Leishmaniasis Flashcards
African Sickness ( African trypanosomiasis)
Caused by T Brucei Gambiense and brucei rhodiense
What is the most important characterisitic of Sleeping Sickness?
Glycoprotein switching.
encoded by single gene, bait and switch
Vaccine has to take into counter switching
Life Cycle of African Sickness
blood feeding tsete flies ( DAYTIME)
Anterior Station
Pathogenicity of Trypanosoma gambiense
Sore inoculation site
4 stages
parasitemia no cytoplasm involvement
Manifestations of Trypanosoma gambiense
lymphadenitis, Fever, Somnolescence
Metal Dullnes, tongue tremors
Epidemiology of Trypanosoma gambiense
Central and West Africa
Humid forest near lakes and rivers
Vectors: Tsetse Flies
Reservoirs: Humans and Pigs
Identification of Trypanosoma gambiense
Tryptomastigote in the blood
Pathogenicity of Trypanosoma rhodiense
Sore inoculation Parasitemia encephalomyelitis invades intracellular Usually dies before CNS infection
Manifestations of Trypanosoma rhodiense
Lymphadenitis, fever, headache
Cramps, Rapid Weight Loss
Epidemiology of Trypanosoma rhodiense
central east Africa
Dry Savanna woodlands
Vectors: Tsetse Flies
Native game of Africa = reservoirs
Trypanosoma Cruzi
Chagas Disease
American trpanosomasis
Reduvig Bug ( night time )
Infective Stage of Trypanosoma Cruzi
Metacyclic trypomastigote
Mophology of Trypanosoma Cruzi
Posterior Station
Trypmastigote in blood, eventually penetrates cell
Intracellular Amastigote
Amastigote in cardiac
Amastigotes sometimes go into tryptomastigotes
Clincal Presentation Trypanosoma Cruzi
5-12 days
Acute phase of Trypanosoma Cruzi
children weeks or months duration mild ROMANAS Sign Visible trypanosomes in blood
Chronic Phase of Trypanosoma Cruzi
Infection remains silent
Cardiac complications
Intestinal complication megacolon, megaesophagus
preference for muscle and nerve( Necrosis of nerve cells)
Epidemiology Trypanosoma Cruzi
Central and South America Vectors: Triatomins bugs Reservoirs: dog cat wild animals Reservoirs become infect by eating infected insects Thatch Roofs Cracked Adobe walls
Transmission of Trypanosoma Cruzi
- arboborne
- Venereal
- Blood Transfusion and Organ Transplantation
- Transplacental
- Transmamary
Identification of Trypanosoma Cruzi
Trypomastigote and amastigote
Activetrypanosomes in buffy coat
TreatmentTrypanosoma Cruzi
Intracellular infection
Trop and subtropic
Dermo or viscera form
Transmitted by bite of sand fly
Leishmaniasis Life cycle
amastigote in human tissue
Pathogenesis Dermo type Leishmaniasis
Tropica, Mexicana, brazilense
Cutaneous Ulcer
Parasitizes macrophage and destroy–> necrosis
Superoxide dismutase–> protects
L Brazilense Infection
Primary cutaneous
Cartilage destruction
Mouth and nose destruction
Necrosis from secondary infection
Pathogenesis viceroy type Leishmaniasis
L donovani
high fever
Reticuloendothelial involvement
Treatmnet Leishmaniasis
Stibogluconate Sodium
Post kala azar– inadequate treatment
Africa Middle east, Mediterranean
Latin America
Middle East
Mexicana, brazilense