Being an Animal Flashcards
Animals are multicellular, heterotrophic eukaryotes with tissues that develop from
embryonic layers.
Amniotes are ___ that have a terrestrially adapted egg
How do plants get their food?
Plants are autotrophic eukaryotes capable of generating organic molecules through photosynthesis
How do fungi get their food?
Fungi are heterotrophs that grow on or near their food and that feed by absorption (often after they have released enzymes that digest the food outside their bodies
How do animals get their food?
Ingest them- either by eating other living organisms or by eating nonliving organic material. Use enzymes to digest within their body
What is there about cell structure that differentiates animals from plants and fungi?
Animals lack the structural support of cell walls
If the cell wall provides structural support to plant and fungal cells and connects them to one another, what is the major thing that provides structural support to animal cells and connects them to one another?
Proteins external to the cell membrane; most abundant protein is collagen
Animals have two types of specialized cells not found in other multicellular organisms. What are they?
Muscle and nervous tissue
What are tissues? What are the tissues into which these cells are organized and what do these tissues do?
Groups of similar cells that act as a functional unit;
what is happening during early embryonic development in animals?
Zygote-> Eight cell stage-> Blastula-> Gastrula
Although some animals, including humans, develop directly into adults, the life cycles of most animals include at least
one larval stage
What is a larva?
A sexually immature form of an animal that is morpologically distinct from the adult, usually eats different food, and may even have a different habitat
What is the development transformation by which an animal larva turns into a juvenile that resembles an adult but is not yet sexually mature?
What in general are Hox genes?
Family of genes that play important roles in the development of animal embryos, controlling the expression of many other genes that influence morphology
The amniotes are a group of tetrapods whose extant members are the
reptiles (including birds) and mammals.
Amniotes are named for the major derived character of the clade, the
amniotic egg
What is a clade?
a group of ancestral species and all of its descendants
What is an amniotic egg? What are the four specialized membranes that surround the embryo?
Allows the embryo to develop on land in its own private “pond”;
the amnion, the chorion, the yolk sac, and the allantois- know as extra embryonic membranes
Why are the amnion, chorion, yolk sac, and allantois called extraembryonic membranes?
They are not part of the body of the embryo itself, these mebranse develop from tissue layers that grow out from the embryo
What is the main function of the amnion, amniotic cavity, and amniotic fluid?
Amnion- Protects the embryo in a fluid-filled cavity that cushions against mechanical shock
Amniotic cavity- cavity that contains embryo, allantois, yolk, chorion, and amnion
Amniotic fluid- fluid in amnion that cushions
What are the functions of the allantois and the membrane of the allantois?
A disposal sac for certain metabolic wastes produced by the embryo
What is the function of the chorion in conjunction with the allantois membrane?
Exchange gases between the embryo and the air
What is the function of the yolk sac and yolk?
Yolk- a stockpile of nutrients
They provide nutrients to the embryo
Other than the amniotic egg, what did Hylonomus have (and what do other reptiles have) that amphibians do not have?
Reptiles have scales that contain the protein keratin; also most lay their shelled eggs on land; fertilization occurs internally, before the egg is secreted