Male Repro Flashcards
when are intercellular bridges dissolved?
in the maturation phase of the spermatid phase (left behind with residual bodies to be phagocytosed by sertoli cells)
importance of cap phase during spermatid phase?
needed to penetrate ovum, acrosomal esicle spreads over anterior half of nucleus
breifly describe the 3 phases of spermatogenesis?
1) spermataogonial phase= type A dark, type A pale, and type B spermatogonia
2) spermatocyte phase =meiosis; two cell divisions to make 4 haploid cells
3) spermatid phase= cytoskeletal and cytoplasmic rearrangment; flagella development
Leydig cells
- very eosinophilic (pink)
- steroid producing cells = TESTOSTERONE
- extensuve sER
- endocrine function
- interstitial cells
difference between spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis?
sperm= make sperm steroidogenesis= make androgens (mainly testosterone)
pampiniform venous plexus
built in cooling system in spermatic chord to cool blood before it reaches testes (which need to be 2 to 3 degrees cooler than body)
each seminiferous tubule begins and ends at?
the mediastina
what is the outermost layer of testes?
location of spermatogonia and spermatids?
spermatogonia near basal lamina
spermatids (most mature) near apical surface
sertoli cells
- columnar sitting on basal lamina
- give seminiferous epithelium organization and structure; NON-replicating
- very oddly shaped
big difference between sertoli and spermatogenic cells?
sertoli do NOT replicate after puberty but spermatogenic reguarly replicate and differenciate
tunica (lamina) propria located?
underlies the basal lamina of the germinal epithelium and house myoid cells
myoid cells
- below BL
- look like smooth muscle
leydig cells location in relation to tunica propria?
are external
compare Type A dark and Type A pale spermatogonia?
dark is the BEGINNING= stem cells and found on BL as a minor population. Pale are highly condensed, COMMITED TO BECOMING SPERM, and in a large population away from BL
importance of cytoplasmic bridge or inter-cellular brdige?
(no complete cytokinesis), believed to help coordinate sperm cell stages and growth (this also helps recognize different ‘clumps’ and stages)
acrosome phase of spermatid phase?
spermatid reoortates inself to have head embedded in sertoli cells and tail (flagellum) in lumen
phases of spermatid phase?
1) glagi phase
2) cap phase
3) acrosomal phase
4) maturation phase
describe mature sperm structure: neck, middle piece, principal piece, end piece
- neck= contains centrioles
- middle piece= contains mito and axonemal complex
- principal piece= contains 9+2 microtubules and fibrous sheath covering (cenexin protein)
- end piece= last bit of flagellum contains only axoneme
Vimentin compose?
intermediate filaments between sertoli cells, allows for desmosomes and hemi-desmosome
remember blood vessels is surrounded by ___thelium?
cresent shaped structure on top of testes with PSEUDOSTRATIFIED columnar epithelium.
*3 functions: resportion of water, phagocytose residual bodies and secret glycoporteins
near end of straight tubules (aka rete testis) what is the cell type?
cubiodal epithelium
the 4 zones of prostate?
1) central (70%)
2) peripheral (25%)
3) transitional (5%)
4) periurethral - contains submuscosal glands
tunica albuginea?
dense fibrous layer that binds the the corpus cavernosa and corpus spongiosum together
corpus cavernosa or corpus spongiosum house theurethra?
corpus spongiosum
corpus cavernosa is full of what cell type?
vascular endothelia
what two neurotransmitters relax smooth muscle of penis?
acetylcholine and nitric oxide