Male Reproductive System Flashcards
Surrounded by a thick connective tissue layer (tunica albuginea)
Further surrounded incompletely by a peritoneal sac (tunica vaginalis)
- seminiferous tubules
- straight tubules
- Rete testes
- efferent ductules
Blood supply: abdominal aorta via testicular artery
- rich collateral blood supply provided by:
1. Internal iliac artery via artery of the ductus deferens
2. Inferior epigastric artery via cremasteric artery
3. Femoral artery via external pudendal artery
Venous drainage:
- Pampiniform plexus unite to form testicular veins
- R testicular vein –> IVC
- L testicular vein –> L renal vein (L-sided testicular varicocele may indicate occlusion of L testicular vein or L renal vein by a malignant renal tumor
Lymph drainage:
- testes: deep lumbar nodes near the renal hilus (spread of testicular CA)
- scrotum: superficial inguinal nodes
Testes descends along an abnormal pathway
Ectopic tests
Small patency of processus vaginalis remain –> peritoneal fluid flows into tunica vaginalis surrounding the testes
Abnormal dilatation of Pampiniform plexus & testicular vein (bag of worms)
More common on the left side (90%) - caused by compression of left testicular vein by sigmoid colon
Associated with infertility
Rotation of testes around the spermatic cord, usually toward the penis (eg. medially)
⬆️ in bell clapper deformity (testes is horizontal & tunica vaginalis is attached high on spermatic cord)
An emergency because it can cause ischemic necrosis within 6 hours
MC form of testicular CA in men older than 60 year old
Occurs when malignant lymphoma metastasizes to the testes
Testicular lymphoma
MC form of testicular CA in infants & boys up to 3-year old
⬆️ a-fetal protein levels
Yolk sac tumor
MC type of germ cell neoplasm in 20-40% year old
Painless testicular mass, usually on the right side or diffuse nodularity
⬆️ b-hCG
Germ cell neoplasm
Early histology: resemble a blastocyst with 3 primary germ layers “male pregnancy”
Well differentiated cells from each primary germ layers (endoderm, mesoderm & ectodermh
Testicular teratoCA
Highly coiled duct, consists of head, body & tail
Sperm maturation & storage occur in the head & body
Tail is continuous with the vas deferens
Begins at the inferior pole of the testes –> enter spermatic cord –> inguinal canal –> deep inguinal ring
Joined by seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct opens into the prostatic urethra
Ductus deferens (vas deferens)
Vasectomy cuts through the ff???
Skin –> COLLE’S fascia & dartos muscle –> external spermatic fascia –> cremasteric fascia & muscle –> internal spermatic fascia –> extraperitoneal fat
Tunica vaginalis is not cut
Contents of the spermatic cord
Ductus deferens
Artery of ductus deferens
Testicular artery
Cremasteric artery
Pampiniform venous plexus
Sympathetic & parasympathetic nerves
Genitofemoral nerve
Function: produces seminal fluid, which fructose & choline
In forensic med: detection of choline crystals is the preferred method of determining the presence of sperm
Seminal vesicle
Location: between base of urinary bladder & urogenital diaphragm
- anterior surface: related to retropubic space
- posterior surface: related to the seminal vesicles & rectum
Collection of tubulo-alveolar glands
Prostate gland
5 lobes of prostate gland
R & L lateral
R & L posterior
3 zones of prostate gland
Peripheral (site of most cancers)
Transitional (periurethral) -BPH
The lumen of the glands normally contain deposits
Corpora amylacea
Contains citric acid, phosphatase, prostaglandins, fibrinogen, & prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
Serine protease that liquefies semen after ejaculation
Serum acid phosphatase & PSA - diagnostic tools to detect prostatic CA
Prostatic fluid
Arterial supply prostate gland
INTERNAL ILIAC ARTERY via inferior vesical artery
Venous drainage of prostate gland
2 pathways
Prostatic venous plexus –> internal iliac veins –> IVC
Route of prostatic CA metastasis to the heart & lungs
Prostatic venous plexus –> vertebral venous plexus –> cranial dural sinuses
Route of prostatic CA metastatic to vertebral column & brain
Hypertrophy of transitional (periurethral) zone
MC location: lateral & middle lobes
Compresses prostatic urethra –> obstructs urine flow
May be caused by ⬆️ sensitivity of prostate to dihydrotestosterone (DTH)
Not premalignant
SSX: urinary frequency, nocturia, sense of incomplete emptying of the bladder
Tx: surgery, 5a-reductase inhibitor (finasteride) to block the conversion of testosterone & DHT; or a-adrenergic antagonists (e.g. Terazosin, Prazosin) to inhibit prostate gland secretion
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)
MC location: peripheral zone, which usually involves the posterior lobes
Dx: Serum PSA
Bone metastasis is common
Tx: surgery, radiation, Leuprolide (GnRH agonist that inhibits FSH & LH release, cyproterone or flutamide (androgen receptor antagonists)
Prostatic carcinoma
External genitalia
3 columns of erectile tissue
1 corpus Spongiosum
2 corpora cavernosa
Supported by suspensory ligament
Innervations: dorsal nerve of the penis
Blood supply of penis
INTERNAL PUDENDAL ARTERY via deep artery of the penis & dorsal artery of the penis
Venous drainage of the penis
DEEP DORSAL VEIN OF THE PENIS –> prostatic venous plexus –> internal iliac vein –> IVC
SUPERFICIAL DORSAL VEIN OF THE PENIS –> external pudendal vein –> great saphenous vein –> femoral vein –> external iliac vein –> IVC
Begins as bulb of the penis & ends as glans penis, ventrally located, transmits the urethra
Corpus Spongiosum
Begin as the cruris of the penis & end proximal to the glans, dorsally situated
Corpora cavernosa
Urethral folds do not fuse completely –> external urethral orifice opens onto the ventral surface
Associated with chordee (penis that curves ventrally)
External urethral orifice opens onto the dorsal surface
Associate with bladder extrophy
Adult female
Gonads: ovary, follicles, Rete ovarii
Paramesonephric ducts: uterine tubes, uterus, cervix, upper part of vagina
Mesonephric ducts: duct of Gartner
Phallus: clitoris
Urogenital folds: labia minora
Labioscrotal swellings: labia majora
Adult male
Gonads: testes, seminiferous tubules, Rete testes
Paramesonephric ducts: appendix of testes
Mesonephric ducts: epididymis, ductus deferens, seminal vesicle, ejaculatory duct
Phallus: glands & body of penis
Urogenital folds: ventral aspect of penis
Labioscrotal swellings: scrotum
Testes descend along the normal pathway but do not reach the scrotum
If bilateral –> associated with sterility
⬆️ incidence of cancer & torsion