Male Sex Function and Dysfunction, Prostate/Penis/Testes Flashcards
neurogenic ED causes
central (parkinson’s, alzheimers, CVA, tumor, trauma)
spinal cord (trauma, disc, spina bifida, syringomyelia, tumor, MS)
peripheral (pelvic trauma - post surgical, EtOH, vitamin deficiency, DM)
Drugs leading to ED
b-blockers spironolactone ketoconazole cimetidine antipsychotic meds
ED tx
PDE5 inhibitors
intraurethral PGE1
intracavernosal injection (CCBs, alpha-blockers, vasodilators)
Injectables for ED tx
prostaglandin E1
ED tx
- inhibits phosphodiesterase
- blocks Ca++ influx
ED tx
- alpha-blockade
- vasodilataion
ED tx
Most ED is of which etiology
ED tx begins with
oral agents (PDE5 inhibitors)
- inc intracellular cGMP
- inc intracavernosal smc relaxation
tx of low flow priapism
URGENT TX!!!!!!!
- corporal aspiration
- intracavernosal phenylephrine (sympathetic –> constriction)
- surgery
BPH histo
inc epithelial and stromal cells in the periurethral area
BPH etiology
androgens/estrogens –> impaired apoptosis –> inc cellular accumulation
Type 2 5-alpha reductase primary location
stromal cells
play central role in androgen-dependent growth
90% of prostatic androgen is
bladder response to BPH obstruction
- detrusor instability or dec compliance –> freq/urgency
2. dec contractility –> dec flow rate, hesitancy, inc PVR –> detrusor failuresa
BPH complications
bladder decomposition/
urinary incontinence
upper tract deterioration/renal insufficiency
clear indication for surgery for BPH
acute urinary retention
–> Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)
primary determinant of tx response or disease progression of BPH
Intl prostate sx score (IPSS)
medical therapy for BLH
5alpha-reductase inhibitors
aromatase inhibitors
plant extracts
BPH, bladder outlet obstruction assoc w/ _____ in prostate smc
alpha-adrenergic receptors
5alpha-reductase inhibitors for BPH
suppress DHT synthesis, dec prostate size
prostate cancer natural history
mostly death from other causes
PSA screening effects on dx of prostate cancer
declining age at diagnosis, diagnosis at earlier stages, decreased tumor volumes, and increased treatment rates
unclear effect on mortality
secreted in high concentrations into seminal guid and is involved in liquefaction of the seminal coagulum but it is found in low concentration in serum.
Transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy indication
if a patient has a digital rectal exam that is suspicious for cancer and/or an elevated and rising PSA level.
gold standard for long term control of clinically localized prostate cancer in young healthy men
radical prostatectomy
prostatitis sx
dysuria dribbling/hesitancy pain in abd, groin, lower back pain in perineum painful ejaculation
prostatitis tx
alpha blockers
pain relievers
prostatic massage
lifestyle changes/home remedies
most common solid tumor in young adults
testicular cancer
*gern cell
testicular cancer, spread via
lymphatics, predictable fashion
retroperitoneal lymph node is most comm
testicular cancer non-normal mets
lung, liver, brain, bone, kidney, adrenal, GI, spleen
testicular carcinoma
more comm pure seminoma or non-seminoma?
non-seminoma 60-70%
bell clapper deformity
testicular torsion
premalignant penile lesions
bowenoid papulosis
carcinoma in situ
bowenoid papulosis
20-30 y/o
HPV detected
rare risk of SCC devel
penile carcinoma in situ
50-60 y/o
HPV detected
premalignant penile lesions tx
topical 5-fluorouracil
laser ablation
partial penectomy
balanitis xerotica obliterans
inflammatory via chronic infection
flat, white patches on the glans and prepuse
95% of penile cancers
squamous cell carcinoma
squamous cell carcinoma risk fx
premalignant lesions
light therapy to tx psoriasis
gold standard for invasive penile CA
partial or total penectomy 2cm neg margin
foreskin is tight and narrow, painful to retract
nml in infancy, if persists beyond 5 y/o –> med/surg
low potency steroids
persistent infection >4 hr
ischemic or nonischemic
priapism ischemic tx
corporal aspiration and irrigation
penile corporal shunts
Peyronie’s disease
inelastic scar in tunica albuginea of the corpora
unknown cause
penile pain, shortening, deformity
Peyronie’s tx
meds - vitE, colchicine
intracorporal injection - verapamil
surgery - shorten corpora contralateral to plaque –> straighten penis
undescended testes
complications: sterility, malignancy
descent of testes is dependent on
mullerian inhibiting substance and androgen
ovarian tumors
mostly epithelial or germ cell?
