Malaria Flashcards
5 species of Malaria
Vivax, Falciparum, malariae, ovale, knowlesi
Stages of Malaria
Sporozoite--injected by mosquito salive exoerytho liver Schizogony EE Merozoite EE Trophozoite Schizont Merozoite gametocyte
Mosquito Cycle
gametocyte gamete ookinete oocyst sporozoite
Pathogenicity of malaria
Consumes hemoglobin
Hemetin and globin
Pathogenicity of Fever and Chills
- synch RBC destruction
- Pyrogen stim hypothalamus to raise set point
- TNF bursts febrile paroxysms
- paroxysms begin with chills
- High Fever
Host Resistance
Sickle Cell anemia: resistant to falciparum
Duffy Antigen- AA lack antigen and resist Vivax
Malaria Epidemiology
Resorvoir: Humans and Simian
Vector: night feeding Anopheles
Vivax: Central and South America and ASIA
Pathogenesis of Plasmodium Vivax
9-15 day incubation
infect young erythrocytes
Fever Paroxysms
Fever is because of rupture
Epidemiology of vivax
In tropics
mosquito, blood transfusion,congenital
Only human reservoir
Sickle Cell is protection
Vivax Diagnosis
venous blood giemsa stain
large RBC Schuffner dots
Vivax Treament
Chloroquine, quinine, doxycycline and primaquine
Falciparum Pathogenesis
8-17 incubation
High parasitemia, high replication
infects any type of RBC
Results of Falicparum
Blackwater Fever- inadequate quinine, high levels hemoglobin in urine
Cereral Malaria- adhere to venules, OBSTRUCTION
Gastric_ frequent vomiting
Algid Malaria- skin cold, burning inside
Falciparum Epidemiology
Sickle cell resistance
Falciparum Identification
infected RBC
crescent shaped gametocyte
maurer clefts
Treatment Falciparum
Chloroquine, quinine, doxy, azithro
Plasmodium Malariae
older RBC
basket and band
Plasmodium Ovale
similar to vivax, but common on west africa
plasmodium knowlesi
SE Asia,
Babesia Microti pathogenecity
intraerythrocytic malaria like
Babesia Microti Epidemiology
Nantucket area (NEW ENGLAND)
Vector- Deer Tick
Natural host- rodent
Maltese form in RBC Diagnostic
Babesia Treatment
Clindamycin + Quinine