain Mtg.
Managing the sequence of suppliers and purchasers, covering all stages of processing from obtaining raw materials to distributing finishe goods to customers.