Mammals and Hominins Flashcards
Mammals are __ that have ___ and produce ___
amniotes; hair; milk
Humans are ___ that have a __ brain and ___ locomotion
mammals; large; bipedal
What are the major derived characters of mammals that distinguish them from other amniotes?
Produce milk, have hair and a fat layer under the skin
What does hair and a fat layer under the skin do for mammals?
Help the body retain heat; they are endothermic
What does the production of milk in mammary glands do for mammals?
provide a balanced diet rich in fats, sugars, proteins, minerals, and vitamins for their young
What does brain size do for mammals?
Capability to learn
Describe duration of parental care for mammals.
Long so offspring can learn important survival skills by observing their parents
Describe mammals teeth
Differentiated- variety of size and shape adapted for chewing many kinds of foods
Mammals belong to a group of amniotes known as
By the early Cretaceous (145-100 million years ago), the three major lineages of mammals had emerged. What are these lineages?
Those leading to monotremes (egg-laying mammals), marsupials (mammals with a pouch), and eutherians (placental mammals).
What are the characteristics of monotremes?
Found only in Australia and New Guinea; Lay eggs, have hair and produce milk but lack nipples
What are the main ways in which marsupials and eutherians differ from monotremes?
Have higher metabolic rates, have nipples that provide milk, and give birth to live young
Along with the lining of the uterus, what do the extraembryonic membranes that arise from the embryo form in marsupials and eutherians?
Placenta- a structure in which nutrients diffuse into the embryo from the mother’s blood
What is a marsupium, and how does the birth of marsupials differ from the birth of eutherians?
a pouch where the young is held after birth; they are born very early in development and completes it embryonic development while nursing in the marsupium
The greatest diversity of marsupials is in ____, which has not been in contact with another continent for about 65 million years.
In Australia, convergent evolution has resulted in a diversity of marsupials that resemble ____ in similar ecological roles in other parts of the world.
What is convergent evolution?
the process whereby organisms not closely related, independently evolve similar traits as a result of having to adapt to similar environments or ecological niches.
How do eutherians differ from marsupials?
placentas more complex; pregnancy longer; young complete development in uterus;
molecular evidence indicates that marsupials and eutherians are more closely related to one another than either is to
What are the major derived characters of primates?
hands and feet for grasping; flat nails; skin ridges on fingers; large brain and short jaw; forward looking eyes; opposable thumb
Many derive characters of primates have to do with the structure of
hands and feet.
Primates fingers and toe nails
flat instead of claws
Primates grasping
ridges on skin to better grasp
Primates big toe and thumb