testis tumors
mostly epithelial or germ cell?
germ cell
ovarian component of testicular seminoma
peak age for most testicular tumors
25-35 years
testicular tumor common >65 y/o
spermatocytic seminoma
testicular tumor common <4 y/o
yolk sac
testicular tumor common 4-13 y/o
intratubular germ cell neoplasia
50% devel cancer in 5 years
Intratubular Germ Cell Neoplasia (ITGCN)
Enlarged neoplastic germ cells w/ clear cytoplasm, centrally located BIG nuclei and nucleoli
Thicknened basement membrane
Absence of spermatogenesis
Almost no Sertoli cells
extragonadal seminoma is a
B-hCG synctotrophoblasts sheets of cells with clear cytoplasm centrally located nucleus "FRIED EGG" lymphocytes
fried egg
embryonal carcinoma histo
poor diffrentiation some gland formation mitosis hyper chromic nuclei hemorrhage, necrosis --> MALIGNANT FEATURES
embryonal carcinoma
testicular germ cell tumor with BOTH syncytiotrophoplast AND cytotrophoblast
yolk sac tumor histo
hyaline globules
eos cytopasm
Schiller-Duvall body
Schiller-Duvall body
capillary surrounded by cancer cells
seen in yolk sac tumors
Mixed Germ Cell Tumor
- comprises at least 2 types of germ cell tumors with or without ITGCN
- 32-60% of all testicular tumors
- in testis, extra-testicular sites in males
- caucasians
- postpubertal men, mean 30 y/o
- present w/ testicular mass
alpha feto protein
yolk sac tumor
golden brown mass
Leydig cell tumor
leydig tumors may produce
sertoli tumors may produce
no hormones
rarely produce androgen or estrogen
back to back irregular glands with nuclei containing prominent nucleoli
adenocarcinoma/embryonal CA
large monomorphic lymphoid cells with scant cytoplasm, large nuclei and prominent nucleoli
testicular NHL
most common subtype of NHL involving testes
diffuse lg B-cell lymphoma
diffuse suppurative inflammation with gram negative rods on gram stain
suppurative orchitis
full thickness epithelial dysplasia with intact BM
seen on squamous/transitional epithelium
islands of cartilage, squamous epithelial pearls and glands lined by tall columnar epithelium
nests of large polyhedral cells with watery cytoplasm and large nuclei with prominent nucleoli, surr by lymphoid storm
rounded cells w/ abundant granular eos cytoplasm containing crystalloid of Reinke
Leydig cell tumor
synctiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast arranged in sheets w/ extensive hemorrhage and necrosis
In which male age group are teratomas regarded as malignant?
all post-pubescent males
spermatohytic seminoma
older men
very low malignanant potential
no ITGCN precursor
PSA accepted threshold
PSA is specific for prostate cancer
elevated also in BPH, prostatitis, etc
- stroma and gland involvement
- affects inner portion of prostate around urethral/transitional zone
poorly differentiated glands packed back to back and lined by a single layer of epithelium
most comm cancer in men
prostatic adenocarcinoma
prostate adenocarcinoma location
peripheral zone of prostate posterior lobe
TMPRSS2/ERG fusion
prostate adenocarcinoma
prostatic adenocarcinoma histo
prominent nucleoli
single layer of cells, no basal layer
grading of prostate adenocarcinoma
sum of tumor grade patterns
based on well vs poor differ cells
high grade 7-10
predicts prognosis
prostate adenocarcinoma common spreads to
**lumbar spine
which testicular tumor is highly radiosensitive?
prostate carcinoma is the ____ leading COD in men
Fallopian tube STIC
Serous Tubal Intraepithelial Carcinoma